You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
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He was too good for America
He was the opposite though. He's become more and more like able since his presidency
Lol this. He's actually become more popular and history is only looking kinder on him.
He went from being a universally disliked president to one that's actually starting to get respect and the recognition some of his policies deserved.
Not really. He's meddling with international affairs even though he doesn't hold any office. He's seen as an annoyance. Don't confuse him with with like celebrities who are UNICEF ambassadors.
Erradicating parasites and building homes is meddling?
He was a good man who unfortunately didn't have the stomach to be a president.
His 'Malaise' speech was pretty blackpilled but it's more relevant now than ever
what was his malaise speech all about?
All I know about Carter is that he wanted to implement the metric system and civilize america.
The country's fucked
The government's fucked
Materialism is ruining our morals
I can see why that pissed off americans.
Nations deserve whatever leadership they have. He was a good and honest president, as a honest as a politician could be, to a nation that neither wanted nor cared for those qualities. He told Americans what they needed to hear rather than what wanted to hear and that's why he was so disliked.
He was also an abhorrently awful president but that's a secondary detail to some
the worst is yet to come.
25 year rule
hey, just analysing trends.
Speaking of which, did the british get removed from their place as world hegemon with dignity?
Name one awful thing carter did WITHOUT referencing things outside his control (i.e. opec and iran)
So, wait.
We can't talk about the babri masjid demolition?
He can't be any worse than the last two
last 2 didn't say that they were going to restart the nuclear arms race.
No, but China did.
I think he was right about domestic problems, but his failed foreign policy has only made the Soviets stronger.
>china restarted the nuclear arms race.
good shit.
The US and Russia still are the largest stockpilers of nuclear weaponry.
It never ended
He told the truth and americans really didn't want to hear it. Hence Reagan running on how fucking awesome America is and used to be and selling the people the image of yesteryear
He was an idealist moral crusader who thought everybody is going to be his friend if he's nice enough. Someone like Nixon was an amoral criminal shitbag but at least he was smart enough to understand how the real world works.
I mean, consider the Cuban refugee fiasco. Fidel Castro opened up Cuban prisons and dumped the worst murderers, rapists, thieves and drug addicts to Miami and this fucktard Carter welcomed them with open arms, and only wised up once entire southern Florida became a complete warzone. Literally a proto Angela Merkel.
He was a decent president who was given a shitty hand. It also didn't help that the Republicans committed high treason by fucking up the Iran hostage negotiations, costing him a second term.
>the cubans were oppressed and trying to free themselves from the corrupt commie castro
>they are all violent criminals.
pick one.
Refugees regularly take up criminal activities because it is hard for them to do legal jobs.
>he doesn't know
At least watch Cocaine Cowboys or actually read a book about the incident. They weren't refugees, they were literally all prisoners and Fidel used the US as a penal colony for them.
“I have flushed the toilets of Cuba on the United States.” - Fidel Castro
RIP in piss Fidel
Blackpilled means to understand how bad things really are
So, just a redpill with more cynicism?
Nothing he said was really wrong. The problem lay in the man. Carter was weak and didn't inspire faith or greatness. He seemed to be begging and pleading from the highest seat in the nation, and that was his undoing. If Trump had been Carter and wanted to enact those policies, probably nothing would have stopped him. But Carter couldn't restrain the GOP uprising, and the people followed them because he looked and was weak. He never played hardball.
But I think this is all a bit pedantic. Carter recognized the problem, but I don't think he realized the severity. Partizan politics caused by the Vietnam war and Watergate may very well prove to be a fatal wound to the US as a Republic yet. Its tribal at this point.
You either die a democrat or live long enough to become a republican.
Also optimist, pessimist.
The leader of the country should engage in dialog and help form a consensus. All this weak man strong man bullshit has no value in a democratic government.
Well he did appeal to God and say the words chicano and black so he's pretty much hitler by todays standards.
Oh I forgot Democrats get a pass because because.
I agree. It's a great speech
Government can only do so much
Consensus is the basic system of a Republic yes, but what he did here was:
>Pretty please can we work together pleaaaase?!?
>Oh btw here are some new restrictions I'm implementing without any consensus or input right after we bickered for 9 months in the Senate and House about Tokyo.
>Please say something nice about America.
And what happened? He got BTFO. Yeah, the treason didn't help, but he almost assuredly would have lost anyways. How can you discount the strongman factor on Veeky Forums? Thats literally who wrote and caused half of history to be written as it is? The legions wouldn't have followed some schmuck across the Rubicon, and someone like Tsar Nickolas II wouldn't have united Germany and Bismarck wouldn't have let the Communists get away with 10% of the shit they did before the revolution.
Donald Trump literally just beat a rigged system with a candidate with the entire established government doing every single thing they could to help her running the bombastic strongman routine. It's the most tried and true leadership method, and way easier to pull off than actual statecraft. Thats why Trump beat Hillary and why Reagan beat Carter.
trump got less votes than hillary though. In a less retarded political system he would have lost. Trump's strongman routine didn't get him anywhere. Republicans blocking Obama from passing meaningful legislation did.
>muh strongman factor
yes, like I mentioned it shouldn't happen in a democracy because it goes against the entire sequence of checks and balances appointed to make sure the government doesn't overreach it's mandate
>In a less retarded political system he would have lost
What's wrong with an electoral college?
You mean one that appeals only to uneducated urbanites and not the people who actually produce?
Trump's strongman routine got a literal political newborn who was most famous for firing people on live TV on a game show with children into the White House. Get over the butthurt and realize how you lost, denying reality isn't going to get the Democratic party out of the rut its in.
The Republicans did way more to hurt Trump than to help him. Remember them trying to take the nomination? And the Democrats can only blame the Republicans for Obama's inability to pass any legislation until people remember the Democrats had a supermajority in both houses for 2 years. He could have passed his dream universal healthcare bill and closed Guantanamo in that period. He didn't and whatever the reason that was his decision and his fault.
Leadership doesn't go against checks and balances. And it's going to happen in any political system. Also, the US isn't a democracy, its a republic. Democracies are the mob, and are 100% run by strongmen, ala ancient Greece. The checks and balances of a republic put a check on the power of a strongman leader, they don't deny their existence nor ban nor discourage their existence. Beating one's chest and getting people to follow you doesn't infringe on the checks, it just brings you into contact with them. That's why they are there in the first place. You seem to be arguing that because an outer limit to a behavior is put in place that it is incidentally implied as a complete ban. That's just not the case.
Arguing that the fundamentals of our republics system are not being adhered to because the Democrats didn't get their desired result from that system doesn't make it so.
He was the first president to warn of the dangers of our addiction to fossil fuels. Otherwise mediocre, but didn't do a whole lot of active harm.
Americans rewarded him by electing a charismatic professional shill for supply-side economics, union-busting, mass incarceration, the drug war, and the "Moral Majority"--perhaps Carter would have won a second term had the Reagan campaign not negotiated a deal with Iran to release the hostages after the election.
If America commits Sudoku with its insane addiction to oil and far right nut leaders does Iran get the EXP for making it possibru?
the urban centers are the heart of america now and have been for quite some time. They are the cultural centers of the United states, and they are the economic centers of the united states.
>get over the butthurt.
I don't care. I care about the fact that trump still thinks this is a reality show, tweets about expanding the USA's nuclear arsenal and after the GoP rushes to say he was misquoted, he says that he wasn't. Trump is still behaving like he is in elections mode. He is the president elect. He has to act more stately. Tweeting that he agrees with putin on how hillary should accept her loss with dignity when he was back by nearly 3 million votes is fucking hypocritical. He should be gearing up to lead america, not thumbing his nose at candidates who lost.
>democracies are the mob
>USA is a republic.
>fundamentals of democracy.
But the electoral college was in place so that uneducated proles couldn't vote for the next strongman who would appeal to their baser instincts. Either scrap the system or make it more proportionate. Having a winner take all model in a state that is bitterly divided is fucking stupid because it doesn't reflect the opinion of the disparate any more than a mob rule can. If anything a system based on the french model would be better for electing presidents while the legislature continues to do what it does.
it doesn't serve any function in the current year, or at least it should be proportionate like what maine does.
>the fundamentals are not being adhered to.
The electoral college was made to stop people like trump to come in. That is also an important part of the system.
>He could have
He was dealing with the aftermath of the recession then.He appointed republicans to important positions in his government to show a sense of bipartisanship and all the republicans did was try and hobble him every step of the way.By the time the economy was fixed the democrats had lost during 2010 and everyone knows what happened after that when legislationg got delayed or filibustered or compromised until it was a gigantic mess. the ACA right now is just Romneycare instead of the singlepayer system that the obama administration had envisioned.
>the singlepayer system that the obama administration had envisioned
Not him but single-payer was off the table pretty much from the get-go, it wouldn't have been passed even if literally every single member of Congress was a Democrat.
I don't disagree. The system is dysfunctional in that Americans are divided. And while the EC was put in place to stop someone like Trump getting elected, it was also put in place to stop someone like the average democrat from ever voting.
So to fix the model that you think is broken, the Democrats would need to work with the Republicans its helping to disenfranchise them so that they can get their way. That's not going to happen. I would have said that the abolition of the EC in exchange for voting ID would have been a fair compromise under Obama, but seeing as how the Democrats shouted that down immediately and the great Republican gambit of stalling till the elections paid off I would say were set for that anyways, which might very well gut the Democratic party indefinitely.
Also, its not thumbing your nose to tell someone they lost when they lost if they and their supporters are literally denying they lost. The presidential election isn't a popular vote. Never was. Winning the popular vote gets you nothing, not even a participation trophy. If you dislike the guy, sure I can understand that. But it's not hypocritical to tell someone that lost an election they should accept their loss particularly after that person made such a big deal about accepting the results.
And I think the urban centers of America is very much a matter of opinion. Some people look at Baltimore and Detroit and see a warzone wracked by 50 years of unadulterated Democratic jerrymandering and welfare barony, and that isn't an unpopular sentiment.
>Republicans are the reason Obama got nothing done!
>Even Democrats wouldn't have let Obama get anything done!
>We gave our bitter enemies who don't like what we do and in no way agreed to help us positions of power to prevent us from doing what we want!
>Those very same people are preventing us from doing what we want!
So the Democratic party was faced with a critical leadership problem and decided to compound it by granting positions to obstructionists and then hemming and hawwing at the critcal moment. Sounds like an internal problem more than any failing of the Republican party or the system. If you make dumb moves or are too paralyzed with weakness to do anything thats an internal problem.
detroit being a shithole has more to do with the auto industry changing.
Detroit suburbs aren't bad places overall.
it's more like hillary didn't campaign in states like wisconsin which were sure shot democratic places, but trump did which ended up flipping. The amount of people that voted for the repubs remained the same.
I wasn't talking about Hillary, I was talking about why Obama got nothing done. I don't disagree one bit on Hilary, this was her election to lose. I think the constant shitting on white people and then scratching your head when they either vote against you or dont vote had more to do with it then Wisconsin although that didn't help. She lost Pennsylvania. If that political earthquake wasn't enough to alert one of the need to course correct then nothing will be. The Democrat message of "Nothing is our fault and you have to vote for us or your a racist islamophobe misogynist also fuck coal and the rust belt" isn't holding water. Don't expect it to in 4 years either.
I'm a Muslim Canadian-American who lives in Arlington VA and is in law school. If you can't convince me you have a problem.
Hold up, so Tony Montana in Scarface would have been one of those undesirables Cuba dumped on the US?
>fuck coal
coal isn't coming back. Virginians need to get that into their thick skulls. Hillary told them that they would be trained and would find other jobs that didn't carry risk of lung disease. They voted for Trump who promised to bring those jobs back.
The democrats lost because they and their media friends kept harping on about trump's latest outrage instead of putting their focus on how the few bits of his plans that he campaigned on were utter dogshit and full of lies.
During the first 2 years of obama's tenure the USA was still battling the recession and obama was focused on ensuring that jobs were not lost and the worst of the recession was mitigated.
it implies in tbe movie he is a crimminal sent in exile from cuba
So after 8 years of a Democrat who campaigned on retraining and clean energy doing less than nothing for W.VA they are supposed to believe another democrat campaigning on retraining and clean energy? Do you see the problem?
And why can't coal come back? There is literally a coal burning power plant down the street from the White House. Just because you don't want it to doesn't mean that it isn't an extremely cost-effective fuel that we have a shitton of whose fall as a major industry isn't primarily at the hands of environmental regulation.
China burns a fuckton of coal, coal works. I understand you not wanting to use it. I would rather not use it. But the fact is the EPA basically killed it as an industry and no Democrat in 30 years has lifted a finger to help those who lost their jobs.
Yes Obama was battling a recession, it doesn't mean he can't lay the groundwork for the primary promise he ran on to be effectuated later. He didn't fail to take advantage of the situation because of the recession, he did it because the Democrats are just as committed to not having Universal Healthacare in this country as the Republicans or we would have had it under Clinton. They are just as much in the pocket of the Pharma and Medical companies as the Republicans, they just don't brag about it.
>coal works
and it is mined via automation.
Which is why it is so fucking cheap. Coal plants working has nothing to do with coal miners being unemployed.
3rd guy here. Isn't coal cheap because it's fucking everywhere and you dont need to refine it?
yes. it is. And unless you are strip mining coal the costs with it keep going up because of health reasons.
>china burns a fuck ton of coal
and it uses a fuckton of renewables too. Trump saying that climate change is a hoax to kill american manufacturing and saying that he is going to overturn the paris and kyoto accords is worrisome.
Coal isn't cheap because of automation. It was cheap when we did it by hand. But health and safety regulation forced automation. Its fucked to allow people to mine coal in unsafe conditions, but poor stupid people vote and appealing to them works. Republicans have this complaint for 75% of the Democratic voting base.
Eliminating restrictive regulation and forcing the companies to hire at the expense of automation would bring the jobs back. It would literally force them to come back. Now, I think it far more likely that the regulations are simply stripped and nothing done to rehire the former coal mining communities, but that's not the point.
New user here. If manual mining were economically viable, automation wouldn't have happened. Giving government penalties just begs for companies to leave and giving subsidies is just welfare with a fancy packaging.
the associated health costs and human costs were too much. Automation does the job just as well without health issues and disregarding safety regulations.
either that or subsidizing coal instead of moving away from it.
Manual mining IS economically viable. They do it in most of the world at an exorbitant profit. It's not AS profitable, maybe, but it is very profitable.
Penalties don't force companies to leave unless the company CAN leave or its more profitable to do so. Unlike a car factory that can move to china, a coal mine can't very well move to india. If they could take their coal with them, it wouldnt be mining. Thats why countries adore fuel industries. They are captive audiences and cannot leave. You can impose whatever rules, regulations, and penalties you want on them, and as long as they are running a profit they will suck it up and take it.
Yeah, its welfare. Sure. Don't tell them that. Nothing white people hate more than being called lazy, and we just saw where shitting on the whites will get you.
well you can buy coal for cheaper from abroad. See: Australian coal supplying India because of it's labor laws.
It isn't economically viable with the working conditions people consider minimal.
And believe me, I know people hate being on welfare. Me and my family are from Western Quebec. I know how fucked up mining towns are.