This piece consisted of a starving dog chained to a wall in a gallery. What is more fucked up...

>This piece consisted of a starving dog chained to a wall in a gallery. What is more fucked up, is that only a few feet away, just out of the animal’s reach was the title of the work spelled out in dog biscuits tempting the animal. The artist, Guillermo Vargas, received many death threats during the showing. He claimed that this piece was to highlight the hypocrisy of a society that takes no notice of a dog dying in the street, but gets angry when one is being chained to a gallery wall.

What happened to art, Veeky Forums

This piece really got my neurons firing

>implying it's not truth

just go to /an/ for five minutes

bad artists and extremely pretentious people have always existed

also performance art has always and will always be complete shit

>to highlight the hypocrisy of a society that takes no notice of a dog dying in the street, but gets angry when one is being chained to a gallery wall
Sounds like an """"""""""""""""""""""""artist""""""""""""""""""""" alright

>The outrage triggered by the photos and the allegations that the dog had been left to starve to death quickly spread internationally via blogs, e-mails, and other unconfirmed sources, including internet petitions to prevent Vargas from participating in the 2008 Bienal Centroamericana in Honduras that received over four million signatures. Vargas has endorsed the petition, saying that he, too, has signed it.

well atleast he knows he sucks

>What happened to art, Veeky Forums

There are plenty of great artists alive today, just that plebs don't seem to care.

if you meant to post that as an example it's shit

While this is kinda shitty for "art", it does have a point. We don't actually have empathy for things until the right conditions are met in our brains or until we are blatantly suggested that we should feel bad about something.

Humans are narcissistic as fuck. But that is a necessary trait for a our survival, not a good trait for building civilizations/societies.

>he doesn't like based Hudson

This is what I'm talking about

You're the pleb he's talking about.

>hypocrisy of a society that takes no notice of a dog dying in the street

Yeah, because theres not numerous animal shelters or animal welfare groups or just people who see starving dogs on the street and adopt them.

What pretentious (in the truest sense of the word) shit. I legit would have punched this guy in the face

>modern artists


In a word, cameras. With the loss of art's position as the only way to record and present images of the past, artists were "freed" from the need for realism, which inevitably lead to an ever escalating abstraction culminating in "art as 'what an artist does'", a wholly navel-gazing dead end that we still haven't found a way past.

why not just chain a starving k*rd to the wall?

>intentionally starve a dog to gain a shot at being famous
Yeah, nah, he can eat a dick.

it's Nicaragua dude ain't nobody picking up dogs off the street like it's your first world suburb and some kid just decided to adopt poochy into the family


kys you faggot cucks

every period has shit artists and great artists, we just have a lot more shit, a lot more mediocre and a lot more good

Pick one

He is right. People have no issues eating meat but the moment someone kick their pets and they scream and moan.

Contemporary artists*

If you're going to insult someone, at least use the proper terminology.

Daily reminder Gerhard Richter is still alive and poppin you turboplebs

>liking shit just because other people dont like it

pleb detected

swing and a miss

it was a genuine question, friend

what is it with you westerners and your fascination with domesticated animals rights when almost 1/3rd of the world has none?

why not highlight that hypcrisy instead and find a use for the k*rdish people at the same time

People don't eat dogs user

>because photography is not considered art
>because film is not art
>because video art is not a thing
>because sound recording totaly killed music

why are you people so retarded why?

>the perfidious Costa Rican strikes again
Literally a non-country that should've stopped existing years ago

well ok then, the answer is that's not what he's interested in

but now that you raise the question I have seen this kind of performance art done before. I'd say probably around 10 years ago here in NY you would sometimes see protests by members of the religious cult Falun Gong that were against the Chinese government's repression of their group.

I remember seeing people in cages with tattered clothing and makeup to make it look like they had bruises and cuts all over their body, with signs saying things like "this is happening right now in China". Haven't seen them protesting in a long time though, now that I think about it.

The actual message was that these people were threatening to kill him even though they aren't doing a thing about spics abusing dogs elsewhere.

Really boiled my noodle.

actualy people treathened him and attacked him while the dog was still there and the exibition was ongoing, bitches had fits of rage and whatnot, but no one actualy tried to help the dog, no one bothered to feed the dog or give the dog water, till eventualy the dog just got himself loose from the rope and ran away down the street

it was a great conceptual work that way, guy did a thing and the thing caused people to function in ways that are obviously retarded and hipocritical

just to repeat it, no one, not the people coming to the show, not the people that got triggered and offended by it, not the people that immediately started stirring shit up, not the people just passing by the 'exibit' with no particular reaction, no one helped the dog or even realy interacted with it, like no one even gave it a chunk of their sandwitch or a drop of water or even one of the fucking biscuits, they were all concerned with the artist being an asshole, or they just gave no fucks

no one, not even once

I always felt like performance art was more for the performer's own personal expression than the viewers.

That's because it's Nicaragua and nobody has food to begin with.

This would've made a better "statement" in NYC.

wow...really spun the old lobes

You don't understand, plebian. He HAD to make his art like this because photography exists and made all old forms of art obsolete. You would know that if you studied art history like me.

but everione got so fucking triggered by that one stupid dog tied to a wall, and went all out against the artist that literaly did nothing to the dog, he just temporarily tied him to a wall

no one even tried to free the dog, it got loose on its own and walked down the street

it probably died in the street too cause it was starving and no one fed it

at least if they realy didnt give a fuck they could of walked on by and not give a fuck, same as every day, but no if its in a exibition suddenly it triggers people, its all pants on head rearded and works that make that explicit are always good (even if back in those years people didnt realy get 'triggered' they got outraged and shocked)

I love how its always some middle class boy who pretends to have some antiquated aristocratic tastes and calls modern and contemporary art "pleb" and "shit" and yet doesn't realise that the people who fund many of these artworks are actually European and American aristocracy who actually have a keen interest in art.

Really makes you think.

only believers in hedonism care about death

>art was better 1000 years ago than it is today
b-b-but everybody told me that we live in the best time in human history!!!!!!
delete this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>the people who fund many of these artworks are actually European and American aristocracy
Well of course. They need some way to launder their money after all.

Then who should rule them?

Oh you foreigners and your class obsession.

really fires those brain connections

makes the almonds tick

Im Australian so not really. Europe and America have much more distinct class lines.

You're literally just ultraliberal redneck Brits, of course you're class obsessed.

hilariously, he is right

but that isn't art ffs

Sure thing champion

I support this desu

I mean how many animals live in these crazy factory farms just waiting to get turned into food and nobody bats an eye?

Where are the death threats to the niggers logging the amazon rain forest?


your a dorable
open a book

Came here to post this. This art is nothing but ego-stroking by framing himself as the only one who really cares, versus a society that doesn't care.

>laughing gooks.

Reminds me of this piece where they have to tread on the flag to write a comment

In nature, suffering and death are apart of the system. It is not evil for a tiger to kill a deer.

In this 'art', the 'artist' is torturing an animal because he thinks torture makes him deep.

how to spot pseuds: when asked what has happened to art, they give answers about the artists.

he wasnt torturing the dog tho, he basicaly just temporarily tied him up, the dog was actualy well taken care of before the exibition, washed and fed and such, and taken out of the street where it was already starving to death, then the dog ran away, and probably starved to death, the artist did nothing wrong

>free the pupper
>give him food
>now you have a pupper friend to look at art with

Disheartening to see that people are still disagreeing with Facebook (tier, in this instance) outrage merchants despite the evidence, just because they want to throw around some righteous indignance and sperging about """modern""" art.

people are still agreeing* rather

These really made me think. We have dog pounds and stray dogs can get scrap unlike that dog, also the artist essentially added 1 more starving dog to the world thus contributing to the problem. You could easily go to the side of the shelf and twist the book 90 degrees.

This confirms that postmodernists are pseudointellectuals no different from pseudoscientists promoting colloidal silver and such. There are no real challenges to my rational positivist capitalist bourgeois view of the world, my beliefs have never been more reinforced.

he wasnt trying to fix a problem tho, and the dog was starving when he found it

He didn't starve the dog. He just tied it up. It's not as though he attacked people that tried to help the dog. Nobody did, and instead attacked the artist.

ITT: internet tough guys who are proving the guy right and completely missed the point.

I bet you thick fucks want to punch Jonathan Swift for trying to get people to eat Irish babies too.

>comparing this trash to A Modest Proposal

The only significant class distinction in Australia is between bogans and non-bogans, which is hugely variable, and literally everyone in the second category considers themselves middle-class no matter how rich or poor they are.

Well, the logical conclusion of all this is if you care about dogs but dont dedicate every waking moment to helping dogs you are a hypocrite and it is better to simply not care at all like the edgy artist rather than be a big phony.

>look at this deliberately outrageous thing to guilt you into thinking about a problem

How is it not the same?

Because Swift actually laid out solutions to the Irish problem, what has Vargas done except make an edgy art piece?

Proposal is also quite impressive in its use of an authoritative and sensible tone to get you to agree with the narrator despite referencing the irish in a dehumanizing way. Then it becomes about cannibalism. It's an extremely well written work. I cannot say the same about chaining a dog to a wall and then spelling out the title in dog food.

Well OP said it was starving and he chained it up so now it couldn't even eat scraps it found. Though I'm sure someone gave it a nice home afterwards.
>walking to work
>see stray dog
>busy so can't help
>assume local property owners will call the pound because society does care about animals to a reasonable degree
I'm just not sure what point the artist was making. There is nothing profound here.

More like "if you claim to care about dogs but spend more time showing your secret internet clubhouse how much you want to punch a guys face instead of saving dogs, you are a hypocrite"

Exactly. It's facebook-tier value signalling, wherein nobody wants to actually help, they just want to showcase how moral and caring they are.

I'm sure fuck-all of the people complaining went out and helped a stray, rather than just using the exhibit as a way to show their friends how brave they are for standing up to animal suffering.

no such logical conclusion is implyed tho

that was not the intention

conceptual art does not have 'logical conclusion' endgames like that

>he thinks that there are people who take filthy animals into their nice homes or nice business owners who will call the nice animal control man to take the doggo to the nice pound.
>in Nicaragua

Yeah and it will have had its head out of the window with the wind blowing it's ears and tongue as they drive away to it's forever home too.

I never said it was as good as Swift, but it's using the exact same marketing/propaganda techniques. It's IRL click bait really

>You won't BELIEVE what this crazy writer proposes to do with poor Irish kids! We were left litterally shaking!
>You won't BELIEVE what this artist did to this dog. I cry every time!

gooks aren't people though

>starving dog chained to a wall
>title of the work spelled out in dog biscuits
fuck me that's pure genius.

Lots of "artists" with no real talent so they resort to performance art where everything is accepted and no standards exist at all.

Are there even standards for any branch of art?

>look up artist
>he looks subhuman
What a surprise.

Hurf durf society paralyzes and pacifies people. They do not live 24/7 as saints constantly inquiring about the well being of every living creature they see first thing sunrise till sunset like some XP hording RPG hero. Yet amazing people have morals and object when you violate them right in front of them, or force them into action by giving them a direct personal responsibility choice. They don't like needles suffering.

Wow! Amazing! I guess that's really fucking profound and paradoxical when you have an 85 IQ and get bamboozled by basic human sociology and psychology.

You support which? That as a representation of art, the supposed deluge of death threats that the would-be artist received, or both?

To be fair though, there's plenty of people who genuinely are angered by factory farming as a whole, or in part by the horrid conditions therein, as well as any and all other manifestations of animal exploitation, but they're usually vegan/vegetarian types associated with "domestic terrorist organisations" such as the A.L.F./E.L.F., and so forth.

Ironically, the only people who've any sliver of moral high ground/ethical consistency whatsoever to stand on (or at least more than the average meat/dairy-eating person does) are those extremists who people love to hate.

Either a concerned party is ridiculed for hypocrisy for (in)directly supporting some sort of suffering of animals elsewhere, or if they're more consistent by way of being a vegan or something similar, then they're ridiculed for that every which way, given no credit for putting in more effort to not be an outright contradictory cuntwat, and are also ultimately ignored as irrational or otherwise unqualified to give commentary due to their dietary statuses/ethical stances. It's a lose-lose situation for them any way.

>Errybody mad about the starving dog
>Nobody had the nerve to free the poor thing

Guess Vargas had a point afterall. Errybody loves some outrage theater, nobody wants to do anything about it tho'.

You ask what happened to art, Vargas asks when we all became a bunch of bitches.

>society does care about animals to a reasonable degree
Picture related indeed, m'lad.
Overall, western societies generally do treat some animals better than they once did as recently as 50-100 years ago, mainly dogs, obviously.
Anyways, that's likely seen as untrue by those on either end of the spectrum.
On one side you've those such as my homosexual self that believe they're mostly treated poorly in almost every way possible, rarely decently, much less ever exceptionally, and then there's those who think they're mostly treated far better than any of them (even the ones serving as useful utilities for humans in one way or another) deserve.
Just an observation is all, nothing else.

Or feed, for that matter.

dude I was doing art lmao

>Picture related
no picture with post
maybe this works for yours too

>the director of the Códice Gallery stated that the animal was fed regularly and was only tied up for three hours on one day before it escaped
Whoa it's fucking nothing. Stupid dog should have realized that maybe it was better to be a fed piece of art than a starving free dog.

Interestingly enough, Adolf adored dogs. Also, for being the apex enemy of all humans throughout all of history, le nawzeez did quite a few great things such as banning vivisection, and inventing and instituting designated hunting seasons. The former ironically and sadly enough not even being true at present in places where Adolf and the nawzeez are used as our ultimate boogyman and boogymen, and the latter still being used in many nations the world over to this day.

>*chew burger*
>woooow that poor doggy!
Really makes you think

they're not comparable for the reasons I laid out in the post you responded to

Yes they're both meant to shock, but that's the only similarity. Proposal does much more than merely shock. Have you actually read it?

>le nawzeez
why do you refer to the nazis in this way?

He's mocking how deeply you're conditioned m8o.

>I will never have a talking dog friend to travel the world and critique art with

wow really makes you think

Cultural Marxism.My niggas will get.

>Exploiting dog for cultural capital
>Cultural Marxism

Seems like cultural capitalism to me.


Modern art is at the same level as shitposting. It serves no other purpose than to create negative reactions and provoke others. It is the lowest level of human expression.

sure thing pleb

>this thing is not well liked which means its good!

People see dogs starving on the streets everyday, and nobody cares until you can attach a face and a name to the person keeping that dog starving. it makes a point and makes it well.

this is youtube "social experiment" tier

>it makes a point and makes it well.

No it doesnt