*Sips tea*
Crypto Bubble
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we know it'll crash eventually, but we're gonna make the best of it while it lasts.
not everyone is rich enough to not care.
I fight to get out of wagecucking, so even if this is a bubble, I want to get in on the most profitable possibility of the decade
there is no bubble yet
the bubble is when normies invest
??? Who cares?
Just don't hold too many bags and get out in time and don't invest more than you can lose
That's why you have one foot in the exit.
Don't be caught holding the bag.
OP really thinks he's the only one to realize this. No one here believes that this is free money forever, we're just capitalizing off of a great opportunity.
Don't act like a kike because you're too afraid to invest and take a risk
*Sips tea*
polo activity is up 600% in last 3 months friend.
Normies are actually getting in now though. People have been spreading the tale of cryptocurrencies all over Reddit, youtube, twitter, facebook and twitch
And total crypto market cap hasnt even surpassed 80 billion yet. Thats less than just a single company's stock market cap on the major exchanges, most valued easily at over $100 billion USD.
Quit looking at percentages and look at the raw fucking fundamentals.
Normie here, can confirm I am already investing.
solid points,
felt like this after last bitcoin crash with everyone saying Bitcoin is dead.
Just comes back stronger each and every time.
It ain't going away soon
600% up in activity is nothing.
right now, we're not even close to a bubble. cryptocurrencies are miles away from being added to mainstream investment portfolios... most countries are still figuring out how to event tax them properly.
also, bubbles can be great, if you realise what's going on.
with a market cup of $72 billion... not even close to a bubble my friend
if you're on Veeky Forums let alone Veeky Forums, you're not a normie
so? we are on the 3rd or 4th level, plenty of room left
its summer, normies having fun in the summer with their friends and gfs
we have at least a few month left
sold btc at 1850, too soon?
I don't think you understand what it means for normalfags to get into something. When your morning conversations with random coworkers will be about trading cryptos, that's when you know it's mainstream. It has even begun in the slightest.
>beginning of bitcoin - hardcore bitcoin fags only
>5 years ago - hardcore crypto nerds
>2 years ago - niche investors, tech specialists
>1 year ago - neets and basement dwellers getting in on it
>few months back (current) - curious tech savvy people
Still 15-20 years until it becomes fully mainstream.
So, thats like fiat, but everyone have to join the piramid?
Ethereum is going to be huge through the 2020s. This gravy train is boarding still.
Reasons why crypto is not a bubble but shitcoins do exist.
1. World GDP is $63 Trillion
2. Current crypto cap is $73 Billion (a single top tier bank makes this in a year)
3. Crypto allows the 2 billion unbanked adults in the world to participate.
4. Crypto is better/faster/cheaper/more secure than fiat currency.
5. Crypto BEGAN on the lowest possible transaction fees ie; gas, sats or whatevs
6. Crypto is an entirely new ecosystem with unimaginable real world applications that are being built by people smarter than you or I.
7. How many currently using Crypto? Probably much less than 50 million irl
8. Shitcoins exist because it's a free market and people can throw money at whatever they want without researching, just like in the real world and stock market that has been known to completely fuck everyone when it wants to.
9. Crypto removes barriers of entry for people who would otherwise be unable to invest in the incumbent stock and financial market.
9. OPs an faggot and is scared of making gains.
9. OP should remain poor and use his lack of imagination to join a local church group.
9. OP doesn't know how to make a wallet lel
10. Stay out of crypto OP, it's far too awesome for the like of you.
Its amazing how people fail to understand this simple concept
what's your point? fiat is a ponzi so many orders of magnitude larger than crypto it isn't even funny anymore; what's worse it's codified into monopolies to kike your shit up whether you like it or not