Merry Christmas, Veeky Forums. You are best board.
Merry Christmas, Veeky Forums. You are best board.
Merry Christmas to you, too.
Merry Christmas!
PS: I pitty evangelical fundamentalists, kikes and mudslimes that don't celebrate Christmas.
Merry Christmas
Merry Xmas
Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
merry Christ's mass
Merry celebration of the birth of Christ, lord and savior
Happy Birthday to Joseph's wife's son.
Veeky Forums is a terrible board and a mistake by hiroshimoot
Merry Christmas though
Merry Christmas, Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums is the best change that Jackie Veeky Forums has made.
Merry Chr/his/tmas
I'm neither Christian nor Muslim. Not an atheist either. Christmas can fuck off.
>Christian nor Muslim
>Not an atheist either
Gas yourself.
Happy Chanukah
>best change that Jackie Veeky Forums has made
Long have I yearned for a real history board, and moot just wouldn't let it happen. We may get spammed a lot, and we may just be "/pol/ with dates," but I've found more actual discussion about real topics on this board than any other board I've browsed in over ten years.
Merry Christmas
This. Atleast theres some consensus of likeminded people here who have some interest in some period of history.
Merry Christmas.
Now if someone can just get rid of shitposting trips.
Merry Christmas, Veeky Forums friends!
We celebrate Christmas in January here in Russia but Merry Christmas, guys. We get raided from time to time but I still consider Veeky Forums to be the best board on Veeky Forums.
>Christmas in January
I was not aware of that. What is Christmas day for you, user?
Reminder that this is Yuletide.
Your dead Jew was born in August.
Wesołych Świąt
Polish friend.
Merry Christmas, anons, and may all good come to you. Agreed on Veeky Forums being the best board.
Some people actually celebrate it on the 25th of December but most agree that the 7th of January is the Christmas day. Either way, the New Year holiday (31st December - 1st January) is much more popular.
>New Year holiday
I assume there is much drinking and kissing, as is done in America on the new year?
It depends. I always spend it alone.
That's alright. I also spend it alone. Maybe we can be alone together?
I dunno man. No offense but that sounds fucking gay.
Happy Jesus time. I hope we will discuss more humanities in 2017!
Jesus loves you all remember that! I forgot a nice picture.
Christmas is a European holiday
going back to neolithic times, Stonehenge is aligned with the Winter Solstice
the darkest night
when the sun returns
it's a holy day
whether you call it Saturnalia, Yule, Christmas, Finnish-Goat-Fucking or whatever
Winter dies, and the Sun returns
Joy and Luck to all my European brethren
Merry Christmas faglords
Have a jubilant winter solstace.
Merry christmas brothers!
Merry Christimas comrades.
Gookmoot is still a gook though
Also, the problem with Veeky Forums is that obvious factual errors in history are not banned.
>Also, the problem with Veeky Forums is that obvious factual errors in history are not banned.
Nah that ain't a problem. You just got to ask for sources of some kind. Never take anything here at face value.
Veeky Forums is actually pretty shitty.
>You just got to ask for sources of some kind. Never take anything here at face value.
The problem is that idiots here take way too much at face value, and when I ask for a [Citation needed] I get a CHINK/VATNIK/FATAMERICAN response.
kek I love this board
Here's an interesting day explaining how the day of Christ's birth was chosen
Moot handled this shithole okay for 12 years. I'd say he was correct.
Why do you care what idiots believe?
Don't use Veeky Forums as a platform for actual scientific debate, use it as a platform to debate idiots and if you can't even prove idiots wrong, you need to do some more reading.
Of cause idiots won't accept opinions based on sources but for yourself, if you can base your arguments on those sources and they can't, you'll know you're in the right.
Here's an interesting video explaining how the day of Christ's birth was chosen:
>why do you care what idiots believe?
Because they elect our government and fund our universities. Japan under Shinzo Abe is literally what happens when you enable mass denial of history in the research community.
>if you have sources and they don't, you're in the right
Well the problem is that EVERYONE has a "source" for everything.
We have /pol/ denying the holocaust happened, and weebs denying Nanking happened.
But some sources are better than others, and for the other point it's on the one hand a probelm with democratic systems in general, on the other hand a problem with (especially left wing) academics being stuck up cunts that don't try to educate the masses but treat them like dirty peasants. Because of that, people that claim things that can be disproven by sources have an easy time reaching the masses because they talk to them on an eye level and are thus able to push their agenda.
TL;DR the idea of an avantgarde is fucking retarded.
>my source is better than your's
Not a good argument.
The problem is that obvious factual errors are allowed to be repeatedly posted here. Veeky Forums needs more and better moderating.
One good shake and that soda is mine. Also I intentionally break the yolk once the white has started to firm, so long as it stays within the white that's preferable.
"my sources are better than your's" isn't an argument at all, source criticism is an important element of every historical paper.
You have to prove/disprove that the individual source is adequate.
Please explain how one "proves or disproves" a source
Sorta kinda like this:
Something every history BA has to, or atleast should, learn in his first semester.
I agree. There's a lot of shitposting, but any site ending in -chan is susceptible to that on all boards. There's some good information on here and, in fact, I've learned some stuff. Some of the shitposting is even good, like that one Iranian user who insists that "all the whores left for America to have sex with black men."
That saber is not period accurate.
Oh, would you look at that !