Redd - ID launch delayed!

Red-ID launch has been delayed to early 2018, two devs are leaving due to internal missunderstandings

Still worth buying?!?!


Classic pajeet FUD. This type of FUD is a good indicator that this coin will break the sky like XBY did.

Not invested in this coin, this is CNN news.

enjoy your crash, you """"long term"""" holders

typical FUD. no link, utter bullshit lie post.

sorry you missed out when it was 5 sats.



Coin at alltime hight - pump sheme so insiders could exit at insane prices

Calm your titties and join XWC moon mission, releasing new tech in 1-2hours. WHITECOIN

What's the info on this user can I get some sourcage. I'd love to invest

>Some so salty they resort to lying on Veeky Forums.

If any of you faggots use the dev slack that's on the website, you'd know Redd-ID is getting released within two months and already has a functional prototype; they wanted to add more features before releasing it to the public and will start open beta soon.

whatever man, fuck the FUD OP.

This shit is about to be worth a LOT of money and lies on Veeky Forums isnt going to stop it.

stop blindly investing in pumped coins but DYOR and youll get the infos.

Lucky i got out at 40 but wanna be honest to tell you its not gonna be released in 2017, mayor issues have evolved

You have the same ID still you lying FUD faggot.

I've done my own research; I'm in the slack and your OP is an unrepentant lie.


I'm looking and haven't seen any mayor issues bro. If you actually wanted to help you would have posted a link. Here's your you and no RDD tip. Stay mad.

Can you tell us what's going on on slack? Are they planning to have some release date? Are they planning to run some sort of a reddit-wide campaign?

OP is a lying sack of shit!!

An official release date hasn't been given; to discourage a pump and dump, the lead dev is going to announce the month of the official release and silently drop it at a random time during that month. Current speculation is July.

So looks like there will be speculative buying and then once redd-ID officially releases it's gonna be a fucking gold rush to buy.

Holding and staking and constantly buying the dips is a good plan

looks familiar?