If we can get PewDiePie to make a video shilling DGB, we can buy our lambos. He's the perfect shill for this.
Get something trending on Twitter? Spam DM's to him of its potential? How could we do this?
If we can get PewDiePie to make a video shilling DGB, we can buy our lambos. He's the perfect shill for this.
Get something trending on Twitter? Spam DM's to him of its potential? How could we do this?
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I'm down. Who the fuck knows PewDiePie?
Do not overdo it or else your gonna kill this, that being said now someone is gonna mail bomb him or something
How could it kill it? Even if PewDiePie makes a video saying that it's a complete scam or that it has no potential, it would still have a positive effect. Getting publicity to that many normies would make the DGB spaceship go through a wormhole to 10 galaxies away.
Give him some DGB.
this is the best idea how can we contact him i dont watch this vidya fag
Pewdiepie's audience doesn't play video games.
It's how his channel began. His first video ever is a Let's Play. Obviously his audience has diversified, but with DGB potentially being used on Minecraft servers (and Minecraft players typically being 14 or younger), it would perfectly tailor to his 14 year old or younger audience.
digibyte should sponsor pewdiepie. then we go to lamboland
Pewdiepie's audience has always been people that watch for the lolsorandumb humor(at least since he realized those idiots were more profitable than putting out decent videos for /v/). You want streamers that actually play Minecraft or LoL.
yogscast maybe? kek
Well what does he like? Money? Id guess he already has a lot. how greedy is he? Community? Maybe
We need to either offer him $$, or convince him that shilling digibyte will somehow serve a greater purpose.
My best guess is Twitter but I haven't Googled around. DM's or multiple people @ing him about DGB should at least have him look at DGB.
Here's what I'm thinking. We get him to see something informative (a few paragraphs or even a video of someone speaking) about cryptocurrency. I'm betting that he has a general idea of what BTC is, but doesn't fully know about the cryptocurrency market. We can start by explaining to him how DGB is like BTC but different, because it tailors to video gamers. We can also show him the BTC graph and its large increase in value over the past few years (hell, over the past few months). This will strengthen his belief in cryptocurrency. Then, we should educate him on why DGB is better than BTC (faster transactions, simpler to understand, doesn't have the "buy drugs online lolz" reputation that BTC has, etc). These are just a few ideas off the top of my head. Hell, if we can get PewDiePie (the person with the top subscribers on YouTube) to shout this out, this won't just help DGB, it will help all cryptocurrencies. He himself will probably be interested in the investment opportunity.
Okay, sure, those streamers would be more targeted, but PewDiePie's sheer quantity in his audience would make him more valuable. However, this also makes it somewhat more unlikely that he will shill it. I'm down to shill to other lower level peeps with the previous ideas I just wrote.
Convince him that it can save Sweden from the sandnigger invasion and he might get on board.
If he likes money, then he could just invest in DGB then make a video about it, then cash out with 1000% gains. Definitely worth bringing up.
Unless that's illegal? Or is it. Idk
Do you know how we could get in contact with him?
That's what I'm saying, you gotta sweeten the pie for him. Legally.
It smells like the kind of thing only rich people get away with.
Dont know. It might be considered insider trading, but with the loose regs around blockchain, there might be a workaround
Again, Twitter is my best guess and definitely a good method to get in contact with him if we get multiple people tweeting him (or if possible, start out with someone smaller e.g. 200k followers Minecraft streamer), then get him to tweet at PewDiePie.
I'll look around and see if there's a better way to contact him though.
Anyway, hold the phone. DGB spike happening now.
I like where this is going. Should we set up a chat room or something?
Good idea. I'll get on that and I'll also start making a /dgb shill general/ thread to work on this. Definitely has potential, and if we can only achieve getting notoriety from at least a small 200k follower Minecraft streamer, it'll still be a large boost in gains.
People will love to hop on this too. Everybody here at this point trades in crypto, and with DGB about to go over 700 sats, they'll want a piece of the pie.
Awesome, keep me posted. Ill see if he has an agent or someone we contact.
Look for streamers instead. PDP is no longer about games. His fans don't even care about games, they only care about him.
Sorry, was focused on the DGB spike. 1k sats hopefully by tomorrow. :)
He still is, to a small extent. I don't watch him often but I saw that he did a Resident Evil 7 walkthrough, which is a fairly new game.
We tell /pol/ that it is the new currency of the alt-right and that it will BTFO the (((Federal Reserve))) and make photoshops of PewDiePie and DGB wallet on his computer. Guaranteed 2+ videos on DGB and a CNN article.
space ghost supports digibyte
Join the discord, just made it. Will start posting it in the /dgb shill general/ threads daily.
This could work, also try shilling it to Emily Youcis she's already into bitcoin.
Great ideas.
Thread made boys, get to work!
the overdo is real
pay him $$,$$$
Listen up anons. I've got the solution. Everyone must bombard his twitter, and youtube with a single question:
Yo PewDiePie, what are your thoughts on DGB and it's future in the gaming industry?
If enough people message him, he'll be bound to make a video.
youtubers to plug this to or try get them sponsored by DGB:
Brofresco ( 1mil subs)
Dunkey (3mil subs)
Rossboomsocks (350k subs)
Dyrus (800k subs)
Preach Gaming (300k subs)
Asmongold (200k subs)
Hayven Games (60k subs)
BellularGaming (250k subs)
Someone go find out about the csgo community, i know fuckall about it
Tell him to shill crypto in general, that sound like a better plan.
Nah, DGB only for now dude. We need as many "gaymen" in on this as possible so we can leave the solar system.
Lol: Imaqtpie
Imaqtpie probably has the biggest following between twitch and YouTube, and he's definitely willing to sell out, seen him do it plenty
Why would you guys need to shill it ? If it's undervalued it'll soon gain in popularity anyway.
Coin so bad you have to shill it to youtubers? Kek
Gamers should know about it faggot. Literally free money for them since they play all day anyway. The more they accrue the higher it goes and we are the ones who profit the most.
Why not shill it to syndicate? He had an online game gambling website before? More perceptive
Also why not just dm PewDiePie like "have you hear about this? So many people are talking about Digi RN!"
Then screenshot his answer and tweet it at him and make drama
False accusations gambling, say he tried to buy your silence with Digi etc
Make digibytes a meme
Like this
"Pewds pumped annd dumped me when I was 9 and 3/4 and then bought my silwnce XD"
Hello have to reference it if enough people do it right!?!
Also I know Im replying to myself
every younger gamer probably
you mean so good* that it CAN be shilled to youtubers
Send him emails with digibyte in white text (hidden) . Suddeny ads show digibyte content as he browses web
i think he often checks what is posted with #pewdiepie on twitter or tumblr
just post significant amount and he well get to it eventual
CS:GO lottery wAs already a thing backed by pro-syndicate
Big following
He's the perfect target for Digi shilling ??????
Born shiller, opposite of a winner
Member when I used to pay Fiat for dinner