>dedicate several months of my time to learn as much as I can about business and software engineering from MIT OpenCourseWare, Coursera, Khan Academy, Code Academy, Lynda and Udemy
>several months later
>still no full time job offer
What is the point of me learning anything if I can't even get a job out of it?
I could have spent all my precious time masturbating to porn, watching degenerate anime cartoons and playing video games all day, but instead I decide to spend it productively by taking the initiative to learn and increase my knowledge. I did ALL THIS, just so I can hope to eventually become productive, law abiding citizen who pays his taxes and also makes a meaningful contribution to society.
But even after all my efforts, all I get in return is cold, automated rejections after rejections from employers.
Please can someone enlighten me on what I am doing wrong?
I'm trying to do what society told me to. Study hard and get a job. But its like the system just doesn't want me to get a job and become a productive tax paying citizen.
Like seriously, WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING WRONG Veeky Forums???