It's actually fucking happening. Get the fuck in we're going to the moon. The first p&d was just the beginning.
Other urls found in this thread:
We're eating through btc like fat kids and cake. resistance on the bid side is fucking huge.
Yaaaaasss holy shit thought it was just a meme but it's been going up a lot the past few minutes
Sold 80k at a 4 sat loss yesterday. I'm actually going to kill myself
lesson learned
holding 6m since 5 sats, pretty nice
Holding strong, lets do 50sats
The whales never accept losing money.
What a day for my portfolio.
3 million RDD .. in making 100 dollars a tick here
Thank you guys.
After 10 years, 4 failed relationships, a bout of depression and being stranded on /r9k/ this coin is my ticket to freedom.
I sold 1M at an 8sat loss, I feel you
What I meant to add was that Veeky Forums is finally giving back
What the fuck? Why can't you absolute retards not simply hold? What is a 4sat loss at 80k? I doubt it's close to 500 dollars. Why are you such a big pussy? If you are going to sell any coin which dips, you will be broke before you know it.
If you are daytrading and IN A PUMP, you sell on an acceptable peak and don't look back. If you are going long, you don't look at the PUMP or its DIP you look at +24h gain and beyond.
Jesus, it's people like you I am making money off. How hard can the fuck it be to not be a retard? Would you sell all of your gold if gold dipped a few cents? No? Then hang the fuck on to it man.
As long as BTC doesn't crash, we can only go up. Just look at DBG. Quadrupled in a day. Countless of dips at which PUSSIES like you sold.
I swear I am getting sick of you ABSOLUTE NEWBS thinking you have to SELL when you make the closest to a loss.
I don't even have this RDD shit because I have no faith in it, but fuck man get some balls if you get on a rocket. If that's not for you, put it in a fucking dow jones index fund and get cucked by 2% yearly profits.
Get the fuck out.
>bought at 6 sats
>sold at 18
Bought 500k at 7 sats, sold 400k at 17 sats, kept 100k for long term holding
Where do you even buy this shit?
76BTC to 30 Sats. Thats a lot. I sold last time at 19 Sats, I'm happy with that.
do you feel like giving back to a poorfag?
my RDD ad is RiPLkji4bCJrXqeAX7FL9TmoxKCuuwz3Vf
Congrats anyway desu
Kek, I said I learned my lesson
And you were right.
Where's RDD ending up at?
Reddcoin lead dev made an announcement today about REDD-ID and people have been expecting that to take the coin to 100sat when it's released.
45 satoshi by end of day. Fuck if I know. I'm riding the REDD MOTHERFUCKING ROCKET BITCHEZZZ!
WHat aare you smoking?
Less than 30 BTC to 30Sats.
This coin has proven the smartasses again and again. When will they admit defeat?
Theres also a few whales on RDD, they probably just bought more at 25. Now back to 30, they can take to 40 in a few mins literally, thats how much they have vested already. But more whales will join, rest assured.
holy shit
Phew I didn't cash out everything. I still have some "on the house" RDD from 7 sats.
There I'm in with 10 btc.
You're all in good hands now.
Enjoy the ride to 100+ sats
hahawhah fucking 10 cents here we fucking come
Yesterday I was about to sell my 1.4m rdd at a 5 sats loss. I canceled the orders and went to sleep
Fucking glad I didn't
it would net me 20 btc, thanks mate
Please tell me this is the road to Lamboland. I'm fucking shitting my pants xD
>MFW I sold almost all of it yesterday at 13 because I thought it was going nowhere after the first pump.
probably, with some bumps on the way as always
the market is fucking insane right now, everyone is thirsty for "cheap" coins and just pumping them
Check the activity on their board. Coin dumped because everyone thought the dev is dead, and their dev shown some activity recently. The community wakes up and grows - and this coin's growth is powered community. The first huge surge will come once it's added back to poloniex, then once they introduce ReddID and the other boards are going to swallow it. It's really going to the moon.
And the best part is, I'm sitting happy with a stop loss at 24 satoshi. because that still made me wads.
mate I sold all 2.6mil I bought at 5 sats
literally want to die atm
Is everyone ready for their lambo?
I have about $1,150 to put all into RDD, will I be fine if I buy in under 30 sat? what's the target?
>Bough 5.5M at 6-7sats
>Sold 3.5M at 17sats
>My 2M holdings are now worth £800 profit
the moon!
We're in uncharted territory. My guess is that it's gonna be a safe bet as Redd ID is nearing completion. Lambo. YOLO
I honestly project the coin breaking 100 sats in a week or two.
If bitbean breaks 100sats while offering nothing at all, there is no reason a better coin with real world application and a big release coming soon can't.
At least 100 sats by the end of the year but probably a lot more
Total coin supply is huge.
can I get some rhetoric on how the total coin supply might affect the price of a coin and also how much this has vs ripple or other large coin supply coin?
hahahaha so fucking true.
come on biz bros, HANDS OF IRON YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS. BUY THE DIPS, DONT SELL! BUY LOW, SELL HIGH!!! have you cunts not learned anything lurking here????
you realize the whole point of the coin is for micro transactions. its important for the supply to be huge so the price doesnt get too high. you think if this shit hit 2k that people would be tipping 1RDD for some stupid fucking post on reddit? no. this coin isnt meant to be worth a few Gs. do some fucking research FUCK im triggered
After 50 sat there is no resistance.... holy shit.
Ripple has about 3.5x as many coins as RDD
youre absolutely fucking right, m'lord. after we smash that 50 sat wall, this cunt is headed straight to mid 90s
my question to this is how does steemit do it then? They're price is considerably higher than RDD's and it's used there. This is a genuine question.
FFS then why is everyone spouting it'll never go past 100 sats?
And on this day I become a jew. I love you guys
fml been watching the chart refreshing since 27 sat but the transfer rate takes TOO FUCKING LONG REEEE, just bought in partly 33/36 sat
how much did I fuck up or did I do good? managed to get myself 1152600 coins
steemit is tipping on blockchain platforms. RDD is tipping with crypto on current platforms. steemit could be nice in the future, but we're years away from blockchain platforms being mainstream. RDD will gain use and brand equity way faster cause people can use it now. its not necessarily the best tech that always wins, user. see iPod (or more currently, bitcoin).
just remember nigga, HANDS OF STEEL. dont fucking panic sell. the end goal for this coin is not 100 sats, or even 500 sats. this is a long term hold imo. imo, hardly a difference where you get in right now as it will all seem incredibly cheap in a few months/years. just my 2 Sats tho..
Kill me. Coinbase fucking keked me with the limit, and I can't sell anything to move around and buy back in. Kill me
Dude, this shit is going sky high. Even if it dips, hodl because when Redd ID is released, the gainz will be even greater. Just think, this happened all due to a mention of what Redd ID /is/ so just imagine what it will do when it hits. Youre in safe hands user.
thanks fellas, is it unrealistic for this to reach 1500 sat?
That's one of the reasons I'm thinking that this coin has some potential. I don';t quite understand how steemit is on the block chain and links would be appreciated. However, I see that since twatt, Fagbook, rebbit, and other buzzwords already exist and content creators are already searching for new ways to get paid for their content besides the central patreon shit.
I'm taking the DGB I mined for free and dumping it in. I mined $70~ worth of dgb in a few days.
oh also is there a wallet to store these bad boys so I don't have to keep them on yobit?
I don't even bother trying to help these faggots anymore
t. bitbean guy
Goddammit I had 200k and only held 5k. Why is this happening now?
go to steemit website to find out more info on it. desu i only have a basic understanding of the coin. and like i said in previous post, i like the tech, but i think its jumping the gun. where i think RDD's timing and use on current platforms is huge. transitioning to blockchain based platforms at a later date when its already widely used and has name/brand equity shouldnt be a problem.
Wish i houd have screencapped the faggots that bashed this coin few days ago, repeatedly came in the thread and bashed RDD and only made the rats panic sell.
I can't say, but I'm betting it'll hit at least a penny given some time.
Fuck if I know. I only stake PINK.
>sold most of my RDD at the first pump
Only 20k left, when will it hit 1$?
is there a way to set-up stop-loss on bittrex?
Getting bumpy, sit tight for 50 satoshi. whales are eating it up.
I'll buy the dip. It'll probbly be sub 25 at least
I just set a sell order to undercut enough so all I have to do is hit a red button quick if it tanks and I get scared. Gotta pay attention.
I feel like I'm circle jerking it but I have to agree. if the block chain is really a super secure SSH-like platform it will happen eventually no doubt. But right now normies are still in their I love social media phase and I don't see anyone switching anytime soon. Fegbook hasn't released anything about any blockchain tech, just vr implementation. WHo knows though.
I meant blue button. sorry
50ksats tonight, confirmed by devs
This is going straight for 100 sats
I would probably go out side and headbutt my windshield.
50k? where's the proof?
850 possible in the next couple of months?
exactly, im with ya user. normies still have 0 understanding of bitcoin or blockchain. fun anecdote, i was listening to the radio in car yesterday, mainstream station. hosts started talking about recent hacks and bitcoin ransome attacks. they then started shitting on bitcoin, and how it will eventually just be shutdown or made "illegal" by govt. was literally laughing out loud, normies still have 0 fucking clue how blockchain works.
just gave me more reason to think RDD will have more immediate (and thus longterm) success than steemit
don't sell. whales shaking out weak hands
I think long term one coin could be worth anything between 1 cent and a dollar :) crypto is the next big thing after the internet
LOL, does it looks like the big boys care? If they don't then why should I? you also say to the FED that the total supply is huge? Compared to the FED, BOJ, ECB, BoE etc this is still peanuts. Think before you say anything stupid like this.
Absolutely, don't let the whales scare you yet.
if this does moon lets say to 800 and I have 9BTC worth to sell how do I sell it all so it doesn't effect the price?
Whales are still not present and are holding as far as I can see.
That is literally the best fucking news I've heard all week. I've been seeing constant threads about the speculative bubble that's going on. If anything maybe the recent terror attack pushed it back a year or too. I heard a bit about it on NPR and they kept glorifying it and made it seem unreal. I was getting nervous I had missed the ride completely. If kek wills it let RDD make it for both of our sake desu.
This is just the start too. RDD has value. Its going to be a good month
If we want it to succeed we need to
>relist it on polo
>use the Veeky Forums power to make it popular
Current beta works on all reddit boards, lets just make some memes, post on their memeboard, whatever it is, and tip each others some small amounts of RDD. When other redditfags see it they will most likely follow the trend, as most normies do.
bought at 43 sats, FOMO, am I fucked? :(
i had the same feelings. saw CNBC running segments about bitcoin, as well as other articles and news stories from pretty large news stations getting some attention on twitter. i was getting scared that ppl were starting to catch on. then i heard that shit on the radio and got a raging erection and realized this shit is still along ways off before normy integration. plenty of time left to build our portfolios.
we're all gonna make it, biz bros
I'm a week into crypto and I still really don't have a good grasp on how the actual tech works. I get the concept of the blockchain I guess but other than that I'm clueless. It's a hard concept to understand for someone not into tech.
Furthermore I was talking to my brother who works for a bank and he said he wouldn't be surprised if there is a big push to make crypto illegal, and he said that banks often refuse customers who trade large volumes of btc. I think he's wrong since crypto seems to be trending like the next big (BIG) thing, but it could also crash very, very hard. I'm new to it though so I'm hopefully wrong
I agree.
Nah it'll hit 50 tonight.
No, just HODL. Imagine what happens when Redd ID actually releases. this is all just due to an announcement.