Is genocide ever justified?

Is genocide ever justified?

You just wanted to give a qt a Santa hat didn't you?

>not always
Genocide is always justified.

Not a crime.

Unless you get caught, of course.

>civilization is STILL spooked after 3000 years ago some jew said dont kill and the meme stuck

>Is X ever justified


If you're the victor, your ability to write history will justify it.

Spook mind

This. Compare how Hitler is vilified to how anglo and Spanish genocide of the Americas is totally fine.

Anglos and Spaniards didn't genocide Americans, stop lying.

>bosnian muslims
Mass execution of PoWs = war crime, but =/= genocide

muh 6 gorillian is a conspiracy!


Yes it eliminates a problem, by genociding blacks we remove all problems involving blacks for good.

Imagine if Romans had completely genocided the jews, then THE PROBLEMS THAT JEWS CREATED FROM THEN ON WOULDNT EXIST.

Spook meme is a spook

>implying people wouldn't have found another scapegoat
Just looks at USA history, there was always a group people hated and blame for everything until they found another one more differents than the previous one.

Yes, as long as it is against the Turks

No jews are literal human evil there is no race hated more than jews by every human in the middle east and Europe, that is not scapegoating that is a variety of socieities seeing a pattern to jew behavior that makes them very different from the rest of us.

The black is the scapegoat because the nigger shit ruins America literally, they create the most dangerous hellholes in North America for example, and murder the most humans in North America as well.

The Irish thing is just European ethnic racism not something even comparable to the hatred of blacks and jews.

>there is no race hated more than jews by every human in the middle east and Europe
What about gypsies?


Thats some meta next level irony. its almost too much

>No jews are literal human evil
Some jews are literal human evil*

>The black is the scapegoat because the nigger shit ruins America literally, they create the most dangerous hellholes in North America for example, and murder the most humans in North America as well.
If you honestly believe that just because their skin is darker it means they're more violent you are extremely stupid. I'm talking flat earth tier autism here. You can talk about the thug culture encouraging violence, fatherless homes, and poverty in general being a big cause of their violent behaviors but saying it's their skin is retarded.

Gypsies are just criminal scum, jews are more like an racial cult of truely wicked evil humans who want to make the entire species suffer for pure pleasure that is why I consider jews evil humans because they literally are acting evil.

Evil-causing suffering or misery for the sole purpose of pleasure.
>If you honestly believe that just because their skin is darker it means they're more violent you are extremely stupid.
Your the stupid one who cant see patterns to human behavior even we white people have default behavior we re born with like our moralfaggotry for example. The nigger is a violent ape as noted by their sloped foreheads an indication of poorly developed instinct regulation system or frontal lobe thus the black is like a heavily lobotomized european a stupid wild animal that can use tools.
> You can talk about the thug culture encouraging violence,
Thug culture is seen in every black country, its a genetic thing to blacks because acting like a tribal psychopath is their NATURAL BEHAVIOR. You cant explain how african migrants to to Europe then randomly form gangs at a high rate.
>fatherless homes
Niggers dont need fathers, their fathers are usually wild animals who cant teach them to be civilized in the first place, fatherless home is a meme the fact single white mom white children dont have the level of criminality as niggers proves you wrong.
>and poverty
Is that why European nations still have lower crime rates than Black ones? What about fucking South Africa the most developed black state on earth yet one of the most dangerous places on the planet based on crime statistics.
Even poor white areas in America are unheard of because there is barely any crime in poor white areas you ignorant fuck. Poverty is more nigger behavior, niggers are impulsive stupid apes they cant save money for shit once they get it so they blow it off then are too stupid to figure out where the money even went in the first place.

Don't fall for the bait, you pud.

You have never met a gypsy, have you?

Yes yes I know gypsies were the original niggers of Europe but they are nonfactors to the african beast and canaanite demon.

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>race is just skin colour

lol get fucked you absolute dickhead

Go fuck yourself.

No one will ever justify genocide without reducing the target group to less than human. No one cares about the amount of cattle we kill every year. If, say, Jews or Pygmies are reduced to the moral standing of cattle, why should we care about killing them either?

Damn, this is some nice bait.

Let me guess you have some nice books from the turn of the century proving me otherwise.

Killing people is a bad thing.

>implying people care if they are human
If that were true there would be barely any wars in human history.

Here is why the black race needs to be exterminated:
They will eventually reduce us back to the mesolithic era
They are destroying our civilization
They do nothing but rampant violent crime
They need ridiculous assistance to even get remotely close to our level, around one trillion has spent on this wild human breed trying to make them act civilized.
They will never be on our level thus are a load that needs to be thrown away because they hold us back
They are evil twisted savages that care about only instinctive things, this race has no ambition or drive beyond KILLING, RAPING, AND STEALING.
For 3000 years we didnt have these jungle beast in our societies and look at how well of we were before inviting these wild animals into our lands.
We literally dont need them at all, any job they can do can be done better and more efficiently by a white person they are worthless trash.

Here is why jews need to be exterminated:
They have made it their goal to eternally parasite of any successful human civilization
They seek to enslave the entire human species no this is not a joke jews are that insane
They openly hate all of humanity in a way that cant be called racism it more like a god complex really
In nations jews scheme to destroy them, the jews do this constantly meaning this is genetic behavior thus as long as they exist no nation will ever be great
The jew is the one who is behind the degeneration and destruction of European society in favor of hedonistic modern world we have today
They will never stop their evil ways they jew can be dealt with by being reduced to absolute GENETIC EXTINCTION
This bizarre race is the only race that CHAMELEONS the dominant populace in a country this is very strange as its like they dont want YOU TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THEY REALLY ARE.
Jews are known to create slave trades for pure pleasure they are the most sinister humans in history, Europeans used slaves for labor, Jews used slaves to stroke their batshit crazy egos.

>People actually believe this

Is the full post somewhere to be found? Times of israel removed it.