Sharing my library of some 150 pdfs+language learning stuff

Alright guys, i've decided to share some pdfs from my collections with you. Some 150 pdfs of history, religion, philosophy, and other stuff.!flYQGbzI!p1AFjtMuCLHQqocJqxV7rg

Also, for those interested in language learning, here is a link with language learning pdfs for pretty much every single language in the world (including ancient and extinct ones). Enjoy.

Other urls found in this thread:!ZAoVjbQB!iGfDqfBDpgr0GC-NHg7KFQ Crusades crusades

thenk OP

Here's 45gigs worth of mostly Military History!ZAoVjbQB!iGfDqfBDpgr0GC-NHg7KFQ

OP here, thank you for this!

Thanks OP. I'll be a walking library after the holidays.

That's a lot...

>45 gbs of Military History
Was it autism?
[spoiler]just kidding, thanks for the material OP[/spoiler]

Thanks based user

Is this legit?

Yup, can confirm


I only got the Alexiad and Guns Germs and steel though

Fuck you op I was just starting to delete shit from my computer

[spoiler]thank you[spoiler]

>here is a link with language learning pdfs for pretty much every single language in the world (including ancient and extinct ones). Enjoy.
holy fucking shit

Your a good man OP.

>Also, for those interested in language learning, here is a link with language learning pdfs for pretty much every single language in the world (including ancient and extinct ones). Enjoy.

Holy fucking shit, user. That's a HUGE treasure trove right there.

Thanks for this, OP. You made my midweek already.



Holy shit OP, this is magnificent.

Just imagine some medieval monk seeing such treasures in so small a place and avaliable to whoever pleases to read them.


It's fucking nothing.

>history of the peloponnesian war
>the magna carta
>plato's complete works
>the grand strategy of the byzantine empire
>king james bible
>democracy in america

god bless you OP

>yfw OP drops a modern day Alexandria as a Christmas gift

We need to copy this on another mega account, just un case

OP you fucking bae.

OP you are a real human being, and a real hero

I feel blessed to have been browsing at this time.

OP is absolutely based. He even got dubs.

some much love itt
feels like christmas

thank you, you absolute madman

Merry fucking christmas

thanks for the virus, OP

Look through all the files faggot, it's just pdfs

OP here, thanks guys. There isn't much stuff here really, i made this file in a hurry and i have tons more to add. I'll keep expanding this list and posting it here from time to time. I'm always looking for new reading material around the internet.

Veeky Forums should really have regular file sharing/recommendation threads.
No virus.

Fucking wow, you two. Today will go down in Veeky Forumstory as the day OP was not a faggot, and instead was pretty damn cool. For real, thanks for all of this. This military history is still downloading. I don't know what can add up to 45 gigs, but I'm excited to get into it. Seriously, thanks guys. Cheers!

There's more? Good god OP. Please upload

Thanks man!

>Veeky Forums should really have regular file sharing/recommendation threads.

I approve.

Did you actually read all the books in your library?

Good thread. Libgen doesn't have everything so if you have some books even on obscure subjects don't be afraid to post them. I need to start doing this too but I'm a little afraid I'm gonna lose it again.

Thanks OP. For once you were not a faggot.

I have more than 2000 pdfs altogether in my folders and i probably read less than one tenth of it, lel. Many aren't even remotely historically related. I generally like hoarding
I have some rarer books i collected through my venturing on various forums and imageboards, i'll include them too.

I'm not too familiar with how Mega works OP. Will you be uploading to the same source? So if I don't see the new threads I still have the origin to look for the new stuff in? Thanks bunches.

Yes, i will uploading to the same source.

OP, you are the mothafuckin' man.
We need more Veeky Forums threads for file sharing.

*be uploading

too /pol/tinged for my taste, but I appreciate the effort OP

yeah? how much stuff on tech do you have? i have a lot of comp sci and math texts. looking for maybe some arabic mathematician's analysis or something in that vein

Some 30 books on math, programming and biology. Not really that much but i will upload it all

you are great user :)

fuck, meant for

Just ignore the Nazi folder. The real jewel is all the language stuff.

good man

bump til I get home

OP, I fucking love you, but question, do you have any Fencing Manuals?

Hmmm. I have bunch of firearms manuals but nothing with fencing. I'll see if i can find someting

Does that mean i'll have to download the whole thing each time?
Or is there any way to pre select what i download from it?

I'll be providing new link. You don't have to download everything, just the stuff you want

Aight, thank you anyways.

>We need more Veeky Forums threads for file sharing.
Absolutely, /co/ has been having MEGA threads. Veeky Forums could do with something similar.

Is there any way we can make a communal source that people can add to?

/mu/ has shit like that and it's based.

Rock on, mate

Bumpity bump bump

are you adding shit as we read this thread, op?

This is one of the few times I've been glad for the existence of Veeky Forums

As long as he doesn't change the key for the link in OP you'll have access even as he uploads new stuff.

Yeah, he's been uploading new stuff.

Got any artbooks? I'm a lurker from /ic/ but most of their books are how-to books.

>I don't know what can add up to 45 gigs

Older books tend to just be images of scanned pages saved in a pdf, so 500 images, if not optimized well, make some books needlessly large.

I also have a lot of "pictorial histories" as I often rip images for digital collections. Pro-tip for anyone else who does this, if the book is an .epub just rename it to .zip, as it's just a compressed file, and youll find a directory inside with all the images from the book.

>Is there any way we can make a communal source that people can add to?

Veeky Forums has a rule against general threads I believe.

has a Historical Wargames General though, with tons of collected reference material as well

Sometimes I wish Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums had a merged board.

OP, would you mind dropping an email or a skype? I'd like to as you about a few books on some key subjects. Thank you in advance for all you've already done :)

OP you're the dude. also if you have any books on precolumbian america / the age of exploration that would be dope

Alright, uploaded some new stuff. Some 400 books altogether. Various new folders and some new stuff in old ones. Ignore the /pol/ stuff if you don't like. Added some fencing manual from 1594 for that user who wanted it.
Do you like Scruton? I added his books about art and aesthetics.
You can ask me right here.
I'll see what i can find.

It's not always up, or very fast, but LibGen is a very good source for academia, not just books but especially academic journals which are otherwise inaccessible without university credentials or expensive JSTOR library access.

Books; Crusades

Journals; crusades

Thank you man! This entire thread is amazing, I feel like someone's dropped an Alexandria on me!

This is what Veeky Forums should be like.

Where are the new uploads?

I think they're just in the same linked folder, he's been syncing up into it.

Ah, he is indeed

It's incredibly hard to find a good source.

This is one but some links are dead. I guess if you have an account you can inform the admin about dead links. There used to be a similar looking website but now you can't even download books. It's incredible that it's easier to download movies and video games than simple text files. Unfortunately my taste in history books is rather obscure so libgen alone fails me sometimes.


I have a question for OP, don't mean to start a fight, but why so many books on Nazis? You studying them or something?

everything I'd ever want to read is here on these two links. thank you ever so much anons

[spoiler]He probably just likes Nazis[/spoiler]

not OP, but I have a book on mayan politics i got from another user. I've no clue how to use megaupload though.

I think we should go ahead and ignore that rule. I'm sure hotpockets will understand, besides, the occultism thread is still going and Ape of Thoth's occultism library is pretty solid.

[spoiler]He's likely a Nazi.[/spoiler]

can anyone tell me how to upload shit?

Want to contribute, even just a little

make an account on megaupload and just drag your file into it and it will upload by itself.

>mfw I have a calibre collection of over 2000 books ranging in subjects and history

Just you wait, boys, one of these days...

Oh god.
Please today.

Do it user. Contribute to the Cause.

I'll get on it one day, boys.

Just need to find somewhere with optical fibre connection.

> /his starts a go fund me to pay for his house in a optical fibre city


Many thanks. I wish you well and happy holidays.

OP, you just gave me the best gift I could have hoped for - about to depart Peace Corps and now I'll have some language stuff to peruse.

Also the history stuff, you glorious bastard.


I've never seen such resounding approval on Veeky Forums

looks suspicious

>52 posters
>92 posts
quite right

Imagine not being able to find these books within 10 seconds of searching online.

If you look people are talking.
Around two posts per person isn't very rare at all.

OP are you still here and uploading?

I think he's silently updating his accounts with more files.