How come there aren't any remarkable Black civilizations?

Egypt doesn't count. So what is it about Blacks that makes them so uncapable?

Other urls found in this thread:


U.S.A., as either slaves or lowly facory workers.

Also berbers were the majority of soldiers for carthage.

ITT: North Africans are Blacks.



What Egypt, Carthage, Mali?

>What Egypt, Carthage


Who let the Afrocentrics in here?

The u is right next to the i, go figure.

Benin bronzes are the only thing i can think of.
Most advanced Lost-wax bronzes ever made, from 13th-18th century in indigenous africa


North Africa has a complex genetic history given the long term climatic fluctuations of central northern Africa. Given our understanding of archeological and genetic results as well as even historical accounts it can be said that North Africa experienced a layered range of intra migrational and intermigrational patterns from the rest of the African continent and southwestern Asia.


>pol boogeyman

>pretending Afrocentric antics are accepted by the historical community




Still not Black.

>acknowledging African civilziations is Afrocentrism
You have to go back.

>Still forcing the North Africans are Black meme

>using qwerty
end your life

>Everybody who won't back me up is pol

Neither Ancient Egypt or Carthage were Black in that Blacks formed the majority of their populations as opposed to slaves, hired swords, or some other minority position. Keep going on about your boogeyman though.

This is a really, really shitty thread. Even as Veeky Forums threads go, this really stands out in particular.

>north africans dont count as blacks
>but all achievments that happened in Europe's general area are "white"

We're trying to discuss the actual inferiority of blacks /pol/.

> Live in a dry savannah, a thick jungle or a mountain range
> No intensive agriculture, poor communication and connections
> Develop iron forging independently
> Manage to develop city-states and kingdoms in hostile environments
> Whiteskins arrive from their bountiful temperate farmlands
> See your "civilization"
> mfw

Africa is a shithole, but if you say it's because negroes are inherently stupid you're a moron or a troll.

except they are because of lack of protein in their diet. Take them out of africa raise them right and their a-ok. Africans are fuxked because africa is fucked.


>Africans are inherently incapable
>Africans are incapable as a consequence of their environment

Pick one. You're contradicting yourself.

Ethiopia had a fairly good run as did Mali. Admittedly I am largely unfamiliar with Africa, in particular southern and central Africa.

Utilizing mandenka and say Druze as sample populations to compare is limiting the degree with which we can understand North African populations.

Secondly the genetic testing shown clearly regards the earliest haplotype found in what is now Tunisia belongs to L at over 20k years old. Even then we have Romans speaking of various groups and subgroups by color and general lifestyle and culture including yes Black people by their definition.

>Egypt, carthage

You need to go. Mali was dope though. I really like the east African trading cities, reading first hand accounts of people traveling there is very interesting. Too bad the Muslim Arabs were the ruling class though

Wasn't there a west african civilization that disappeared overnight under spooky circumstances in antiquity?

The Swahili coast consisted of a serious of quite prosperous city states for an extensive period, with well established trade links to India and the Gulf.

Songhai, Ghana and Mali were all major Saharan states, and West Africa had a massive proliferation of states.

Down to the south, there was the Kongo Kingdom, the Kazembe state, Lunda, along with many others in the Great Lakes area.

Also check out Mapangupwe, Monomatapa and Great Zimbabwe. In the Periplus of the Erythrean sea, written in the 2st century CE, there is described a city named Rhapta which served as a large marketplace. I don't remember the exact details, but I saw a documentary a few years ago where an archaeologist in Tanzania discovered a site that may have been Rhapta, with roman ceramic shards. It was mentioned as late as the 6th century, if I recall correctly.

Phoenicians weren't black but brown, like modern day levantines. North Afircans aren't black but brown, like modern day North Africans. Even if they race mixed the result would be a brown looking man, not a sub-saharan african

>Uses contemporary European culture to define what counts as "remarkable."
>Feigns confusion as to why African cultures would fail to meet these benchmarks.
>Thinks "uncapable" is a word.

OP = a) Racist shill-troll; b) Racist "I just want to know why the blacks are worthless" sympathizer, or c) Literally retarded.

Meanwhile, I'm just sitting here like "maybe all these people are just pretending to be race-baiting in order to expose the absurdity of race in the first place, and this fucking ramping up of what looks like a literal holocaust in the works is just some sort of really deep ass joke..."

[nervous laughter]

Are you seriously Implying that berbers were black? Dude I live with berbers and even arabs are more black than they are

Why are you uncapable of doing a quick wikipedia search user?

>like ugh how dare you point out that blacks have contributed less than any other race to mankind. Ugh, remember the Holocaust guyyyyys?

You sound like a r*dditor laddo

Why go to the history board if history makes you shudder?

the bell curve

>>Uses contemporary European culture to define what counts as "remarkable."
>>Feigns confusion as to why African cultures would fail to meet these benchmarks.

Why then literally every other civilization has met these "benchmarks" on some degrees. And you're suggesting african civilizations were magnificient in some other imaginable way, please enlighten me, spiritually you mean? More magnificient mudhuts than other civilizations?

Otherwise i'd conclude that reddit is that way.

These threads are always the same. The OP implies that Africa has very little civilizations and in the first replies he is called out for being ignorant about Mali, Songhai and Benin. The same shit I saw when this board was started. Then I started to learn about the African empires, with their huge ore and slave trade yet no matter I try I stay underwhelmed of their achievements. Its akin to the Celtic Iron age but 2000 years later they remained in that position.

Even pic related just screams: meh

To me


>Uh-oh, better compare this guy to Reddit before people figure out that this alt-right cumfest is a fucking meme from the 1800s.

History doesn't make me shudder, laddo. Keep your precious blinders on, though, by all means. You couldn't handle the truth anyway.

Pic related was built by the french in the early 20th century...

You really can't figure out that what counts as civilization is basically an echo chamber of cultures who have learned to mimic the people who have managed to acquire the greatest means to kill them? And you think this somehow legitimizes it as better? You look at peaceful groups of people who have survived for millennia and you just call their shit "mudhuts" like a smug little twat? Fuck's sake, man. Open your eyes.

The fact that they still eat albinos and mudcakes and have a life excpectancy of 40 and have aids and have achieved nothing throughout hitsory makes me think that they are worse than us

>actually my sociology professor argues...

Everybody knows Africa is behind Europe (and especially Britain) by millenia. Even fucking antiquity Europe was more advanced than modern africa.

Open your eyes.



Seems you can't handle the truth that Africa always have and always will be behind Europe.

>And you think this somehow legitimizes it as better?


name 1 remarkable white civilization

I would agree with you and type about how underwhelming their achievements are (to me), but I supposedly write like a literal retard and should remove myself from the gene pool.

I'll name 10


Ajuran Sultanate, Ethiopia/Axum and Mali are all I can think of

>Africa is one country
>other people achievement count as my own achievment because they had the same skin color
>outright lying
Nice b8 I r8 it 8/8

>Built on the backs of nonwhite slaves
>Built on the backs of nonwhite slaves
>Built on the backs of nonwhite slaves
>Built on the backs of nonwhite slaves
>Built on the backs of nonwhite slaves
>You mean turks

Is that supposed to be impressive? It looks like a total shithole

I didn't know that rulers and armies were made out of cotton. Really makes you think

>posts a picture of a country where millions of children are dying of malnutrition to show how advanced Africa is

Wow you sure showed me! I now realise how advanced Africa is! Thanks!

Also, that city looks like shit

Not true in the slightest. If blacks are so good at building civilisations why don't they build one of their own for a change, instead of dancing around fires and eating albinos?

And all the countries I listed were great civilisations before WAHH SLAVERY. Britain for example only used slaves for a very short time before we heroicially shut down the trade.

Meanwhile, Africans are still enslaving eachother.

Britain made a fortune selling slaves to Spanish colonies though

We made far more money off our colonies in the Carribean than we did off slaves.

And it's not like we went into Africa and stole slaves, they were sold to us by other Africans.

The fact remains that we shut down the trade.

Still more advanced than antiquity Europe. Also yes it's a shithole, but you find the same thing and even worse in eastern europe, all the -stan countries, south America, some part of Asia. Deal with it you shit only on Africa because your only education come from /pol/ meme

>they still eat albinos and mudcakes
Dafuq are you on about? Who the fuck eats albinos? Do you know what "albino" means? Are you just reading some weird underground Breitbart shit and taking it as fact? Are you really proud of Europe right now, with Aleppo and Syria creating fucking literal genocides? How much of your anti-Africa shit is just a product of your desperation to prove that any of these "white" countries are capable of producing more than a barely-acceptable standard of living? Fuck, dude. Seriously. Fuck. It's not a competition. Nobody wins when people suffer - like, you do know that, right? There's not gonna be some scorecard in heaven where you get to see if your team won. You'll be just as dead as those Africans you're scoffing at. So enjoy it, bruh. Fuck.

>you find the same thing and even worse in eastern europe
Can you tell me a country where millions of children are starving to death in Europe please?

I'll wait

There are no 'literal genocides' in Syria. But there certainly are in shitholes like Northern Nigeria and Mali.
I'm not anti-Africa. I'm anti-revisionists pretending Africa was at any point an advanced continent.
Don't complain about history on the history board.

>Still more advanced than antiquity Europe
Because globalization has allowed everyone to be on par technologically this is a poor argument.
>but you find the same thing and even worse in eastern Europe
I have been to Eastern Europe and the only places where you could find shit like this is in Moldova.Even then if your cherry picked image is this crap hole I don't want to imagine how the real Ethiopia looks
Your defense is weak as fuck m8

>>Britain for example only used slaves for a very short time
>their whole entire reign
>very short
>>Meanwhile, Africans are still enslaving eachother
>the continent with the most natural resources on the planet is continually unstable and dangerous
jee golly jimbo I wonder who is behind that

5 seconds in google

>We made far more money off our colonies in the Carribean than we did off slaves.
The Caribbean plantations relied on slave labor

ITT: Stormnazis getting btfo

>>their whole entire reign
You know England was a pretty prestigious kingdom already in early 1000's? Are you actually some african trying to justify your horrible civilizations as passable?

>England was a pretty prestigious kingdom already in early 1000's
tbf England was a second/third tier power until the XVIII century

>all slaves are from africa



Then why is Jamaica and the Virgin islands full of niggers?

Yes by that logic everything is based on slaves and slaves should be the ruling class.

"Oh thy highly peasant you've given me everything when i have with my power subjugated you, you have built and done everything while i've just sat and done nothing milord". Pure mental gymnastics.

>By the beginning of the 19th century, Jamaica's dependence on slave labour and a plantation economy had resulted in black people outnumbering white people by a ratio of almost 20 to 1

It's /pol/tard with their inferiority conmplex, you see they are angry because they are white and supposed to be part of the master race but they are still kissless virgin with no personal achievement. So to cope with that they need to find everything to feel better.

Well there is a very good african empire.

They had so much gold that when the leader went to Mecca on Haj he took 30,000 slaves and when they got to alexandra they distabilized the local economy by buying up all the tokens and trinkets.

Lots of gold in mali.

>Anyone that disagrees with me is a kissless virgin.
t.kissless virgin

You're a coon with an inferiority conmplex, you see you are angry because you are black and supposed to be more advanced than europe thousands of years ago but you are still eating albinos with no peronal achievement. So to cope with that you need to pretend your ancestors achieved anything beyond dancing round a fire with a bone in their nose

So let me get this straight.

The most "advanced" african civilization was an """empire""" built entirely on slaves and gold. They left absolutely no cultural, architectural or scientific legacy, their high point being their nigger king wasting unbelievable amounts of money on shiny trinkets.

That actually seems... believable.


Sorry, i meant 12000 slaves.


I haven't said anything other than that post. You're both a bunch of fucking idiots taking such needless extremes.

On one hand you have your smug pseudo-intellects who are prepared to defend Africa to the teeth and you anti-intellects who are fucking clueless about history.

Both of you need to shut the fuck up on something you know nothing about.

Nobody said African are more advanced than European, but they aren't "lol mudhut" like you seems to believe.


Great refutation there Tyrone. Now I truly see that you wuz kangs.

The point of the thread was "why have there been no great african civilizations"

There obviously have. So /thread i guess.

>but they aren't "lol mudhut" like you seems to believe.
Yes they are, except of course for colonial cities.

>Look how smart I am! I have no opinions and take the centre ground, tee hee.Stupid plebs being prepared to actually commit to any beliefs. Heh

Name one. The Mali Kingdom that collapsed and left behind no cultural legacy doesn't count

Ethiopia.Kind of

>left behind no cultural legacy doesn't count
Nice source you have here.

It wasn't a great civilisation. France is a great civilisation, Ethiopia was a mediocre civilisation


I just named a great afican civilization.

Just because it collapsed means nothing.
It existed.

And if i did point out another great african kingdom, you'd just say "that does not count".

So there's no point.
But there you go.

Africa does have a pretty amazing history.

Mud mosques aren't much of a cultural legacy


Especially when they were built by the French.

Why not?

>Africa does have a pretty amazing history.
I agree with you there. It is quite amazing how rapidly we conquered it and how much money we made off it.

I'm not a /pol/fag though, so your image is invalid.

lets start posting some aspects of white civilization

>It wasn't a great civilisation. France is a great civilisation, Ethiopia was a mediocre civilisation
Well it lasted thousands of years and had some peculiar history.They are not the greatest but they have achieved more than 95% of the world's civilizations

It's we now is it?

This is so fucking ironic.