Germanic Union when???
Germanic Union when???
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How is southern Scotland not Germanic?
Hopefully never.
It was possible once, but anglos ruined everything by pretending they like jews.
t. Quisling
Anglo Saxons were just the ruling class, most English still descebds from dirty Celtniggers
Leave Scandinavians out of your cuckshit union, Ahmed.
>Krauts migrated to Britain, therefore Britain is Kraut
Guess that makes Germany Syrian then, huh Abdul?
Biological race is a scientific falsehood.
Why don't you learn to spell before making sweeping generalizations?
What language did they speak in Britain in 300AD?
What language did they speak in Britain in 900AD?
What language did they speak in Germany in 1416?
What language do they speak in Germany in 2016?
>Linguistics arguments
LOL you're bladda m8
sorry to burst your bubble.
What is the problem here?
>Northern Italy (otherwise known as: Gallia Cisalpina)
Spotted an irate Celt! Watch out guys he'll dip his hair in lye and shout rude words at you!
The English are a Germanic people and there is no two ways about it.
I'm sorry but it is true.
This. OP doesn't know shit.
t. Seamus O'Potayto
they don't think it be like it is
but it do
has to be bs
wtf kent is more celtic? were the jutes good guys?
Hopefully never. Pan-Germanism is cancer.
>t. frog
The worst thing is that Pan-Germanism is just a giant fucking meme. A meme that killed millions and eventually ruined Europe.
op should go back to
The fuck is this bullshit? The Franks were Germanic. So were the Goths and all the tribes that migrated to Spain.
Lol, also. Fennoswedes are swedish only linquistically. People seem to forget that swedish was an administrative language so you had to adopt it to rise up in society. Otherwise western finland is majorly Germanic anyway since heavy influence of Hanseatics and Swedes.
Because they dropped what made them Germanic.
Visigoths became Romanasized, the Franks in West Francia became Romanasized.
Lowland Scots are Germanic
Adopting the language is 90% of ethnic assimilation
Literally just having a laugh around here, same shit could be done with Celtic Union, Slavic Union, Romance Union, etc.
It's the same lulz shit that drives people to make images like pic related. If you aren't having fun with it, you're doing it wrong.
So what youre saying is that americans are 90% british?
Americans are literally Anglo, and everyone accepts this
Even americans don't think that way Laddie.
what kc and why is it always related to the krauts
>Cornwall has its own peoples
When will this meme end?
this. they are genetically as anglo as the english.
english people are on average a third anglo-saxon.
You're dumb as fuck lad
Go role play a Sarmatian or Alan or something
Not that, Lowland Scotland ethnically have their roots in the northern Anglo Saxon kingdoms like Northumbria. Only Highland Scots have ethnic roots in the Gaelic Scotti
Honestly this fucking board, do you people not know how ethnicity works?
>Anglos part of the union
no thanks
They are 10-40% Germanic, depending on region
Unlike the rest of the thread I have a scientific study backing my statement:
They're pre-Germanic Paleolithic huntergatherers, actually, just like all I1 """"""""""people""""""""""".
and there he is, the dumb as fuck anti-england poster.