Was he really all that great

Was he really all that great

he was great... at killing Armenians! :D

Are all threads just attempts at summoning the great sultan of shitpost turk-chan now?

Yes he was the leader we needed if only he could come back ;_;

I imagine he'd be a little miffed at how it all turned out

Just interested in Turkey man, early 20th century Turkey is pretty interesting.

He would be dissapointed that a large part of te population still can't divide religion and politics in their mind.
And maybe he might have genocided the kurd an that would probably give the country the stability it needs.



He was quite revolutionary figure for the turks and muslim world in general. It showed that maybe someday they might find a way to secularice properly with the right people. So yeah he was bretty cool.

>This could have been true if it wasn't for this autist

Forgot image

Dear OP,

We could have a look at this problem from two different perspectives. The first perspective would be to take a look from the perspective of the people who care little about religion, and want to be just like America and Europe. The other perspective would be the perspective of the people who follow the holy way of Islam. Mustafa Kemal Ataput is the exact opposite of this, he didn't care about religion, while the country had huge debts he decided to bring in caps in order to remove the Islamic way of covering the hair. As a Muslim myself I don't like him, not only because of the Hate he had for Islam but also for the way they pump this guy up. He got sent by Sultan Vahidettin to Samsun to start the war, but these Kemalist keep trying to let is seem like he went out of himself. BTW he received money etc... for this move. It is also undeniable that the war actually got planned by great Pashas like, Kazım Karabekir Pasha, the funny thing is that right after the war they tried to kill him and the wife of Mustafa Kemal saved him by telling him that he would get killed by Mustafa Kamal.

He fell from his horse because of his own mistake, and he gets called Gazi right after it, which means to get wounded during a war while it was not during the war. This is told by İnönü one of his closest guy.

We clearly see that there is an intentional pump up going on for this guy, and we as Muslims see that this is used against the Islam.

Death to the way of his ruling, back to the Holy shariah which the Ottomans ruled with.


ask that to greeks

His Biggest Problem was his Huge Cultural Cringe
Its one thing to Want less Religious Influence
But with him and His followers they kinda went too far and tried to force a European Identity on his people, he cracked down on non-Religious Ottoman Culture such as Classical Ottoman Music which funnily led to the rise of Arabesk

Also his policy hurted minorities such as Kurds Alevis and Sufi which caused a lot of problems to this day, Erdoğan is a Sufi Sunni iirc so I don't blame him for not being crazy about Kemal

He managed to dominate a country so hard it followed his will for about 70 years after his death. That is pretty impressive.

nothing compared to what Muhammad did

he was a genius, an intellectual, a general, founder of turkish nation but he kind of failed but it is too early to comment on this. read grey wolf by H. C. Armstrong

kek. people like you receive no respect in Turkey. lying this much about history. he has founded this country for god's sake have some respect sultan sucking monarchist.


He was great but not because of his diplomacy skills or anything because he actually managed to form a country out of ignorant fucktards.

absolutely disgusting

Turkey would be one third of it's current size without Ataturk

He was very successful

Mustafa was the best thing to happen to the worst country on earth.


greeks are that retarded

He did kill some Armenians in the 1920's war
Its not on the scale of the 1915 genocide(inb4 triggered Turks) but yeah his hands aren't clean, although the Greeks and Armenians would have likely did the same to the Turks and Kurds in the area they were planning to conquer anyways

I said this in another thread but read "Gray Wolf, Mustafa Kemal:An Intimate Study Of A Dictator
by H.C. Armstrong"

He was much more likable for westerners due to his secular, liberal views and willingness to allow the land concessions the Ottoman empire lost in the first world war without any revanchism and also to not stir shit against the Russians in their weak period post-revolution.

How he actually governed is a subject of debate.

This happens every time a middle-eastern dictator tries to suppress Islam and Westernize their country. People get pissed and Islam just comes back harder. See: Iran, Syria, Afghanistan