Will Iran ever be free again?
Good old 1970s
Will Iran ever be free again?
Iran is already free American dog
They need to be freed from their current freedom.
No it isn't is an Islamic Republican
>Kids can't even. Go partying cuz is Haram
Go away Rotschild slave.
>women can go to university and pursue higher education.
>but they don't have a mcdonalds in persepolis.
truly enslaved.
No rotschild bank either
>Oh Vey, this is not freedom goyim!
>muh freedom
If by free you mean charting it's own course geopolitically, free from external influences, than it's probably the freest they were in hundreds of years. This is not necessarily good since North Korea is free in that way as well.
If free means it's people being free from oppression by their government, they have never been free in that way.
The chances that they switch from Shia Islam inspired oligarchy to Humanistic Democracy somewhere in the future exist but are not very good.
Iran is far more democratic than nearly every other middle eastern "ally"
The youth is supposedly kinda secular, so we might see some change in 30 years
Yes, it's more democratic than most arab autocracies but it's very undemocratic compared to western democracies, and is really a religious oligarchy. Their view is that the individual exists to serve god, the state is run by religions sages that knows what god wants and so the individual is a vehicle to achieve god's wishes as interpreted by the wise leadership. Humanistic Democracy belies that the individual and his wishes are the most important element and the state is merely a vehicle to achieving his wishes and improving his life.
They are like that for decades, they are easily quelled by more powerful and brutal elements
everything is not democratic compared to european countries whose history hasn't been shaped by the worse side of capitalism.
Iranians are getting more culturally islamic like european catholics now. The iranians that come to India don't come to preach like their saudi counterparts, but rather come to party/visit.
Lots of qties too.
>hasn't been shaped by the worse side of capitalism
what is Dickensian England
Yes, but you are referring to the elite urban youth, who are the once who travel and party while the country's policy is dictated by a religious oligarchy that has it's power base in the huge poor religious masses that supply the troops and the militias that beat the shit out of demonstrators
>elite urban youth
iran subsidizes their education. Most of the liberalized youths are the sons of people who got into power after the islamic revolution.
>dicken's england
And the United Kingdom was perhaps the most powerful country in the world at that time. Countries like Persia got pushed around by them and thus have a "never again" mindset which makes them somewhat more isolationist/conspiracy believers.
Yeah, they're laboring under an oligarchy, but who fucking isn't these days. Their oligarchy is a religious one which is unfortunate because the religion in that region is kind of fucked up these days, but by the same token they're not like ... Wahhabists so yeah, totally could be worse.
My feeling about Iran is that if the US and Iran could get past their mutual history, they would make an excellent ally and a good choice to encourage as regional hegemon, to bring stability. Smashing Iraq and trying to rebuild it into that sure didn't work. Perhaps a diplomatic approach, detente with Iran, increased cooperation to smite the fanatics like ISIS ... they are well placed to do this, and they have every reason to desire it also.
The US would need to, of course, accept that Iran's power and influence would grow. Perhaps I'm being naive but I feel it would be better for everyone that a powerful state that can be reasoned with should be encouraged in order to impose order on the middle east and muzzle the crazies, rather than the current policy which seems to be "create as must instability and chaos as possible so they're too busy tearing themselves apart to be a threat to us.".
I think Iranians, the young in particular, are natural allies and a lot more secular and a lot closer in attitude to the West than their old guard government would suggest.
Iran isn't just Tehran.
Pahlahvi restoration will free it
Too bad the claimant is Polish or it would be easy
It's already free.
They are the exact wahhabi version of shia
>Religious hegemon
Yes very smart choice, a shia hegemon over a suni majority region. Almost as good as putting a protestant state as religious hegemon of medieval Europe. A recipe for stability for sure.
Millions of students are not decended from the several thousands of people that took real power.
Anyway, how the state subsidising their education changes anything of what I said? Are they more liberal than the state? Yes. Did they try to protest? Yes. Where they brutally crashed every time? Yes. Do they have influence over their country? No.
>le secular youth meme
Noticed who's fighting pro-Shia war in Iraq and Syria?
>totalitarian country
>representative of students.
Ignore him
He only thinks Iranian hegemony would be a good idea Because of "Muh white Aryans" and because of Diaspora propaganda about how a Westernised minority somehow represents the entire Iranian Youth
Iran has blown it's islamic load too long ago because they couldn't export their fanaticism outside.
>hurdur soldiers don't fight in wars
The fact you have nothing to back up this claim labels you as a /pol/fag.
The user is saying that hundreds of thousands of young Iranian men are fighting those wars, not that "Iran" is fighting in those wars.
Only americans would think that
They are activity fighting religious wars in Yemen and Syria and propup militias and terror organisations in Lebanon and Israel. Their whole conflict with Israel and the west is purely religious and has no geopolitical reasons as most of their other interventions.
Actually the Ayotallahs saved The Shahs ass when the first coup failed and he fleed to Baghdad while his general went and cried to some Ayotallah about how Mossadeq is gonna make Iran a Communist state and said Ayotallah overthrew Mossadeq and only to be backstabbed by the Shah in the White Revolution
Monarachist Iran tried to assert Regional Hegemony too Although they used Neo Sasanian Idealogy to justify it rather than Pan-Islamic/Shia one
Iran is Shia though. It will NEVER be accepted as a hegemony state in that region.
As reductive as this sounds, you have to put yourself in the mindset of a retard to into MENA politics. Even though Iran is more closely aligned to the west socioculturally than, say, Saudi Arabia, the west has to pal around with the latter because they're a Sunni state and the vast majority of the Middle East is Sunni. Even if Iran would secure a more stable and comfortable future for the people in that region, they'd still fight them tooth and nail because they're not the right sect.
This western myth that the wars in the mideast are based purely on western-style reasons (money, resources, etc.) needs to go away. They're primarily ideological wars in nature.
One if the shitiest dynasties in Iran's history
>tfw parents got out in rev
Azerbaijan is allies with Israel and KSA and is Shia.
Religious incentives are just used as pretexts for economic gains.
The reason Iran doesn't want to ally with the USA or UK is because they backstabbed Iran a lot in the 20th century. We're more open to Russia now, thank you very much.
>Azerbaijan is allies with Israel
Lol Veeky Forums