Stop celebrating Christmas.
Stop celebrating Christmas
Why tho
That's the most Pagan thing in Christianity.
Why? Because you chop down a tree and put it in your house?
and then decorate it with lights and shiny things
Sounds like idolatry to me.
Because it's a pagan tradition and the church cucked itself into doing it too to get a few more souls.
Yeah my favorite part of Christmas is when we all worship the tree.
But user, Christmas tree originate with 16th century German Lutherans, so that can't be right.
But user, Christmas was celebrated by all sorts of cultures inside and outside of the Roman Empire, so it doesn't make to say that it was merely a replacement for pagan festivals
We worship the presents and food, silly.
Joke's on you, Varg, I celebrate Eid XD
He makes me happy that Christians campaigned against pagans
It's not so much a replacement as it is a way to integrate all these festivities under one banner. You do the same shit as before only now in the name of a cherub jew instead of Lord Khergiz the destroyer of worlds.
This is true. Christmas was greatly influenced by Saturnalia.
stop being a retarded nordcenterist
He's right Abdul
>we wuz chinese emperors and shit
Yes and?
>This is Christmas
>sandy shithole austerity
>This is Yule
>comfy Northern European good times and fun
Hmmmmm really makes yer think.
>pre-christian cultural activities that are nonetheless compatible with christianity aren't allowed
Psh, nice meme, kid.
Do you think St.Nicolaus invented the whole "old bearded man visiting and giving presents to kids" thing?
Why would I listen to the man who actively believes writing made humanity stupider?
Nice try, Gaius.
>mfw he said civilisations are created because of racemixing
>mfw he used greeks and romans as an example