I am a pleb at ideology, how true is this?

I am a pleb at ideology, how true is this?

>heavy progressive income tax

The Communist Manifesta is like 8 pages long, read it yourself nigga lmao

I can't stand communism...when will the meme end. Communist manifesto is literally all conjecture, assumptions on the nature of man that doesn't even have a solid hypothesis, no solutions but lets destroy everything in the meantime.
Also a key part of communism is the belief is some metaphysical force that makes us into capitalists.
The manifesto itself is about 50 pages of pseudo-intellect and RHETORIC not PHILOSOPHY and college kids and the "poor underprivileged" (as well as low IQ) can't help but champion it for.....who knows why.

Progressive has a strict definition in terms of taxes, it means the higher the income, the higher the percentage of taxation on that income.

>relations of production
you don't know the first thing about communism.

i dont know much about communism but
>government control/ownership
surely that is an oxymoron right

Not at first no

i mean how does a communist government even work

> assumptions on the nature of man
They actually were well scientifically proven.

> metaphysical force that makes us into capitalists
What does it even mean, lmao. If such force existed, people would just magically join the capitalist class instead of being wage slaves.

Well you don't just magically jump into communism.

Those are all verifiably terrible ideas desu

It uses a snow flake idea of private property. One can still have possession of things like a shovel, but one ceases to own property, like acreage, if I remember. Constantly evolving languages...
Inheritance thing is right I think
Seriously though it's an audio book on you tubes. It'll take maybe an hour to listen to
Listen and determine for yourself.

Almost entirely false. Here's the readers' digest version of Communism:

Per Marx, the history of the world is the history of class struggle. Marx asserts that all societies follow 5 historical stages.

1) Primitive Communism
-the initial human society, organized for the benefit of the group
-shared property
-hunting and gathering

2) Slave Society
-class emerges, with two classes, the ruling class and the slaves
-the state emerges, and is coopted by the ruling class
-democracy and authoritarianism emerge
-empires emerge

3) Feudalism
-aristocracy emerges
-theocracy emerges
-nation-states emerge, some attempt to become empires again

4) Capitalism
-industrialization occurs
-market economy emerges
-bourgeoisie democracy emerges, initially only for property owning males, but with gradual extensions of voting rights to other groups
-wages, i.e. the proletariat selling labor to capitalists to survive, with the difference between what the workers are paid and the true value of what they make creating profits for their employer
-imperialism emerges, and capitalist states seek access to new markets and raw materials by force
-markets tend towards monopolies, with the most successful firms often being the ones that are deceitful, malicious, and perfidious

Now here's where things get wacky. So far this theory of history is very simplistic, but not terribly incorrect. But Marx argues that each stage plants the seeds of it's own destruction, and thus tries to predict the next stage. Here's what he comes up with:

5) Communism
-industrial proletariat self-organizes and overthrows the capitalist state
-private property abolished (personal property remains)
-bourgeoisie democracy eliminated, dictatorship of the proletariat instated
-state withers away, as people now live in collectives and don't need it

Marx thus predicted that communist revolutions would occur in the early industrialized nations: The UK, Germany, and the US. (1/2)


Marx also argued that Capitalism was necessary as a precursor to communism, as skipping stages wasn't possible.

Yet the communist revolutions occurred in China and Russia, agrarian backwaters still inbetween feudalism and capitalism, fueled not by self-organized workers but by Communist political parties. This was the result of the work of Lenin, who came up with vanguardism, the idea that you can skip stages if you form a vanguard party to facilitate the revolution. That's why

whoops, hit the button by accident

anyways, that's why it's usually called Marxism-Leninism, as nothing communists do during the 20th century makes any fucking sense except in the context of Lenin's theory of Vanguardism.

Whoever made this is trolling you.

t. Ron Paul

You don't just magically jump into Communism. First you revolt and start an authoritarian socialist state, and then from there the guys in charge are somehow supposed to slowly dismantle their own government and remove themselves from power so that every man has his own equal say or someshit.

Horribly untrue
Anarchist-Socialism is the end game
Those points are only half true of the transitioj government, the Dictatorship of the Proletariat

The ten planks in the manifesto were goals for the movement in 1848 to strive towards. It was ideas for reformist parties to take up in order to improve the lives of workers not a check list to determine if you got the gaming achievement of full communism. At the most it would be the first actions in the lower stage of socialism by a proletarian state.