Was the sexual revolution a mistake?

Was the sexual revolution a mistake?

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because it made you aware that youre a loser ?
not really


Nope. There are still wholesome women out there if you want them.

Yes because it made me aware.
t. loser

Nice projecting.

It was okay.

It never really happened. Promiscuity has always ebbed and flowed.

I once met a sociologist who told me there had never really been a sexual revolution because people hadn't change their sex habits, they just made them more public. It's a difference in display, not style nor content, he said.

>people were always secretly sneaking out and drinking and fucking strangers every night, they just made it public

nice defense mechanism

>married people had affairs
>single people fucked strangers
>people drank

Nice reading comprehension

Yes, as it weakened the family-unit on which society depends.

But at least we are on course for a correction event with the rise of Islam.

No, youre right, we need arranged marriages, a ban on women's suffrage, and state-mandated burkini for women in public. Otherwise the fee-fee's of animeposters and robots will continue to be hurt, and we cant have that.

I'm saying that your "professor" is a liar

The sociologist claimed sex habits didn't change.
And they didn't. People still fuck they same way they used to. We don't even fuck in public or have random orgies. Things just became more open, that's it.
So yeah, people were always drinking and fucking others, they just didn't "sneak around", they were more usually seen as low class promiscuous individuals if they made it public, or whatever it is that they were if no one noticed.

He wasn't my professor.

doubt it. there is already correction, but there are now lots of losers too: there has been a rebalance.

>Was the sexual revolution a mistake?
nope, it was based.

Multiple facets to it. Women having sexual freedom is inherently a good thing. The double standards aren't completely gone, but they've eroded, and that's great. Victimless activity is irrational to censure. But I think there's side effects however that one has to take upon oneself to control.That's not a bad thing in itself, but a lot of people don't do it. Porn in excess on the wrong people have fuck men up. I think men skip foreplay because they don't watch it in porn. Also, beta males who never talk to women have their views of women stunted through porn. It can also bring on feelings of inadequacy. All this, however, probably has nothing to do with the sexual revolution but rather the invention of the internet: internet porn probably would have exploded even without the sexual revolution.
Furthermore, the poisonous brew of hedonism and slave-industriousness (work hard, play hard) lulls people into an abhorrent semi-conscious nihilism.
Also the resentment of the losers of revolution occasionally gets a few people killed. Legalized prostitution would fix this immediately. None of these are necessary consequences of the sexual revolution, but contingent ones that happened to occur.

>Victimless activity is irrational to censure.
What about the nigresses who have 8 kids in the hood and force the taxpayer to pay for their food stamps

>inherently a good thing

in what way

Go to India and tell me.

I dunno, tinder is great.

IIRC young people in the developed world are having less sex than any generation since the start of WWI, so I'm skeptical about the existence of a "sexual revolution"


It's an invented fantasy conservatives harp on to depict modernity and the rise of secularism as "degeneracy".

>Rise of stds and stis
>Rise of single mothers
>Rise of criminals due to these single mothers
>Rise of low tier immigrants, illegal immigrants, and refugees
>Rise of angry single men
>Rise of violent events
>Rise of degeneracy

In no way, libshits are unable to qualify anything and reply with empty dismissals when their stupidity is highlighted.

good for chad and women 18 to 29, everyone else has to suffer from single parents, the neurotic people raised by single mothers, divorce, broken families, isolation and loneliness


You're describing things that were going on since the 18th century. For blacks, that is.
It really only strikes you because whitey got in the middle of it too.

The 1950's milkman probably got laid alot.

Blacks in the 50s were more likely to have an unbroken home than whites. Then they turned away from religion, which is the poor man's glue and families fell apart. Also crack in the ghettos and the war on drugs.


the overwhelming majority of people on food stamps are white faggot

They didn't have much of a religion to begin with. Anglos were terrible at holding slaves. They didn't even TRY to convert them.

>whites are 60 percent of the population and are 40 percent of food stamp recipients
>blacks are 15 percent of the population and are 25 percent of food stamp recipients

his post is stupid. the sexual revolution obviously happened. the reason for less sex among millennials is something else.

But there are written records of people being total sluts throughout history.

>the sexual revolution obviously happened
What exactly is the sexual revolution anyway?
Having sex in different ways? That didn't happen. Whatever thing you might be thinking, like having sex with instruments like dildos or in groups or whatever, all those thing had already been in practice.
Is it about people being more open about sex? Then why call it a sexual revolution? Being open about something tabu isn't really a revolution, it's just a tabu that goes away.

>Rise of idiots who pay no attention to crime statistics

if you dont know what youre talking about, why post in a thread about that subject

Women should be second class citizens, there's nothing wrong with that. If they didn't want me to think less of then they should have more sex with ne.

I'm okay with it. Sex being less of a big deal makes relationships less about getting laid by someone hot and more about finding someone you actually enjoy spending time with.

Finding both is even better. In the meantime, you can have fun and fuck around without worrying about your image.

Only betas/autists have a problem with sex not being a big deal.

>What exactly is the sexual revolution anyway?

a buzzword used to paint hedonism and dangerous promiscuity in a positive light