What do?
>You wake up tomorrow rich
buy more ETH
1) Save
2) Learn
3) Invest
243049823904) Spend
Buy a lambo
Buy a lambo to drive to my job at mcdonalds :)
Same thing I do every day.
wake up
go to gym
get high
take a dip in the pool
jerk off
Pay my mom's mortgage, order a shitload of parts from Jeg's, read an ancient text, cut my lawn then relax for the afternoon.
I'd keep grinding crypto, have to beat Gates's high score.
Drake said it best "I'm happiest when I can buy what I want, get high when I want" safe to say Drake is /ourguy/
stop being a wagecuck
-buy my used mazda from the 90s
-buy a house with one bedroom and bath
-leave everything remaining in ETH
Just to wake up one day to a crash?
For me, it gets to a point where wealth is only "safe" in real estate and cyclic investments.
I work in a full service hotel with valet and desu if i was rich i'd buy a lambo and put it in valet every day i worked lol.
>he invests in something he doesn't believe in and probably doesn't use
I'll diversify just because its silly to keep all of your wealth in the exact same thing but I'll always keep the majority in crypto.
Two girls at the same time.
How rich are we talking here?
Get a nicer apartment and pay for a couple years in advance or just buy a condo. Other than that live pretty much the same. I'd use the leftover money to get cosmetic surgery and put it in investments.
All that above but I'd immediately start my own business without caring about my old career track.
Nevermind my own business. I'd just go to school forever. Probably try to get as many doctorates as possible before dying.
Start a space company and try to set up industry on he moon.
>more than that
probably just go full circle and become a neet.
>buy a nice boat
>stop paying rent and being cucked by fees
>beat up the rentors cause i fucking hate them
sail around aimlessly strapped with guns and either become a pirate or suicide
>probably just go full circle and become a neet.
I would buy houses, rent them out and live off the tenants rent money
invest every cent in dogecoin and posw
1 million dollars
>buy a small apartment
>fund my business to make it a success
>10 million dollars
>buy a house and a car
>give half to family
>start a new business togheter with my brother
>1 billion
If I made a whopping 40k/year.
I'd pay for a moderately cheap 800-1200/m house in ramen land and buy a Yamaha FZ-07 cash in hand, couple sets of road riding/touring gear and some extra tires. Eat cheap as fuck and drive to every city and learn moon speak...
if I had 400k, I'd purchase everything outright and grow my own food...
20 yo 'Murcan here.
5 hookers at the same time
>wake up
>step 2 feet and get on computer as usual
>check account
>see millyons
>probably sleep on it for a few days or so
>realize my life isnt any different
>stilll lonely
>most likely kill myself
pay off mortgage, buy modest car. quit job and live modestly for a good few years making some further investments
quit job, buy bigger house, put 5 mil in an account that geerates 100k per year interest, buy some niceties like a boat, a condo in miami and live my days playing golf and making further less risky investments.
>100,000,000 much the same as above, maybe buy a stake in a football club
Buy celtic football club, buy a bigger boat and live my life sailing around the world, playing golf and attending sports events.
>not telling your family that you're going to kys but you dont know what to do with your cash so they act like fucking assholes to confirm your beliefs
>on the hundreds of competitive football clubs he would buy Celtic Glasgow
Literally why?
1.get my mom out of the college dorm she's staying at.
5.treat my friend at a good shaorma place, and then smoke apple flavored hookah all day long, while listening to emofag music until we get semi-deaf.
(6). I want to try weed sometime too.
dont leave them bitties locked up if you do, make sure to shower us first please
buy a naked bitch to hang on my back for no reason
Go eat a nice breakfast. Continue my day as usual
Eb 5 investor visa so i can come back to america and try again for a green card
pay off my student loans
buy everything i've ever stolen or pirated
10% to charity
become a true entrepreneur
invest in my business
pay off parents and immediate family debt with a single gift of 300k per household
start a family
nice home in a quiet area
weekly cleaning/maintenance services
3 decent cars
basketball court
chef or meal planner that delivers healthy food to me and my family
investor into an animation studio to produce 2D and CG animated films and tv shows
#1 So many hookers!!!
#2 Pay off student loan
>pay student loans
>drop out of college
>move far far away from california
>make video games, travel, and learn languages for the rest of my life
>I'll always keep the majority in crypto
Oh God, this board cracks me the fuck up.
Best fucking attitude to have.
Run ads on all the other boards offering discounts on knee pads courtesy of /biz
The same thing I do everyday, try to take over the world.
>tfw so paranoid the only investment I really trust is guns and bullets.
Move out and start caring more about my appearance
But other than that the same old shit, chilling out and working on my creative projects
I'll just pretend i made enough via freelancing, nobody needs to know about my crypto gains
Throw it all in a dividend stock and never work again. Something like jnj which never quit paying dividends even during the crash. Easy $26,500 a year guaranteed.
-Secure dividends and investment real estate
-Read a novel
-watch a movie
-go for a run
-cook a meal
-Creative endeavor(s)
-go camping
-have a swim
-see a friend
-paint a painting
-raise a dog
-Listen to music
-don't exchange my time for currency & create a sustainable system that pays my bills
1) Rent a flat in the nearest happening city
2) Reinvest
3) Start a mining operation for fun
4) Smoke more weed because I wont have to worry about an employer testing me
5) Browse Veeky Forums and /pol/
Hire girls to be my naked lewd pets in whatever manner I decide.
2 of them are going to be ex's. I know how pathetic they are and how far they'd debase themself for money. Should be fun watching them lewd out with eachother
>invest into real estate
>convince a network to air my house flipping on tv
>become famous
>finally participate in social media
>become more famous
>hold events that cost $500-$1k per person
>invest more
Here I come Jews.
if by "rich" you mean virtually endless money, I'd buy a mansion innawoods somewhere, hire a private security force, have a personal racetrack built, buy a few supercars for fun and spend my days collecting beaten up old cars and fixing them up myself
either that or I'd build a massive floating city and invite the world's best and brightest to live there with the idea of creating an ark to preserve humanity from whatever defecation collides with the oscillation
that sounds so nice user, I hope you make it
Buy a custom 737, and a flight crew and fly around visiting the world while sleeping in the bedroom on those long trips
>3 cars
come on you don't need 3 cars user
but that's what's up
Give it all away to charity. I don't need that much money.
>1,000,000 USD
Buy house, modest car, invest, and travel
>10,000,000 USD
Buy house, modest car, invest, and travel
>100,000,000 USD
Buy house, nice car, invest, travel, charity, and pursue artistic interests
>1,000,000,000 USD
Buy house, nice car, invest, travel, charity, pursue artistic interests, and buy a sports team.
>buy a sports team
lmao normie pleb, i'd be investing in spacex or sex dungeons or space sex dungeons
i'd cum in your mom
I'd masturbate.
>not doing things you enjoy
>implying you've ever had sex
stay in your room all life with all your money... maybe if you have enough you can mould a paper mache friend out of it
Carry on as normal until wagecuckery drives me insane again (about 48 hours)
Eventually marry Japanese idol Nagahama Neru, take her around the world, and do charitable pursuits and shit.
Invest to make a livable wage.
Have 100,000 babies, save Japan from it's inevitable population crisis with no need for Mudslimes and niggers.
>Call my three bosses. tell one to fuck himself...
>Take the other two out for lunch since they are bros.
>book flight to Barcelona for a week away to reflect - i like the city
>come home put my plan into action
>buy bigger house - modest
>pay off debts
>use the rest to invest in an annuity paying maybe 100k per year
Quit my job and look for something i actually enjoy doing
Finish my education
Set up a business with my dad to stay rich
Buy a house
Get married to a virgin (maybe my cousin)
Play video games
>buy a shit load of weed, coke, booze
>rent out a nice apartment for forst night and have a party with all me m80s
>give some to senpai
>buy couple of houses
>buy a pure bred german shepherd puppy
>buy a trained hawk
>maybe 4way with expenso hookers
>buy some good sail boat
>sail around the world with hawk and doge
I'd invest millions into Holocaust revisionist history
Loneliness is an impossible problem when you're rich. You could literally just go out and do anything and meet people. Don't even have to flaunt your money. If you have meme depression, you could hire people to talk you up until you don't and get treated by actual qualified therapists.
Move out of home
Go to sweden for a holiday
Reconsider what I'd do as a career if I actually wanted one.