What do you think of Neo-pagans, Veeky Forums?

What do you think of Neo-pagans, Veeky Forums?

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I think there is no connection between Druidism and Stonehenge

If they're pagans for cultural/political reasons, they're cosplaying faggots. If they're pagans because they truly believe in the old gods, then they're based.

As far as I can tell, the Kekists are the only true believers in paganism.


I'd be surprised if such a significant landmark hadn't been recycled by successive cults, druidism included.

Sort of halfway with you. Educated pagans in the Mediterranean world had a more sophisticated understanding of the gods, they thought of them as concepts or forms that could be appreciated/paid tribute to on occasion. But didn't literally believe Zeus threw down the thunder and whatnot.

I don't think it's shameful to believe in paganism for cultural reasons necessarily but there has to be a majority of genuine believers, otherwise the whole exercise is simply an isolated group kidding themselves. With the complete death of the original European religions I think it's too much of a stretch for most people to just get right back to worship, you would think the old gods would have done something or sent a message of some kind if they cared.

LARPers. It's like digging up your dead dog and taking it for a walk.

Depends on the Neopagan.

>As far as I can tell, the Kekists are the only true believers in paganism.
Aren't they only pagans for cultural (shitpostchan) and political (muh gawdemprah) reasons, though?

>Educated pagans... didn't literally believe Zeus threw down the thunder and whatnot.
The elites in every time and place tend to have a cynical view of religion, but I'm not sure you can discount the ritual and belief of the masses based on that.

Maybe the elites are clued in to a hidden truth that god/gods are not actually real, but maybe they're just prone towards materialism because they have more in this world than most do.

Kekists are monotheists though

what they're doing is exactly as valid as what any other religion is doing
after all try to bring up any argument to discredit them that can't be applied to another religion

Henotheistic. The Kekists say Moloch, Minerva, and a host of other gods are real. They just only care about their interactions with Kek (And Kauket, I guess).

Can you be a monotheist if you follow a god who belongs to a polytheistic pantheon?

I can get behind that. Minerva and Janus were always my favorite gods.

But Minerva is one of the bad guys in Kekism.

I mean, I guess if you're down with being a mindless slave and eating babies and all that shit she's not but whatevs

I don't think so? You would have to deny that the other gods in the pantheon existed or at least that they aren't worthy of worship. It would be like a radical cult of Jupiter insisting that myths that feature the other gods are lies. If you just chose to focus exclusively on worshiping one god within a pantheon that you also believe existed, it's just polytheism with a focus.

C'mon this is Rome, not Carthage.

Yeah, like how the Romans believed Celtic gods were real, but just didn't worship them.

Anyway, though, Kekists are just joking.

>Kekists are just joking
for now

Slenderman was just a joke but he eventually got a real sacrifice now didn't he?

You'll see, the frogs will rise.

I don't get how Minerva is supposed to be a bad guy. Moloch I guess has some connection with abortion? But Minerva? Is it because she's female and wise? What a retarded cosmology.

laughable at best, embarrassing at worst

Minerva is seen as evil because of the owl idol at the Bohemian Grove tying her cult to the globalist elite.



Who cares about that fruitcake, nutbasket, shit-artist.


Oh come on now he could be reasonable on occasion.








Oh boi








Based St Boniface

RIP Wynfrith †


They're both savages?

Are you Jewish?

No, I just hate Germans.

Fuck off Nigel

We understand.


alwas either
>hipster faggots
>neo nazis

na thanks

A parody of a real religion, hopeless romantics dreaming of a past which never was.

>Anyway, though, Kekists are just joking.
Intent is intent, and when you put it out there, something is going to answer back. They think it's all jokes and shitposts, but I can see the storm coming.

Of course, when anything with the word "pagan" comes into a discussion, the christfags and atheistfags come out of woodwork to shit all over the thread. Like right now.

Most of them are delusional or wishful thinkers. They're trying to reconstruct dead religions which have little evidence for their beliefs or practices. Doing it for semi-serious LARPing is ok I guess, but people who actually believe them are wilfully blinding themselves to the lack of continuity.

I don't really have a problem with them though, they're no different from any other loose spirituality/religion so let them have their fun.

kek is a fad that will fade after about two years rather like the roman mystery cults of yore

PROTIP: you need scripture and a hierarchy to last as an organized religion

I like how their mere existence leaves christains buttblasted

Christianity had neither for the first ~200 years of its existence, same with Buddhism and Judaism, yet all three are still here.

Given that Kekism came about, what, less than a year ago, you should wait a bit longer before you go on your NO FUN ALLOWED tirade. But be careful, if you wait too long you much have some fun for once!

>implying Christianity didn't have the Gospels before the end of the first century AD and you can equate the oral traditions that led to Buddhism or Judaism to retards memeing online solely to piss pedantic people off

They looked more like pic related, but nice try.

>3rd - 4th century AD

That man you posted may have been a Christian.

Tacitus described the Germanics as being naked barbarians back in the 1st century however.

What's the difference between retards memeing online and retards memeing offline?

You forget about russian neopagans aka Poднoвepы, that are pathetic as fuck

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mari_native_religion
Ironically, there are still legit pagans in Russia, but they aren't slavic role playing ones.

>They're trying to reconstruct dead religions which have little evidence for their beliefs or practices

This is mostly true for Germanic religions and extremely true for Celtic but I think there's enough of a surviving body of literature to resurrect Greco-Roman Paganism. But for whatever reason that is by far the least popular strain of neo-bagan.

>But for whatever reason that is by far the least popular strain of neo-pagan.
I concur. I'm a Neo-Pagan that worships Pan (my mother and father worshiped Pan when I was younger, and you know, religion), and all I see is Celts and Nordic Neo-Pagan's. Fucking ridiculous if you ask me.

The reason here is exactly that. Why follow some kind of well documented religion when following of random feels food speculations is just a more fun?

Reminds me of playing TW: Empire and starting a spree of conquest towards Istanbul and spreading Orthodoxy all the way while the back end of my country is 75% animalism.

rd - 4th century AD
>That man you posted may have been a Christian.

The Alemannic people were Christianized during the 7th century, under Frankish rule, so no.

>Tacitus described the Germanics as being naked barbarians
Which may have been exaggerated.

Orthodoxy>Orthopraxy any day. Of course, people should be allowed to believe what they believe, but most wiccans/neopagans that I have seen seem to do it for an Identity or a "muh white heritage" thing, not that that is exclusive to neopagans though.

>but most wiccans/neopagans that I have seen seem to do it for an Identity or a "muh white heritage" thing
You're sadly right. The vast majority of white supremacist Neo-Pagans I've seen come from the Nordic line (known as Asatru). Wiccans, I dislike wiccans. Bunch of fucking quicky witches, just as bad as reborn Christians.

Wicca comes off as Tumblr: The Religion. Borrowing, at most, terminology from Celtic religions and half-cooked legends of witches made up by paranoid Christians. There's all this "sacred feminine" bullshit that really seems like it sprouted out of the god awful new-age movement of the early 20th century rather than having any ancient heritage. And yeah they're all weird as fuck.

Why the fuck are Celtic druidists at Stonehenge? Stonehenge is way before the Celtic IE migrations.

What about sacred male religion? There should be one for that.

Loki wasn't a god you revered though. He was a trickster and was in conflict with Thor who everyone had a boner for.

They are disrespectful towards the people they are emulating by many of them not doing research into the practices, and lack of knowledge pertaining to them, and instead hopping on bandwagons invented by new age cult leaders.

>it's OK for Christians to believe Genesis was an allegory even though there's no reason to think it wasn't meant as such
>it's not OK for pagans to view aspects of their religion as allegorical even though you could make sound philosophical arguments for the gods as archetypes much like Platonic forms

Veeky Forums everyone.

Shut up retard, platonic forms weren't even known to uneducated pagans. Only with christianity real education comes.

I dunno, I think polytheistic claims of the divine make more sense than monotheistic ones, and I really don't see the inherent value in reconstructing authentic ritualism, as all spiritual practices start somewhere.

They stir up Christian shitposters on Veeky Forums, that's for sure. I wonder if the people that post this crap are aware that they mostly just make their own side look like assholes more than anything, since your average poster is smart enough to know what cherry picking is.

But the average peasant under Christianity was still illiterate and uneducated.

The flourishing of Germanic society following Christianity is entirely a product of it coinciding with a major climate shift and the decline of the Mediterranean empires. The introduction of parchment to the region explains the sudden increase in book production.

>Can you be a monotheist if you follow a god who belongs to a polytheistic pantheon?
Monolatry is the appropriate way of doing it.

>Orthodoxy>Orthopraxy any day.
The obsession with orthodoxy kills.

Monothestic claims make more sence if you didn't specify them i.e. generalised deism and so on. All specified claims have more sense in a polytheism. You can pretty simply conclude, that there can be one and only one highest power but to believe in a Jesus to be the only one true manifestation of it is much harder, because this seems to be volunatry.

I think polytheism makes more sense due to the process of conflict you see in nature all around us. There are several actors at work each trying to accomplish their aims and taking from each in the process of so doing.

>The obsession with orthodoxy kills.

Please explain further

I just can't see how one can practice a religion that's centered on rituals and the like and not on word and logic. For example, the Celts in Britain sacrificed so many men on the retreat from Caesar, but that didn't stop them from getting conquered.

>I just can't see how one can practice a religion that's centered on rituals and the like and not on word and logic

>mfw a christfag says this to me

Again, please explain your thinking and not just greentext like a tard.

Does having thoughts about the ancient gods often mean someone believes in them? The concept troubles me a lot, I think I ponder over deities too much to keep considering myself agnostic.

I have some conflicting thoughts about this whole matter though. I worry if I start identifying as polytheist or anything of the sort it's gonna be perceived as an act of being a special snowflake.

Catholics. Can't stand 'em.

>Only with christianity real education comes.
>shutting down ancient pagan academies
>burning temples that were used to store literature
>outright destruction of libraries
>forgeries and book burnings
>Only with christianity real education comes.

Now of course, Pagans engaged in a lot of this as well and we hopefully don't need to discuss the church's role in the founding of universities. But let's not be fucking stupid with our claims.

Thats what religion is about.

Explain what?

That you murder less people if you don't have a doctrine that commands you to murder people over theological differences?

>how one can practice a religion that's centered on rituals and the like
>not on word and logic
Try living in a Catholic country like I do.

Millions don't read a single thing, ever, and don't even know how to be orthodox, they just show up for Confession, Mass including the Holy Communion every Sunday.

Attempting to turn each participant into an amateur philosopher of religion, theologian, or apologist is a modern development in the history of religion.

Most of us are pagans, even if we don't want to admit it.

>decorating pine trees with images of idols before telling our children that a magical fat man who lives at the North Pole will bring them presents and then feasting on ham and praying to saints

Don't even get me started on Easter.

What actually is a Neo-pagan, anyway?

Mage the Ascension LARP-ers without a GM/Storyteller.

>>>Veeky Forums

Seriously, at best they are seeking meaning and are dissatisfied with logic alone.

Religion is at best a tool to understand the use of meaning and the creation of purpose.

The trick is in accepting that we as individuals must either accept the mantle of meaning-maker or marry ourselves to the premise of a pre-existing entity to provide the purpose for our deeds.

Often people indulge in the mistake of viewing that which is more arcane or obscure as that which is more authoritative; especially when fleeing the general consensus of the general population. It gives the ego more room to breathe and experiment with the truth, and this is not entirely unhealthy.

But as has been said before, if you are already fine with flaunting convention to pursue the dubious. And you have the courage to do so regardless of social costs, why not invent your own cosmology and see if it does you any good; then share it with your friends for the lulz.

At least one "one true religion" has done this in the past and it worked out great for them.

I would likewise argue every meme that ever flourished was born of this process and understanding.

Seriously there are better, healthier, more rewarding ways to play with the truth without descending into the worst abuses of SJWs claiming offense to the arcane ways of a obfuscated minority.

>>>Veeky Forums

So what you're saying is, Order of Hermes is the best tradition?

Theodric was a Christian and ruled in the 5th century.

The Germanics began to be Christianized in the 4th century which is why they had Christian kings by the 5th.

>What actually is a Neo-pagan, anyway?

Modern-day pagan converts of various stripes in Abrahamic dominated countries.

why would i want my general manager to participate in blood sacrifices with me?

Game Master. Basically king dork.

> LARP-ers
I literally follow Lathander's Dogma in real life. Not even trolling. Just read it oneday and decided that this sounds perfect enough to follow, to the end of my life. I doesn't even care if this is fictional deity, because I like all specific things that it stands for.

>The Morning Lord
Could do a lot worse, desu, 7/10 fictional Godform.

>That you murder less people if you don't have a doctrine that commands you to murder people over theological differences?

People have killed each other for religious reasons with or without scripture, see the Roman imperial cult for an example.

>Millions don't read a single thing, ever, and don't even know how to be orthodox, they just show up for Confession, Mass including the Holy Communion every Sunday.

That goes for fucking anything on this earth, just because the majority doesn't truly follow that doesn't mean there aren't those that are. As an American I live in a place where most outwardly "religious" folk sin more than your average "heathen", but that doesn't mean everyone is like that. Perhaps logic was the wrong word to use, maybe something like reason is better? the point was that Celtic/Nordic/Greco-Roman religions did not have any real reason to rituals, at least as far as I know, aside from "Zeus/Thor whatever will be upset if we don't", such Religions seem to rely on an Active God/Gods to truly make sense. I don't know if I've been unaware or something but I don't think I've seen Demeter or Artemis or Dagda or whoever have made their presence known and actively chastised their former adherents. The Abrahamic religions at least have a cop-out for such a shortfalling.

There's no reason to any of Christianity's rituals. All of the philosophy and shit associated with them is a post-hoc rationalization.