Going 30 200 Sats

Buy walls setting up, this is the next Rocket ABOUT TO DAMN LAUNCH


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Looks like shit

more proofs needed

Look at the chart and the talks on slack! 100 by tonight! 200 by mid next week - your choice to be part of the next rocket leaving earth

Eays way to 4x market cap and still cheap!
Project with nice development and some announcments tonight! no risk, just fun!

it just occurred to me that shit shit has already pumped

this coin needs:

1) a meme logo like Dogecoin or Digibyte or Bitbean to improve mass market appeal

2) a Chrome light wallet like Waves to make the coin extremely easy to use without downloading blockchains

3) a tipping plugin like RDD is developing to make it easy to accept and receive MYR on social media

4) an upgrade to Segwit

If MYR did these things it would be a pretty awesome coin.

Yeah. It seems like a shill because this guy bought his bags at a peak and is hoping to dump them.

way aead of you, hence the post.

haters gonna hate, if youre not part of the party go home

>trading volume fell down rapidly by 1/3
>doesn't offer anything special

price is still going up tho

just wait a few mins, it's going to dump back to 50 and then it might pump a bit more, but wouldn't expect too much. It kinda looked like somebody was playing with 10btc and trapping idiots between walls.

All those features will increase mass market appeal and make MYR a better coin. It also wouldn't hurt to market MYR better.

There are many things you can criticize DGB for but marketing isn't one of them.

been talking with them and they said theyve been restructuring with more focus on proper public relations

Tell the devs a Chrome light wallet would be really nice. Ease of use is often the biggest barrier to crypto adoption.

Stop reviving dead shitcoins m8

Myriad is not dead lol watch what happens when 59 breaks, just got in with 1 btc!

a rumor

buy now

the news is going to hit soon

DigiByte is a shitcoin. Even shittier than Myriad. And look where it is now... Besides, Myriad was never dead. I've followed it since launch and the community has always had a trickle of activity in those 3 years. It's more than you can say for most coins.

definitely good time to buy rn
bought and waiting for 100% increase atleast

myriad is very far from dead, it is actively developed and the developers can be reached.

the community has thrived through many years and has grown stronger due to the polo delisting

if you liked the DGB pumps, get in on XMY before it crosses 120.

This is the O.G. multi-algo coin and has been referenced in bitcoin research discussion many times throughout the years (and was obviously adopted by our wonderful DGB)

I am not proposing competition here. Most of the coins on the market are not multi-algo, digi and myriad are among the few

myr has a tipbot on reddit (w/e its good for crypto) and an active community

you could go so far as to say myr could absorb the rdd-id concept with just a little programming help to the open-sourcing team

At 30 btc buys support! Up from 15 about an hour ago! Demand rises people understanding its value

Buy now and be party of the first Jupiter mission :)

>Up over 500% within a week.

That doesn't sound too shitty to me. Maybe you're just salty because you missed out on the gainz.

Solid buy support now accumulating :) 100 by tonight!

Myriad have upadted their roadmap for 2017! Check it out, amazing features to come

This is a new ticket for those that missed the best DGB entries.

It is multi-algo (DGB actually adopted this strategy from Myriad), has active development, etc. for your fundamentals

and it's currently cheap as shit, for your technicals. Take a little DGB profits and turn em into a few million myriad also, for posterity, my friends

Excately! And people who have missed DGB and SIA, dont miss this one! YOu wont!

steady we go

It is worth mentioning that the multi-algo that DGB and Myriad share was initially designed to provide ASIC resistance to the mining side of the crypto, which protects against centralization. if you want some tech to bet on, bet on the multi-algo.

serious bitcoin devs have tossed multi-algo around for years and it's generally supported, barring difficulties with bitcoin's resistance to change

And its been fairly distributed and not premined which gives each of us the same chance

Just FYI > pxdojo.net/2017/04/myriadcoin-untold-story-of-invincible.html

This is the same guy bumping both Myriad threads, dont fall for this shitcoin.

why did u buy at 77
im forever fucked now

ASICs are great in a way, but if you can do more algos, then why not? Let an ASIC industry form, but keep the CPUs and GPUs too. And maybe HDD mining if Proof of Spacetime ever materialises... I heard BURST's PoC is broken? Anyway... I mean, it seems so obvious, that people always say "but it can't work! It must be broken! The difficulties can't be compared!" But after 3 years, many coins have gone multi-algo and they all seem to work. And if you do your research on coinmarketcap, you'd realise that most PoW coins have been dying off over the years. Coinmarketcap is just a sea of PoS scamcoins these days. PoS is downgraded security, but PoW is so costly that you need a pretty decent reason for the coin to exist. As soon as the buys drop on a PoW coin, security plummets, and with it the value. Yet somehow multi-algo coins seem to be able to always survive.