Seriously, why people decided to domesticate this filthy animal...

Seriously, why people decided to domesticate this filthy animal? Why in the first place you would want these things anywehre closer to you? To catch mices?

Other urls found in this thread:

I read somewhere that cats may have actually domesticated us.

Pest control is no joke. Rats were a big concern.

>have mices in your house
>get a bigger mouse who brings flea and fur to the air

Brain parasites

They're soft and cuddly and cute. And they kill MICE ("mices, isn't a word) along with more other critters than any other animal in the animal kingdom. They are apex predators for their size. Cats are pretty cool even if they can be gross

Not exactly but they did choose to be domesticated. It wasn't like dogs where humans intentionally took them and bred them into working animals. Cats just figured out that a lot of their best prey lives in close proximity to Humans so it was advantageous to live with Humans and get rid of their pests for them.

They weren't domesticated. I mean they never really were. Compare the behavior of feral cats and stray dogs.

during late Middel Ages the Church started to execute them because cats were grossly associated with Satan and the devil
the lack fo these animals allowed mice with yersinia pestis bacterium to flood into the europe provocking the Black Death

We never domesticated cats. Cats domesticated themselves.

How else are you going to keep squirrels from pissing in your weed plants?

egyptians thought they are holy because they actually protected their food

cats are carnivores and so can be set loose to hunt mice all day without risk of them damaging your veggie patch

adult chickens can generally deter cats

pure carnivores I mean, unlike dogs who will start digging shit up

you must love rats

Cats are essentially African wild cats. They are already tame animals and are kept as pets in Africa. So there is not much to domesticate.

they were domesticated by hunter gatherers or farmers

>they were domesticated by hunter gatherers or farmers
oops I meant were they

They are low maintenance, but more cuddly than fish. (If only women were like this.)

What's not to love?

Dogs are a pain in the ass, attention whores, and incredibly high maintenance, in addition to constantly having you one bite away from a law suite... (Like bitches - albeit more loyal.)

Although, even on that front, every once in awhile:


You might not like them, but they are far from filthy.

They're cute, clean as fuck and eat mice that back then could literally lead to you and your family dying of plague, what's not to love about them?

And then God (through Moses) rained on their parade.

They also sacrificed them by the thousands.

Fuck off, turdwich.
Cats are clean.
They purr and cuddle
What's not too like?

To catch rats eating out your crops, you dumb fuck.

Muh faith!

Cats are very clean

Delet dis

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post

>Small carnivore wanders towards you!
>Does not harm your or your shit
>Decide not to harm it, since it's not doing you any harm
>Vermin are after your grains
>Vermin are suddenly gone
>Small carnivore doesn't even need to be fed your few and precious resources-- it seems to feed itself

Cat's weren't domesticated, they were tolerated, socialized with humans, and tamed. You act like letting a harmless beneficial symbiotic relationship happen without any effort on a human's part is a "dumb choice".

>To catch rats eating out your crops, you dumb fuck.
Most societies in Europe and East Asia used tiny dogs for this.

Can you imagine a cat running across a field in great distances to take down a field rat?

No, but I can imagine a cat getting a surprise attack on them by sneaking up on the rat and then leaping towards it.

I've had cats and dogs. A dog can be fast and strong as fuck but a cat that knows how to hunt will drive away the rodents better than any dog. I can't ever imagine a dog catching a bird without help, cats do that regularly.

Yeah. You have a house.

Also Cats tend to kill singular rodents. You can train a ratter to kill one rat, and move to another target.

Not to mention field rats are as big as fucking Cats to begin with.

And tell me how many pest birds your ratter dog can kill? 0, that's how many. Not to mention cats basically take care of themselves.

Fun fact: Cats hunt a wider diversity of prey than any other predator in the world.

Cats came to us, not the other way around. Same with dogs.

I imagine they just started following us because of mutual beneficial reasons, and we grew used to each other, not really a domestication so much as a "hey, I'm a tiny tiger and living in your house now" and we were like "OK, you catch mice, so I'll allow it, tiny tiger".

you gotta do what you gotta do

> To catch mices?

Pretty much. The domestication of cats began in Egypt. The mice in granaries attracted the cats and the presence of the cats was encouraged. After that,I guess cats just always followed humans.


They domesticated themselves. Grain storage attracts vermin. Vermin attracts cats to hunt them. Cats that are cool with hanging around humans have evolutionary advantages. End result is cats that are cool with people.

I worked on a farm and theres a reason we had lots of cats. They fed themselves by killing all the pest and are almost zero maintenance.

t. toxoplasmosis gondii


I have never met a single cat owner who wasn't a cuck numale or a woman.

Only according to a fantasy book with no archaeological basis.


Spotted the numale.

Are modern cats even able to catch mice?

The only cats I know either have owners who feed them, or urban cats that eat trash or just die from starvation.

The ones that haven't been selectively bred to the point where they're only useful for shows, almost certainly. If you look at a common house cat and a wild cat, they're be pretty much identical.

Even cats that get fed special cat food still go to hunt mice and sparrows around the block when they go outside.

Nice, I'll look around for some videos of house cats hunting mice and sparrows.

Feral cats don't meow.


Actually, the dogs are the ones who influenced our evolution. Pretty interesting.

> They are apex predators for their size.
Cats are nazis of animal world.

People sacrifice things of value. Throwing garbage into a volcano doesn't impress the gods.

They need to feel loved and since beasts can't talk back and beast don't judge them they are the perfect relationship for them to stay ignorant and dirty. They don't care about ammonia, e.coli, ticks, fleas, vomit or disease. For them, the most important and all-consuming task is to avoid themselves, of facing their problems, inadequacies and insecurities.

They can deal with break up and divorce because they always have their "best beast friend" (BBF) to fall back on so they never have to commit, so they forever remain in codependent relationships (dependency without gratitude).

Many of them end up in Africa believing tigers and lions will love them too: mauled to death. I remember one female that must have thought she was going to live when the lion paused, only to come back and finish her off. Her delusion was so great that it overwhelmed all common sense for her to roll up her window. However, she got only herself killed and this is infinitely better than had she been trusted with a child and left a child with a dog-baby-sitter to be mauled to death. One child killed in this way by a negligent adult is one too many.


>cough up hairballs and vomits for no reason

>Can you imagine a cat running across a field in great distances to take down a field rat?

No. but I can imagine a cat stalking rats in a field. With, I might add, greater success than some yapping panting microdog.

>Fun fact: Cats hunt a wider diversity of prey than any other predator in the world.

Except rats, who are the champions of opportunistic predation.

Then it becomes "hey, lift the covers so I can sleep in your armpit".

they don´t catch fuck anything, it´s their smell that make rodents shit with fear


Mine catch mice, voles, gophers, moles, sparrows, starlings, snakes, and an assortment of bugs.

You have to be shitting me. Dogs are the hipster beard+flannel of the pet world. Usually untrained little yappy shits (not even real fucking dogs) that go everywhere with them like fashion whore purse dogs that die in oooh, Trevor let's go there before we go to the dog park on Saturday
>selfies everybody! :D

That's because you haven't left your mom's basement in the past 15 years. She's the only reason you know any women at all.

Marlon Brando

If You dont believe me do a quick Google search

Looks like youre the cuck, cuck


>have dogs all my life
>think cats are dicks
>suddenly get cat
>have low expentations
>hey this thing is pretty cuddly (dogs seem so stiff now)
>isn't constantly bothering somebody to open doors
>has a designated shitting box which suppresses all smell
>is both hilarious and chill
>doesn't follow somebody around constantly
>doesn't bark whenever the most minimal noise comes around
>gets rid of bugs and other pests
>actually keeps other cats away (unlike the dogs)
>she even adopted my sis's baby cat when they were on a trip
my life has been a lie

Have mercy, we've made disasters like such for purely secular reasons before.

Maybe in a village or hamlet did this ocur

During rough times, they relied on food from the resident human, and like any good animal realized methods to maintain this particular source of food
there's a reason cats today (except cats let outdoors at an early age) are fairly shit at hunting.

Dogs are the basest pet you are all wrong

maybe if you live in the countryside or something
in the city having a big dog is impossible and small ones are just unbearable
don't even get me started on how their shit owner let them shit everywhere

>Not getting a bigger animal to eat the cat

>invent agriculture
>suddenly food
>since you have food all of your friends and their friends can just build a city and chill and do civilization and shit
>food for hordes of people just lying around
>turns out things other than people also like to eat food and those things will also multiply if they have infinity food available
>if only there was some species of animal that kills pests for food and sport and is also adorable

Granted most small dogs are shit, but then again most small dogs are effectively cats. The only good small dogs are the ones that are less rat-dogs and more a big dog scaled down (like Corgis)

the mongols you mean


They should've just used catgirls instead.

Cats were a mistake.

Lovecraft my man.

Was Mohammed manly enough for you?

Fucking wut

I had one of these things. It was pretty smart and surprisingly fearless. Really respectable creature.

Regular house cats in the country actually carry the mice they kill to their owner's doorstep, eat it there and leave the guts. At least our cats did that.


> cat
> domesticated

Cats have successfully infected the human race with a brain parasite that almost certainly contributes to the insane affection people show for them. Toxoplasmosis is a hell of a drug.

he's probably never met them, retard

Dogs are fashion accessories.

My cat was an ally cat, but she always kills more then 1 animal and gives us 1. If she only kills say 1 bird, she will only eat the head and give us the body.

holy fuck cats are badass

Yes they were domesticated in an indirect way

That's a myth. There's no evidence that the pathology of Toxoplasmosis in humans is consistent with neurological changes in mice leading to an attraction to feline pheromones. Humans don't respond to pheromones in general, let alone being attracted to feline pheromones.

someone shoop a mind control bug in front of a computer writing this

Cats aren't casual.

literally the cleanest animal in the world