What was Stalin's attitude toward fascism?

What was Stalin's attitude toward fascism?

Wasn't that fond of it i think.

Why Stalin is so smug on that picture?

More like, "what was Stalin's attitude towards anything?"

Guy is such a strange figure.

Stalin a good boy he just trying to build communism n shiet

he wasn't evil everyone he killed or sent to gulag genuinely deserved it for being counter revolutionary n shiet

stalin just wanted to give the world the gift of communism but he will be remembered as evil forever n shiet

He was a fan of the style at least since he seemed to be a pretty big fan boy of hitler before the war.

I know this gets overused these days to describe controversial or ruthless leaders but I really think he might have been a psychopath. Like legit lacking in empathy, narcissistic, self-seeking, cunning. Paranoid. I mean how many long-term relationships did that guy have? He offed just about every one of his revolutionary buddies from the old guard.

apparently he hated his mother too

He knows that the party won't fall behind Trotsky because he's a jumpy Jew and that he holds enough power over the party bureaucracy to pack the central committee with his own loyal appointees.

By 1922, Stalin had surely already decided he wanted to run the zoo.

He was sympathetic of it, fellow totalitarians in the struggle to destroy dissidents, kill personal freedoms and all.

He was actually quite fond of her, was even willing to make room for her in the Kremlin palace.

Not really, he's just a normal three-dimensional human being.

Joseph Stalin was a staunch Marxist with a strong distrust of others and little concern for short-term consequences. Once you understand this, his actions all generally make sense.

This is all true. Stalin was genuinely driven by empathy, not that that it excuses his brutal actions.

Except his actions are anti marxist and disastrous in the long term.

Yeah this is bullshit. Stalin was probably the biggest social justice warrior in history since Jesus. He was driven completely by ending the exploitation of the lower classes by filthy rich capitalists. Anyone that has done even a tiny bit of objective research into him would know this.

>largely responsible for the destruction of the most powerful fascist country in history
>millions of his soldiers and citizens die to destroy fascism

>"he was sympathetic"

someone post the the pic with yuri.

He turned a war-torn backwards semi-industrialized society into one of two world super-powers.

Sure he didn't establish communism but that is simply because no one in his shoes could.

The revolution failed by 1922 and the bolsheviks were left isolated with an insufficiently developed industrial base and proletariat.

He was a fascist.

He believed it was good to do bad things to achieve the ultimate peace and justice of communism

Is it not quite clear he wanted power for its own sake?

Might be. Though after his personal losses i recall he wrote in his diary that he had lost whatever empathy he had left for anyone.

He actually was sympathetic initially

because that image was taken during the time lenin was sick. stalin wanted to potray himself as a super close friend to lenin so that he could fool others into thinking that he would be the successor to the soviet union. of course, he didn't need to do this, he was secretary general anyways - he would have been the successor regardless. trotsky, by then, was already in shit health and barely had any supporters left.

of course, lenin pretty much argued with stalin every time he came over the visit the sick bastard.

Psychopathy isn't a binary condition.

to be fair though, Lenin argued with fucking everybody

yeah, his testament/will is funny as shit. literally denounced EVERY potential successor, but he still named trotsky as the most 'viable' candidate to continue ruling the soviet union.

of course, the commies were too pussy to show this will to the public - so they just swept it under the rug out of fear of losing support.

>comparing Stalin to Jesus with a straight face

take a minute and consider his actions with care

>people unironically trying to rehabilitate motherfucking Stalin

wew. lad.

His attitude was a pragmatic one. He had no problems making a deal with the Nazis to split up Poland, but since it was an ideology in the long-run incompatible with his rule and its ideological groundwork, he probably wanted to see it pummeled into the ground. That is, he wasn't a college little shit that went hysterical over fascism, but he was going to wipe it out nonetheless.

>I'm sympathetic for the political movement, which promotes the so-called Unity of Workers, Bourgeosie and Church, even though it's a dictatorship of bourgeosie and military generals.
J.Stalin. Selected works, p. 1488, published by Bullshit Press, Sealand, 2016

Didn't he call Nazi Germany the "a German worker's state" at some point?
That was pre-june 1941.
Can't find a source.

>not being a dictator apologist and genocide denier

Where do you think you are?

he seemed to like it since he was one

>edgy retarded kids worshipping some brutal dictator

not a surprise



There's a historical desire to lump the big two together and have the west separate so as to draw a clear line between the goodies and the baddies.

The reality is Stalin had a crazy right-wing power close to his borders and knew war with them was inevitable.