How can atheism recover?

How can atheism recover?

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It can't, atheism's already been discredited by such intellectual heavyweights as Robert Barron, Rodney Stark, Edward Feser, Bill Donohue, and Candida Moss.

Samefag trying to get a thread running.

>3 posters
>2 posts


Scientists has confirm that the universe has an ultimate beginning, meaning before universe there was nothing.

You can't create energy/matter out of nothing, according to tge law of physics.

Following this logic, we shouldn't exist in the first place, but somehow we do.

God created us. Worship God Veeky Forums.

It only a matter which religion is true, which is a vast topic.


>Scientists has confirm that the universe has an ultimate beginning, meaning before universe there was nothing.

They've also confirmed that you can't fucking spell for shit

>god created man
>allows them to suffer and kill eachother by the millions
>children die every day in war or due to incurable diseases
>I'm supposed to be grateful to god for some reason

>lol who care about pollution the world is already shit because of the original sin
Is this guy for real?

I hope this is troll post for your own sake, because if that really is your max intellectual capacity you gonna have a sad life.

Bullshit, my english and logic are flawless. You can't contradict shit because this is logic at it finest.

Don't you ever fucking reply to me again unless it's to seriously contribute to the subject of my thread

>Scientists has confirm that the universe has an ultimate beginning, meaning before universe there was nothing.
Wrong. We have no information whatsoever of what happened during or before the big bang. It's entirely possible that out universe was spawned by another one, or that there's some kind of constant level of energy outside the universe that allows for universes to form spontaneously - we simply have no way of looking "outside" the universe, which is what we'd need to do to confirm the existence or non-existence of the said outside.

>You can't create energy/matter out of nothing, according to tge law of physics.
The conservation of energy is a fundamental concept of classical mechanics, but it does not seem to be absolute when it comes to quantum mechanics:
Shit's weird, yo.

The universe existed before the big bang you pseud; it was infinitely small, extremely hot, and composed entirely of energy without any space.

Way to fall on your face in one post.

>You can't create energy/matter out of nothing, according to tge law of physics.
But you can create an omnipotent being out of nothing?

>people like this exist

>Bullshit, my english and logic are flawless.

So is your Æutism

The worst thing about this stupidity is that you CAN do something about pollution but you can't do anything about original sin (besides getting a vasectomy and becoming an abortion doctor)

That's not in the question right now.

If you disagree with my shit, then find a hole in my reasoning.

you said that we are obligated to worship god

why should I be grateful that I've been brought into existence against my will into an imperfect world full of suffering

Damn my internet is slow, give me a sec to read all of my (You)s.

Yahweh is exempt from cosmological reasoning because the entire point of Yahweh is that he's exempt from cosmological reasoning.

You can't say "why can God exist out of nothing" because that defeats the purpose and undermines the argument for God.

Are these comics what academics mean when they say white people have no culture?


That's not in the question right now

Then find a flaw in my reasoning

>universe beginning
Vilenkin, a scientist, shows that all evidence we have now are leading towards the universe have an ultimate beginning.

Wasn't quantum only works in a small world, the plank distance?

Beside, there are counter-evidence in that Quantum-foam theory.

That's not in the question now

>can't contradict shit

>can't contradict shit

It a vast subject, and not in the question right now.

I don't understand

This argument always makes me kek
>W-why do you have to upset me by challenging my beliefs?

Fucking hell, religious people are going to sit back and make snarky comments while they destroy the world aren't they? How does their ideology manage to so efficiently flush out every potentially productive tenant? Come on now.

>secret leg

Not even snarky comments

It is so important to tell this to others so they make important decisions based on correct information.

>waaaaaah waaaaaaah show my belief some respect you demonic eternally damned unclean sinful heathens!

This is why we laugh at you.

This one explains from a scientific perspective in detail how the universe could have come from nothing without any creator.

I'm personally a fan of existentialism: our existence is what gives reality importance for us so it is inherently a subjective matter to find meaning in it.

Who is this?

user, I'm willing to watch the 1 hour long lecture, but do I need to watch the 14 minutes one? Does it bring any prove that universe has no beginning?

Nope, meant to post the longer one first, just couldn't find it. My bad.

Sorry for the length but it's not rocket science, it's a bit more complicated. It's a pretty neat feat that he managed to put it into a layman-followable version at all.

>It a vast subject, and not in the question right now.
its the question I'm asking, now answer it

>Believing the Hebrew lies


After the 1 hour long video, ok user? Multitasking is a myth.

It's actually an interesting comic.

I do indeed consider myself an atheist by the modern materialist and scientific understanding of the word, however, I think I see value in religion pragmatically.

I don't think it's a coincidence that while atheists in general are on average more intelligent, they also commit suicide more often.

Perhaps we atheists should ask ourselves whether or not our supposed quest for truth isn't actually us just being in the grip of an idea that will eventually get us killed by our own hands in some nihilistic pit of pain.

I'll give you a short one.

Worship God is a way of salvation. Worshipping means to follow God's rules and stay away from doing sins.

If we follow the rules, you and others around you will be tranquil, like not getting into a fight, no beastility with animals or no HIV/AIDS from lesbian/gay fucking.

If you and the people around you want to be safe, follow God's rules and salvation be yours.

Again, it short and you'll not be satisfied. But I give you a proper one later.

Or you know, maybe the universe wasn't created.
But no, obviously we were willed into existence by a magic dude who somehow exists independently of time and space. That makes much more sense.

Please stop shitposting.

Powerful bait.

how brown are you?

t. craigcuck

S-sorry, but you anons can discuss your things, just don't mind me

We judge religion based on their teachings, not the amount of innocents their killed.

Christians kills a lot innocents during crusade, Jews on Palestinian, Hindu on Sikh, Buddha on Muslim and also Muslim(can't think one right now).

And... are you finding my post bullshit?

No, but you know Michael from Vsauce, and you know his arms. Yeah, I'n harier than that.

I'll give a proper one later, maybe.


This one is hilarious.

>"if god is real then why doesnt he adhere to my post-egalitarian perception on morality? Check mate christfags"

He doesn't adhere to any defensible or intuitive view of moral realism


Would have been better if the kid's dialogue was unchanged.

Along this same line of thinking, though, do you think accepting the fact that atheism and the less-meaningful place for humans in the universe within its ideology can lead to hopelessness and nihilism is enough to shake one's convictions in it? The thing about belief is that it's sort of like love; you can try to engineer it, but you can't fully control it. Trying to force oneself to believe in God to reap the benefits of hope seems futile since if you don't truly believe in the truth of it, you shouldn't truly derive hope from it. The trick, then, is realizing that purpose comes from many places, not one mission that all of humanity is on together inexorably.

>Christians kills a lot innocents during crusade, Jews on Palestinian, Hindu on Sikh, Buddha on Muslim and also Muslim(can't think one right now).

>Muslim(can't think one right now)

Holy shit

You are on a history board you dumb fucking nigger

>You can't create energy/matter out of nothing, according to the law of physics.

The sum total can remain the same (0) and you'd still have plenty room to create mass (+) and energy (+) and dark energy (-) and a cosmological constant (-).

I agree with you, but imagine for a moment that religion is like a great piece of literature.

When you read it, you are there, you believe it and you identify with the pains and pleasures of the characters, and their journey. But it isn't literally true. And yet it has value.

Maybe both atheists and fundamentalist religious people have the wrong idea about religion.

You have no idea what you're spamming about at this point.

Just trying to save face.

I completely stand by that sentiment; religious morals line up so well with "Golden Rule" humanitarian morals (on the most basic level) that you have to wonder if it wasn't just a group of pretty enlightened people deciding to make parables to teach morality. I'd absolutely recommend religious texts to anyone as long as they keep in mind that absolutism regarding it is quite dangerous- about as dangerous as treating just about any work of fiction as gospel.

I watch it all, but can't understand bullshit. user, pls help me.

Aren't quantum supposed to apply on small scale microscopic world?

How does gravity even considered a negative energy?

Look, there's also evidence that the universe had a beginning. Like this one:

Let's be fair, I can't contradict the 'universe from nothing' theory and you also can't contradict the 'universe had a beginning' theory.

Besides, Krauss himself admit it still ambiguous.

Unless scientists has discovered the law in which unifies general relativity and quantum mechanics, and universally accepted on one universe theory, we still can't say for certain that universe came out from nothing.


Slap me, I'm new. What? Want to fight? 1v1 me now.

Give examples and I'll accept it.

Slap me, what is it about my post that I've no idea of?

>Aren't quantum supposed to apply on small scale microscopic world?
the big bang theory does say that the universe was once packed in a tiny microscopic space so...

And yet it somehow usable in measuring universe size scale?

>why doesnt he adhere to my post-egalitarian perception on morality
Why doesn't he adhere to his own?
Thou shalt not kill
Great flood
Thou shalt not bear false witness
Abraham, you have to kill your kid for me.
jk lol
thou shalt not covet they neighbors wife
>sends angel to fuck mary

I believe in God, I just believe he doesn't give a shit what we actually do.
Mostly because I had an asshole teacher, prayed for her to get kidney stones, and she was out for the rest of the year, with kidney stones.

Honestly, absolutism is literally the cloak of ideology.

Think about it. Whenever some extremely fundamentalist religious person is talking about how homosexuality is a sin and an abomination, what is he doing? He is taking *some* individual lines from a book that spans literally thousands of years, and is thousands of pages, and making it in to a political entity.

I mean, is that the point of the Bible? Somehow I doubt it.

I don't understand this question

Quantum mechanics is right, and so does general relativity.

Quantum mechanics also can't explain the phenomena that general relativity can, and vice versa.

You can't tell the difference between the universe we recognize beginning through the big bang, and the universe not existing at a certain point. You also have only the most crude understanding of quantum mechanics, yet toss it around more than Catholic pseuds do to try to prove the existence of a universe dependent on Yahweh.

You're completely ignorant of everything you've posted about thus far, but I doubt that'll stop a moron like yourself from doubling-down and making an ass of yourself again.

>Why doesn't he adhere to his own?
i wonder if God has ever eaten shellfish...

Wasn't they used quantum law in measuring the universe triangle?

yes but remember that their application depends on size, not mass. the universe was once small enough for quantum mechanics rather than general relativity to be applicable

>Aren't quantum supposed to apply on small scale microscopic world?
The entire universe operates according to quantum physics (or whatever more complete theory replaces it once we figure out gravity.) Most things we classify as quantum phenomena do occur exclusively at small scales, but they can have effects on the macroscopic world. Hell, consider the double slit experiment, one of the most famous examples. The interference pattern is generated by the laser acting according to the principles of quantum physics, but you can see the effect (the interference pattern) from an everyday, macroscopic perspective.

>yet toss it around more than Catholic pseuds do to try to prove the existence of a universe dependent on Yahweh.
How often does this happen? I mostly notice Catholics trying to dismiss it in order to preserve Aquinas.

I got a solid evidence in the link below dumbass. Read the post before posting bullshit about me.

Beside, the 'Universe from nothing' isn't even generally accepted.

Fine, thanks. It is one of the many fuckery in quantum mechanics. But it still not universally accepted.


Except the son of God/God preached egalitarian philosophy.

If the Bible is to be believed, you would presume God would create a world which adheres to the philosophy outlined by him.

He specifically states that His world was designed that way and our sin precludes us from being able to live in a more perfect world.

Both your sins and the sins of all of our ancestors, which have only unleashed more and more evil on the world.

God gave man freewill.

Man gave Satan free reign.

Blaming God is retarded any way you slice it. He's the sole guiltless party and already sacrificed his own son to satisfy a blood debt from breaking covenant.

And you wanna sit in judgment of God? Fuck you.


Didn't click!


user, I'm grateful for the video you show me. But sorry, I still can't accept it.

Universe from nothing? It blasphemy.

But real talk, it got bad receptions from many scientists is the real reason why I can't accept it, according to:

But really, thanks for showing me the video. You're my MVP.

So what you're saying is it's okay for God to commit heinous, evil acts?

For instance, the torture of children by giving them debilitating bone diseases, or the widespread destruction brought about by hurricanes?

>How can atheism recover?
>implying I need a deity for an objective morality

Look how nonsensical this thread is. It just devolved into Atheists demanding religious people to prove their religion is real which is their entire reason of being.

That is why nobody is a Atheist anymore. Once you really get into it, you realize its just a shallow anti-theist kids club where you know everything about it by reading 2 books, 1 Hitchens, 1 Dawkins.

European Agnosticism is the only true way. You believe in nothing, why be pompous about it? It either exists or not but you should live according to moral principles and be excellent to each other.

If Atheism is to catch on, it needs a organized system and church, some proofs its a better use of your time than doing nothing, or the health and love benefits religions can get you.

>But really, thanks for allowing me the time to proselytize my shitty beliefs on an anonymous shitpost forum XD

What? You mean I can't say that I'm grateful to an user?

Really? I'm trying to show the atheist that there's a god. That's all.

I didn't say which religion is true. I only said that there's a god.

>But really, thanks for allowing me the time to proselytize my shitty beliefs on an anonymous shitpost forum XD


Fucking lol XD

I genuinely can not make heads or tales of what is happening in this comic. Can someone explain?

I'm an atheist and I agree with this comic. I have no idea what Richard Dawkins thinks he's doing spreading atheism like a "gospel of hope". Maybe he just had a really easy life.

At some point in their lives, most people are smacked in the face by the fact that material life is fundamentally awful (or absurd, depending on your sense of humour). There is no hope on this earth, I fully understand why religion exists.

I'm planning to keep my mental and physical health going to see what happens to the world, and I definitely won't have children.

Not op but bump

>That is why nobody is a Atheist anymore

yes, and distributionism is a thing that exists