Veeky Forums then: slow and steady, with a 5-10% early rate you can retire in your 40s

>Veeky Forums then: slow and steady, with a 5-10% early rate you can retire in your 40s
>Veeky Forums now: full of different memecoiners desperately shilling their coin of choice, buy fast get rich fast CMON
what the fuck happened?

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More like this.

Veeky Forums at inception
>OMG guys, this crypto thing is cutting edge, get in while you can. Bitcoin and a handful of spinoffs are very exciting. Oh, by the way, let's talk about securities, stocks, and drop shipping as viable means of income or as investments. What do you know about franchises?

Veeky Forums now
>This seedy alt-coin built on memes unpalatable to most people is going right to the moooooon! Buy the "dip" while you can. Also how do I turn $3.50 into a million dollars in six months?

The parts that were bad got worse, and the parts that were good faded. Now quality threads and quality posts are rare.

Eh, what can I say? Go where the money is.

Nigger, when stocks give me returns anything like crypto we can talk about that again.

until then I have all these moons missions to catch.

I get the shilling, I really do. If you pre-mine, pump, then dump an altcoin for bitcoin after you get it listed on an exchange then you can make quite a bit of money. If you buy in early on that and exit as the devs are you can make quite a bit of money. I just hate that it chokes out everything else. It's like having weeds in your garden.

Once I found out about Shkreli Veeky Forums was no longer needed for intelligent advice in the fiat markets, besides that the altcoin shills have actually profited me greatly. All you have to do is check volume and the team behind a coin to figure out if it's shit or an alt and sell mid hype to make insane returns.

Question for wage cucks.

Explain why your "quality" threads are good? Why would anyone prefer 5% invest fund gain threads, or "getting cucked by wife while im a wageslave at work" general?

Its been proven that the average crypto trader has made 100% gains in their first month. Can cash out. So why the fuck are you guys on this such make believe high horse?

>Why would anyone prefer 5% invest fund gain threads
Why are you making up the 5% figure? Stocks perform substantially better than that, and have an 85-year track record of performance to back that up.

Your meme coin has ...? Nothing?

>tfw knew this was too good to be true

>parts that were bad got worse
>the bitcoin part was bad
And just how much has bitcoin grown compared to the stock market back then?

I'm not all that sold on Shkreli, but I don't pay as much attention to him as I might.

That's like saying that someone who plays roulette doubles his money in minutes so not playing roulette is for suckers. Speculation is gambling, but when you take it out of a casino and make it abstract then people feel comfortable pretending that they aren't merely gambling.

Speculation. Bitcoin went to the moon, certainly, and I kick myself for going on spring break with my savings back in college instead of investing when I knew it would bubble, but poor impulse control happens.

To even make the statement that you are making is somewhat ridiculous though. When you buy crypto you still are buying something with no underlying economy developed yet, hence why it's speculative.

I will probably try the crypto market out with a grand in the near future. I mainly buy stocks and have been buying 1k worth every month.

My biggest concern with crypto is the trading/storing and actually withdrawing it to cash. There seems to be many scams and no one seems to be responsible.

Lets say I made 1 million, why would they let me withdraw it since there is no regulation or laws?

The board regulated itself into what content bring more money, a lot of people, myself included, have made thousands and since everyone here comes for info about making money, it was inevitable for this to happen. As soon as cryptocurrencies aren't profitable Veeky Forums will shift towards the new thing.

Seriously though I think ETH is the only coin worth investing in and just letting sit for a few years like any other stock. It's certainly stable enough.

>doesnt know the difference between a stock and index fund
>doesnt know that most baby boomers are under the belief that highest yield you can get in stocks is 27%, and that 5% is considered a good year
>ignores the fact there are over 20 coins with billion dollar market caps from investors from asia, america, and europe

I sure hope youre a kid, or you might be the most retarded baby boomer ive talked to

>determined by a the laws of physics of a machine or by the special algorithim generating random numbers
>making a prediction of the market based on supply and demand of a product by determine the number of consumers there will be using research

One is literally pressing a button

The other involves research

Are weather forecasters gambling too? Is every single form of estimation used in science gambling to you to?

Now its my turn. How much is your annual salary? Have you ever traded stocks or crypto for more than a year? Have you been cucked by a black man before or in denial? Did you get all your knowledge from your wagecuck parents? Do you let your boss who is probably 20 years younger than you bully you around and blame your problems on luck?

I fucking hate Coinbase, really they're fucking terrible...but they are FDIC insured. If I had to trust my millions with any crypto-related USD'd be Coinbase.

Does that cover me if im not from the states?

yeah it all seems very sketchy. they'd probably jew you and steal all your earnings.

fuck it. it's more fun this way.

Veeky Forums was death before, and was just a graveyard to toss retards asking for advice on /g/

Really if you still see BTC back then as shitty I think you're a fucking imbecile that should just leave the board instead of staying here and bitching every day about how you don't like crypto threads.

>doesn't know that I was talking about stock index funds, which average 10.1% over the last 85 years


Only a billion dollar market cap? That's pathetic quiet frankly. Apple has a few billion in company assets alone and that's just a single stock. Yet you're saying a "currency" (coins =! currency) backed by no tangible value other than your autistic libertarian memes, is somehow a better investment vehicle than stocks? How?

You forgot the point of speculation son, it's figuring out what the true value of a company/asset class is, not dumping your life savings into some fucking internet meme where everyone in the market is half retarded and keep repeating the same "death to the FCC" mantra while pretending that they are masters of banking/finance. Get real son

You are going to lose everything in BTC in a matter of weeks and you won't know what hit you. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not a few weeks, maybe next year, you never know because there is no system to evaluate what the true "value" of BTC really is. You will never see the crypto-meme crash coming and it WILL come for you.


it's "quality" because it's valuable information to seriously develop net worth and have a financially secure, successful, and pleasant life, not try and chase short term performance so you can take your $500 NEETbux check and try and get a lambo from it

You're arguing that crypto has no intrinsic value whereas fiat-based economy that holds its monopoly only because of some arbitrary authoritarian decree lobbied long ago by the kikes who made their fortunes from real money(Au, Ag) and effectively took away that option from goyim

Then they bubbled up basic necessities of life so people would face the choice of either entering ludicrous denbts pulled out of banks' asses or slave away for ludicrous rents made possible by the same process

The valuations of companies are largely based on their financial performance, a far cry from productive enterprise of old, this crunching of made-up numbers rooted in abovementioned fiat ponzi is no diffetent that so-called lack of actual value in crypto

I don't know who's jewing who any more but the times are changing and your indoctrinated brain will suffer unless you change along with them

>fiat-based economy
The economy isn't fiat-based, it's fiat-denominated. Hence the fact that each country can have their own economy regardless of which fiat currency they chose.

The actual economy is made up of economic transactions, actual buying, selling, lending, borrowing, investing, and profits. Again, fiat-denominated, but not-fiat based. Indeed, barter economies existed for centuries before fiat was even invented.

Stocks, bonds, real estate, and other financial instruments have intrinsic value because they reflect a legal interest and ownership in actual economic assets backed by a transactional economy,

I don't know why your financial education was so terrible, but this is all pretty basic stuff. Maybe you should get a refund on your education, and claim as damages all the money you've lost on your fakecoins.

>You're arguing that crypto has no intrinsic value whereas fiat-based economy that holds its monopoly only because of some arbitrary authoritarian decree lobbied long ago by the kikes who made their fortunes from real money(Au, Ag) and effectively took away that option from goyim

Right on the money. Crypto is the way forward for the free world.

Guys don't chase him away he just may be the last salty nocoiner that hadn't capitulated into buy crypto yet, if we be nice he'll still be ranging about how great fiat is when ETH is at 300 dollars and Bitcoin is at 10k

Is this what you post when you can't respond to an intelligent post?


The potential I see in crypto is merely the every existing entropy.
Even if change is not necesary, it will happen after a long enough stall. It might not have intrinsic value, but people paying for it gives it value, just like any asset, stock (aka ponzi), comodity, you name it.
This is a legitimate oportunity to take a slice of power from the millenar overlords, it's our generation's wet dream.
A chance to redistribute some wealth is not to be taken lightly, specially when young people are growing more and more desperate.
I don't know who said it, but if something has the grounds and motives to happen, it will.

>It might not have intrinsic value, but people paying for it gives it value
Exactly, and this is why its not an intelligent investment. Indeed, it's why its not an investment at all.

I don't have a problem with gambling. I play blackjack and craps in casinos all the time. But I know it gambling and that I'm spending money for entertainment value. And therefore the money I spend on gambling is money appropriate for my entertainment budget, not my investing budget.

The problem with cryptos isn't that their value is fake (it is, but so are my expected blackjack winning). It's that people are treating it like an actual investment, putting their investable assets into it, and losing the opportunity to grow their wealth at the same rate as their smarter peers who invest intelligently.

All wealth is relative; when you fall behind thanks to bad choices, you stay behind.

>This is a legitimate oportunity to take a slice of power from the millenar overlords, it's our generation's wet dream.
>A chance to redistribute some wealth is not to be taken lightly, specially when young people are growing more and more desperate.
>I don't know who said it, but if something has the grounds and motives to happen, it will.
Delusional. You can't wish economic change into effect.

Besides you're not taking power from anyone by dumping your meager savings into "cuckcoin" or whatever flavor of the month distracts you at the moment. It's a fantasy that you're buying into, and helps explain why you're taking your actual valuable money and putting it into something that you admit has no intrinsic value.

Buying a Che Guevara tshirt off etsy doesn't make you a revolutionary; it just makes you $35 poorer.

>You can't wish economic change into effect.
Oh but I can user, and so can half of the world

that doesnt change the fact that youre still in a memeboard.

I understand that things look bleak when God dealt you a bad genetic hand. You're probably not smart, and not talented. Maybe you're fat too. Probably from a shitty country, or a shitty town. Sucks to be you.


>what the fuck happened?

The coin spammers realized they can make money by pre-mining their own coins then shilling them here and convincing idiots to buy them.

>projecting this hard
>mfw I probably posess the most wanted genes in the world

Green eyed ashkenazi from Poortugal (yeah you got the last part right)
And no, I'm not fat

giving other people bad advice is in your own advantage

>Comparing it to apple stock
>cherry picking at its finest

Why not compare ETH to your average penny stock? See the difference

I have 10 BTC. People are willing to pay 18 k for BTC. I can sell BTC, so my net worth is $18000

I have 10 shares of apple stock. People are willing to pay $1000 for 10 shares of apple stock. My net worth is $1000

I have an antique vase worth $500. People are willing to pay $500 for the vase. My net worth is $500.

Your whole argument is that coins arent worth money. Even though, people have the ability to cash out BTC any time they want, just with limits. If anything, coins have just as much value as your stocks. Are you trying to deny people wont pay money for the coins? Thats literally denying a fact.

You literally make no sense. How can you say that this, this, this, this, has real value, but coins do not? You think coins are just a magical make believe object that can be replicated at will? That just shows you dont cget crypto currency technology at all.

I guess this is what it was like explaining stocks to a grandpa in the 1700s.....


But yeah, this place needs a drastic overhaul, it's sad to see that this is the "culture" that biz has grown into after all this time.
Hopefully it is just a phase.

You go to be kidding me.
You can withdraw up to 1000 daily, more if you do it often, they will bump your daily limit.

And once you reach the level you need to up it, there is Genesis Trading, which allows you cash in/out instant with 25k minimum.

I'm not projecting; I'm actually a pretty empathetic person, and I can tell that you have problems. People who entertain delusional fantasies about "changing the world" and "taking back power" are invariably those stuck at the bottom of the food chain.

And, it turns out I was right. You've pretty much confirmed everything I guessed. (Other than that you're fat. Food is expensive, and you're European. So that makes sense.) You're dim, uneducated, untalented, poor, and have shitty life prospects. But instead of doing something realistic to make the best of your life, you devote your meager resources to your delusions.

I can't feel sympathy for people who make their own life's worse.

>Your whole argument is that coins arent worth money.
Huh, are you retarded? I never said any such thing. I said they have no INTRINSIC value. This is really basic stuff, kid, I shouldn't have to repeat it.

Every hand in Blackjack has value, before the dealer shows their cards. That's how gambling works. And it doesn't mean that gambling is a sound investment.

Your own buzzword is destroying your argument. According to your logic, "muh stocks" dont have your "muh intristic" value because they are only valued by the market price.

Also, again, a company's value is determined by the supply and demand of said company's product. Just like a coins value is worth x amount by how much are people are willing to pay for your.

Also, would you stop calling coins "gambling"?

>determined by a the laws of physics of a machine or by the special algorithim generating random numbers
>making a prediction of the market based on supply and demand of a product by determine the number of consumers there will be using research

One is literally pressing a button

The other involves research

Are weather forecasters gambling too? Is every single form of estimation used in science gambling to you to?

>only valued by the market price.
Sorry kid, you shouldn't have used the word "only." Stocks have both market value AND intrinsic value. Whereas your cuckcoins ONLY have market value.

My stocks are back by the actual economic activity of the company, its products, R&D, sales, and profits. My stock goes up in value if the company effectively and successfully executes its corporate mission. But if no one wants to buy my shares, I still have an ownership interest in that company, all of its assets and all of its revenues (intrinsic value) -- that never goes away.

Your cuckcoin only goes up in value if someone is willing to pay more than you paid. You're gambling that such a person appears, based on "muh feelings" about the coin (emotional, delusional desire). When that person doesn't exist ... you're like the cartoon coyote who runs past the cliff edge. There's nothing underlying your asset. There is no floor, and down you go.

needs a sticky and "nocoiner grandpa" general

Getting tired of slaving yourself to cancerville.

Get rich fast or bust.

>mad boomer missing on the bitcoin boat

its just the natural progression. this board is now over-run by poor chinamen (and special needs NEETs). they're diligently slaving away, working to turn their $3 """investment""" into $5. i find it hilarious desu, especially the fact that the one mod i think we did have literally gave up and let it become a cesspool

all we have left now is trolling, shilling and that one autistic vanguard fund know-it-all

Okay mr shareholder. Tell me what executive decisions youve made for the Coca cola company you own 100 shares in? :^)

And again, your company, even if you do own it, the value of your company is still determine by how much people are willing to pay for it. It sounds like the only purpose of "intristic value" is to own a company for something else other than selling it, even though... youre just some retarded wagecuck who will never own enough shares of anything to have a say in it.

Your whole argument is basically saying owning physical gold has no value because you dont own all the gold mines that come with it.

>Tell me what executive decisions youve made for the Coca cola company
Huh? I'm a shareholder, not an executive. I vote for the members of the board of directors, and they appoint the company executives. How do you not know this?

>the value of your company is still determine by how much people are willing to pay for it.
The value of my shares are based on how much people are willing to pay for them, AND how much the assets and revenue streams of the company are worth. By law, I get that value too.

>physical gold has no value because you dont own all the gold mines that come with it.
Until you realize how stupid this statement is, you should never post again.

>by law i get value too
Okay.... so, how is voting for a chairman of company equal money?
>how much the assets and revenue streams of the company
Again, this is still determined by how much anyone is willing to pay for this shit. Your assets could be worth $5 or $20. Its what the MARKET says. There isn't some "special" value of owning "streams" of something. Its all a matter of how much someone will buy it for AKA the stock price.

>By law, I get that value too.
Okay. you own 5 shares of company x thats worth $5. Company x goes bankrupt, now you own shit. You think youre going to get that money back by law or own part of company x?

>Until you realize how stupid this statement is, you should never post again.

Thats literally what your saying. You dont even have basic reading comprehension. I said:
>Your whole argument is basically saying owning physical gold has no value because you dont own all the gold mines that come with it.

Your as in, thats what youre saying.

Your whole argument is crypto currency is useless because it has no "le intristic value XD"

So tell me, what intristic value does gold have? If gold doesn't have any according to you, i guess its pointless and doesnt have any value because its no better than that mean ol' crypto currency.

Please tell me your age and networth so i can laugh at you more. And how many times has your girlfriend cucked you already?

All those memecoins gave me 4000% return in less than 4 years, i dont give a fuck about anything else. When the normies actually start jumping seriously into memecoins, im gonna have enought money for retirement.

gold has little intrinsic value and precious metals as an asset class only does particularly well during periods of rapid deflation

stock picking is hardly any better than speculating on crypto, the market's a little more well regulated and that's it

>thats worth $5
According to what? Share value? Book value? DCF value? Enterprise value? Liquidation value?

(Start googling, faggot, 'cause I know you don't what all these mean.)

You see, I get the highest of all these, always. You get none of them, coinfag.

I get it, you lost the argument. So go ahead and post your age and net worth. I'm waiting, poorfag. Spin up the LARPing and let's see how badly you're willing to lie.....

obviously none of these coinfag kids are even a little bit educated in economics and are so blinded by "going to the moon" tthey don't realise they're sinking their savings into a speculative bubble.

>When the normies actually start jumping seriously into memecoins, im gonna have enought money for retirement.

And what do you think will happen when everyone is just holding their coins? For coins to be considered a currency and to have any measure of value at all it needs to have liquidity; something your cuckcoins won't have if everyone is just holding them. Once everyone starts to realise that these coins are harder and harder to cash out from, people will start to get nervous and try to cash out at any price they can get. This will lead to the price being driven down even further and eventually the coins will crash. This is just simple shit, anyone who thinks $1,900 is a reasonable price for a piece of code on a computer is quite frankly, retarded.

Then I just have to be at the top of that crash, right?

I'm gonna cash out when the normies start coming. That would be enought and I've been in this long enought. Technically ill just futher diversify into stocks , real state , fiat , bonds etc and keep some of the actual good shitcoins.

Fred Wilson from Union Square Ventures is all in on ETH
>The reason I mention this is that I have been rebalancing my crypto portfolio. I got into BTC early and have held a highly concentrated position in BTC for the past five years. As other crypto assets have developed enough liquidity and maturity that they become attractive holdings, I have been taking profits on my BTC portfolio and reinvesting, mostly in ETH for now. But I am also looking around at other crypto assets to start buying.

On Bloomberg Fred Wilson says the Ethereum market cap will surpass Bitcoin market cap before the end of the year

Kill ethereum please, i hate it

>FDIC insured
This doesn't cover BTC

>Veeky Forums then: slow and steady, with a 5-10% early rate you can retire in your 40s
>Veeky Forums now: full of different memecoiners desperately shilling their coin of choice, buy fast get rich fast CMON
>what the fuck happened?
That's what fucking happened.

I spend 5 years of my life developing & trading automated trading systems on the side while finishing my degree. I even collected like $350k in investments from friends.
There were $140k in profits over 5 years of which I got 20% or $28k.
However, almost all of this money was used to pay for setting up the business, server, taxes, financial statements etc. etc. but also all the time the business had to operate in a gray area because of government bureaucracy.
At the end of the day after all costs were substracted, I got like $2000 out of it which is fucking bullshit.
I should have spend the time serving people at McDonald's.

Then I stumbled over crypto in 2013 and made a six-figure sum just by plain value investing in quality cryptos while not even paying much attention to it.
Crypto is the gold rush that our generation deserves.
Fuck all this regulated shit.

Is this Muhammad again?

>that one autistic vanguard fund know-it-al

I've made 100% gains in two weeks on crypto, it's pretty weird like it can't be real

I'm a recently graduated-from-uni fag that bought into btc back in 2015 at $280 a coin, then put some paychecks into a diverse portfolio of other strong coins. Now my assets have doubled in the past 3 weeks. Over 55% of my assets are in crypto now. It's almost dizzying. Put the overwhelming majority of your crypto dosh into strong and steady coins, then use a small amount to play with penny stock coins. Set up alerts for big milestones. Have fun.

>made 350€ (more than half my monthly pay check) profit on 750€ invested over night
>that one autistic nigger arguing about it

I shit on your stocks.

>more than half my monthly pay check
Holy fucking shit you're poor.

Forget all reasonable advice. Your life is so shitty that you might as well try anything. You're one step away from sucking cucks for spare change (if you haven't already).

I live in ex-commie land, it is what it is. I started out with 300€, I'm almost up to 1500k €

Riding this bitch to new heights. Thanks for your warmhearted support.

been taking the 5%/week approach and it's been golden

>settling for 5% a year

Crypto is the fucking modern gold rush, here and now, and you you want to settle for 5%?

It's still that way user, but we've been under attack by a scamming group that shits up the board with memecoin of the hour when they want to dump. Don't confuse us.

Not sure if pretending to be retarded but speculation is any investment that does not provide a reliable rate of return. Speculation is not necessarily intelligent. And crypto sure isn't intelligent speculation.

Yeah, why would you speculate on a new technology while it is still in its infancy, far from mass adoption and only worth a small countries GDP?

>"Well-informed people know that it is impossible to transmit the human voice over wires as may be done with dots and dashes of Morse code, and that, were it possible to do so, the thing would be of no practical value"
>"The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?"
>""This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us."
>"Airplanes are interesting toys but of no military value."
>"Television? The word is half Latin and half Greek. No good can come of it."
>"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home."
>"The Internet will never catch on"

Need I go on? If it doesn't make it, you lose, if it makes it, you win a cumfy life of no work. Take it or leave it fagboys.

>board dedicated to making money
>is surprised when people gravitate towards the best way to make money

I'm surprised that there's no /crypto/ at this point

This guy fucks.

>This is just simple shit, anyone who thinks $1,900 is a reasonable price for a piece of code on a computer is quite frankly, retarded.
Are we really in another "nocoiner cant understand how bitcoin is split" episode

It's almost as if Veeky Forums has always been spammed with whatever is bringing in the most profits

Can you guess what's bringing in the most profits?

I'm well off myself, but there's no better schadenfreude than to watch middle aged upper middle class first worlders yelling angrily at poor people making money from their bedroom.

Kek bless you, you loveable autists.

>tfw made 10k off of pure memes

I literally only had $500 to my name just a few months ago. This shit is magical.