What if the the only surviving hominids were the Neaderthals? How would they be doing now? Better than we are? Worse?

What if the the only surviving hominids were the Neaderthals? How would they be doing now? Better than we are? Worse?

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They would be dead and the world would be better place without human filth.

Their vocal chords were more limited than ours, any language they would've developed would've been crude compared to ours and hindered their progress.



If that weren't an issue, the world would probably be largely the same (so long as claims of similar intelligence hold up).

their cranial capacity was higher, so they had bigger brains. also shorter and bulkier than sapiens.

Neaderthals are the reason we have civlization. Look at the White Western civlization, the reason these are the only revevant one are because of our small prosentage of Neaderthal DNA. Now look at Africa, non civilizations, just savages. That is because they have little to no Neaderthal DNA. Same with the Asians, they had Neaderthal DNA, but even fewer than their European conterparts. They manage to create great civlization, but that was only with the starting help of Europeans.

If Neaderthals was the only surviving humanoids we would be colonizing space.

Leave /pol/ and Veeky Forums in general and learn some English

East Asians proportionally have more neanderthal DNA than whites, and white success is due primarily to the fact the Catholic Church pushed individualised property contracts, which laid the ground for the Renaissance; monotheism never spread in East Asia because the ancient bureaucracies crushed rebellions

Little fixes: Neandhertals were Germanics, they hadnt dissapear but mixed with Roman colonists and became co-founders of White civilization.


I find it funny how it's always white Americans that bitch about blacks going we wuz when they're 10 times worse themselves.

>They manage to create great civlization, but that was only with the starting help of Europeans.
t. Varg

Neanderthal gene does correlate with IQ

Probably about the same as we were doing in the paleolithic. Neanderthal's had larger brains that allowed them to more effectively sneak up on their prey and ambush them with thrusting spears. Ever tried to sneak up on a deer? For us it's damn near impossible because our brains evolved to be larger in the places that make us highly social creative/opportunistic endurance stalkers always on the look out for a free meal, where if the Neanderthal had a nice dry cave and some freshly caught game, he was as content with his life as any other hominid.

Sure, their brains were larger by cubic volume, but ours is more efficient: using less energy to pump more blood to more densely packed neurons.

Neanderthals lived in Gilbralter but it never occurred to them to build a boat and colonize North Africa. Meanwhile homo sapiens were using boat technology to colonize Australia.

Multiple times across multiple, separate instances homo sapiens adopted agriculture. Neanderthals lived on prime agricultural real estate and it never occurred to them that you could raise and grow your own food.

Any evidence that Neanderthals produced art is sketchy and only comes after establishing contact with H.sapiens.

sorry /pol/, Neanderthals are not your "get out of Africa free" card

Neanderthals were autistic manlets.


Don't maost people have a little Neanderthal genes in them? I'm sepculating here but if Homo sapiens could interbreed with them more or less seemlessly, we can't be that different from them.

Africans don't.

It never occurred to Neanderthals that they could build a boat and colonize Africa, even though you can see Africa from Gibraltar, where they gathered in large numbers. So Africans don't have any trace of Neanderthal DNA and /pol/tards use that as the excuse as to why Africans are "inferior" even though Neanderthals were the older and less well developed species who couldn't even figure out how to build the simplest boat (compare that to Australian Abos who had no problem crossing the Wallace Line).

maybe Africans bred significantly with protohumans that were much more retarded than Neanderthals but didn't make it into the fossil record

We didn't know about Denisovians until we found some fossils 10ish years ago
there could possibly be many other groups of Homo that shared genes with Homo Sapiens but we will never know about

So what you're saying is I shouldn't get married in Maine if I eat a lot of margarine?

Africans do, its just that its very scant compared to other humans. The Khoisan, Masaai, and I think the various mixed groups have more Neanderthal.

>maybe Africans bred significantly with protohumans that were much more retarded than Neanderthals but didn't make it into the fossil record

Only Pygmies and West Africans who double BLACKED pygmies by default have an unknown species of human in them. Some Pygmies have a Y chromosome that dates back 338,000 years.

And they were probably not "stupid" (even Erectus had shell art and possibly built raft boats), as they were most likely some lost remnants of Homo heidelbergensis, which appears to be as smart as us. And even if they didn't, why would they be "protohuman"? The only proto humans are the hominins without the genus Homo hovering over their names, like Australopithecus and Paranthropus.