Kill one million of his own people

>Kill one million of his own people
>Sent 18 million people to the Gulags
>Made his wife commit suicide
>Made his son attempt suicide

So,what was his endgame?

>believing capitalist propaganda

>believing in communist propaganda

>believing communist propaganda about capitalist propaganda

Gain power to exert power to keep power to gain power to exert power to keep power to (...)

He made himself ruler of the second greatest nation in the world. I'd say he did well for himself.

>Bukharin's last message to Stalin stated "Koba, why do you need me to die?", which was written in a note to Stalin just before his execution. "Koba" was Stalin's nom de guerre, and Bukharin's use of it was a sign of how close the two had once been. The note was allegedly found still in Stalin's desk after his death in 1953

Alpha as fuck

such bullshit, joesph stalin is already am alias

>>Kill one million of his own people

More like 80 million.

> what was his endgame?
To stay in power. It's not that hard.

Koba was his alias before Stalin.

>stay in power in russia

You idiot. Is there any truth I can hear?

if you wanna believe propaganda, go ahead.
Didn't really do anything unjustified until after collectivization of agriculture (which didn't kill any more people than the regular recurring bad harvests russia had up until then. why do you think the tzar fell?), but after that the dude snapped and killed fuckloads of innocents.
They had just managed to socialize the majority of production (to an extent, as they still had consumer and labor markets on the supply side, in addition to banking and commodity-backed money.) too. Biggest tragedy in history.

>believing completely made up figures
everyone who helped the guy that wrote "the black book of communism" came out and said he intentionally inflated already flimsy estimates.
>reduce birthrate through industrializing and creating social safety system so you don't have peasants with 10 kids to work the land and take care of you when your old
> population doesn't increase at the same rate
>this is substituted for evidence of genocide

Hitler would have exterminated ALL the slavs tho

>his own people
Goyim please, were black slaves your own people?

>second greatest nation in the world.
He ruled the 2nd strongest state in the world, it had no definition as a nation.

Wasn't each republic in the USSR a nation-state de jure?

But yeah, you are right.

Even in republics there were sub nations of sub republics.

He didn't make Nadezhda commit suicide. She had extreme mental illness.

He was a textbook psychopath. Power was his endgame.

>18 million people

Russia still feels the benefits from communist rule. Russia became a world power thanks to stalin. Stalin accomplished more, he quite literally started with peasants and became powerful.
Hitler took a country that already had industry, already had an intelligence, had scientists had the potential of having an economy and instead he used it for to play war, a war that cost him everything.

and yet edge lord love hitler.
Im finding out more and more a lot of stuff about communists and socialists is propaganda paid for by greedy corporations that dont want the people to rise up and get more benafits.

The fact that American workers outright refuse heathcare even though much of the civilized world has it except for under devolved African nations its a good indocation of this
Its amazing how the american goverment some how convinced its own people they dont want vacation days, they dont want health care, they dont want more pay, they dont want an affordable education.
You see more and more left wing nations becoming more powerful with happier people.
Everything that edge lords claim facism does is really what left wing politics is doing.
and no im not talking about the regressive left "liberals" that put gender politics at the forefront,
Which btw liberals are mostly paid for by the elites to sabotage real left wing ideas.

OP here.

What is that doubdt my friend?

crashing this plane

OP here.

Just read any book about him,there hundreds of documentaries outside,just search my man.

And if you are too much lazy to do that things,just read Wikipedia.

>You idiot

OH,and fuck you.

60 mil is the top end of the reasonable estimates buddy

OP here.

What is the estimate of Communist/Mao China?

He just really hated russians

oh well that's no big deal then

Not all, but most of them. Some Slavs would have been left alive to serve Germans.

Communism. He was utterly ruthless toward achieving that aim.

>Believing Capitalist propaganda about Communist propaganda

tyranny is lonely thing

Not him, and I don't know that, but I do know that most deaths caused by Mao were actually due to stupidity rather than intentional repression, so comparing Mao to Hitler or Stalin is kinda like comparing apples and oranges. That isn't to say that he wasn't a brutal dictator, because he was, he just never really planned to kill SO much people as he did.

He killed half the population of the Soviet Union?

What is that "rhino" sign he's making?

The absolute madman!