The Anglo truly is eternal.
The Anglo truly is eternal
>germans only bombed government infrastructure
>anglos can't bomb in the day cause would get shot down
>bomb at night
>just bomb civilians who gives a fuck
>germany fires v2
>y would you shoot civilian, germanfucks!
this is what anglos actually believe.
>70 years later still BTFOing Jerry
Feels good lad.
>we dindu nuffin
fuck off kraut
Is there anything better than G*rmans weeping over things not being fair in war?
>>germans only bombed government infrastructure
larpers out
Unironically kill yourself.
A Christmas miracle.
>shotguns are a war crime
>mustard gas is perfectly fine
German autism every time
>be anglo
>"america help us"
>"britain stands alone!"
>america comes to save the day
>start bombing kraut civillians
>"haha lol krauts btfo britain wins again"
why are anglos so disgusting?
That game goes both ways though. The Entente troops complained in the very same fashion about the German serrated bayonets.
Do it again Bomber Harris.
>Germans are still getting fucked from the bullshit they started
This isn't what happened at all, moron.
>not a single kraut died
Why do they need to evacuate 50,000 people over a single bomb?
It's a 3.8 ton bomb... it can vaporize a city block and destroy every window and shatter eardrums for hundreds of meters.
>Coventry cathedral is government infrastructure
Stood there since the 14th century, then smashed to pieces by the perfidious g*rman.
>Germans bomb industries
>It goes well, RAF Almost at it's knees
>Some german bomber "accidentally" drops it's load on London
>Britain retaliates by bombing Berlin
>Now everyone bombs civvies instead
>RAF recovers and Germany looses the air war
It's never right to bomb civvies, and both sides are to blame for this atrocity but the germans got what was coming, and i believe Britain was completely justified in bombing them back.
>RAF Almost at it's knees
This meme again
Legend has it the Germans started it because a German crew ditched everything on board to get home quicker and accidentally hit London. So Churchill said fuck it and went full Douhet.
They switched to bombing civies because it turned out they couldn't actually hit what they were aiming it, so they decided to call the whole city a target instead.
americans are anglo
Replace Merkel with Luther desu.
Makes me wonder if euro extremists go to somewhere like verdun to find undetonated shells and bombs to use.
Sounds like a good idea for a book DESU.
The problems with undetonated shells and bombs is that you don't know when they will explose.
How did you misspell cities twice the same way both times.
do it again bomber harris
Do it again Bomber Harris
civilians you mongoloid
In total war there are no civilians.
I do think it's pretty remarkable that so goddamn much iron was hurled around Europe in the last century that motherfuckers are STILL digging up caches of artillery shells in fields and unexploded bombs buried in building foundations. Really brings home just how insane those two wars were.
It's remarkable how long things can be sitting out more or less in the open and go unnoticed, though. Pic related, one of the landing gear from a plane that took part in the 9/11 attack on the WTC. It was found wedged between two buildings, 12 years after the event.
You don't know where exactly they might even be.
Do it again Bomber Harris
Do it again Bomber Harris!
Luther was in the original but someone shopped him out and made Merkel bigger.
I'll just leave this here.
I'm so fucking hard.
>germans only bombed government infrastructure
Double kek