Who's ready for year 12,017?
Human Era
What the fuck is this reddit shit?
BC/AD for lyfe
I thought this was a serious board?
>Let's change the calendar and disrupt our current understanding of history's continuity for no reason beyond dude atheism lmao
AD/BC has served us well so far.
>Video isn't downvoted and flamed to shit
Sad desu
make a serious thread then
Is any board on Veeky Forums "serious"?
>Claiming other's opinions are outdated and >implying they shouldn't hold them in the current year
>In the year 12016 HE
you do realize they use BCE and CE now, right?
Lemme guess, "AAAYDEEE N BEEECEEE!!!"
who does? faggots? not even the left wing professors at my Arab-infested European shithole university use it.
Not an argument.
>It emphasizes how our progress was exponential
Out of all the retarded shit in this video this takes the biscuit.
The fact that we consider a smaller segment that coincides with faster technological development "our era" already emphasizes technological progress.
This video and the change is posits is just carefully disguised disdain for Christianity/The West/Whatever term floats your boat.
>Humans don't care about the years before 0
Where does this notion come from?
Who knew tacking on 10,000 years would trigger so many people? Would you like "After Kek" instead?
>Would you like "After Kek" instead?
I fucking wish
Apparently it's becoming more prevalent in America.
Veeky Forums is a Christian board
>if you disagree with something you are triggered
You seem lost, friend
no, we just think you're an idiot, learn the difference
Disagreement is one thing. "Curreeent Yeer" is another
Veeky Forums is a neutral board that occasionally plays favorites, like all good history should be.
Why would I want to visit a giant gaping anus?
There's a difference between disagreeing and getting upset.
You're one of the
>Boo hoo reddit is all reactionary r/the_donald
Folk aren't you?
Nah, I just think it's a cesspool on both sides.
The comments on this are priceless.
Fucking dumb normalfags lapping it up.
Will dump.
>Muh imaginary flat-earthers, now that's a laughingstock I can feel superior to
You don't live in America, do you?
>We let these people who are completely clueless to how current geopolitics proceed vote
Now that I think about it that comment might have been more sensible than i gave it credit for.
>that profile pic
We need to go back.
>Pristinely curated comments section is somehow invaded by Russian hackers in this person's head
Unless /pol/ had some fun with the videomakers and then got purged
This one is too elaborate not to be a troll by the looks of it.
Unles he really is an insane leftist that describes him as a cuckold to disclaim the alt-right's usage of the term.
>It's the future you chose
Much as Americans might like to think otherwise; nobody cares.
Why christcucks are so triggered by simple date standard change?! I bet Jesus rolling in his grave watching their behavior.
>The south had the moral high ground.
I bet Jesus would have wanted us to pay tribute to him with our year system as opposed to just living good lives.
>Jesus rolling in his GRAVE
You haven't read the Bible, have you?
But Jesus is timeless, He doesn't concern Himself with the time of man.
To dumb down education?
Seems like a lot of fuss over explaining to kids that there are years before Christ.
Dude, just count backwards.
I saw the same thread on /pol/ a few hours ago, got like 300 replies as well
buggers are everywhere
May as well make it 13000000017 HE. Marks human development in the grand scheme of the universe far more accurately.
Personally I wouldn't mind seeing this done. It would get people to pay more attention to stuff that happened over 2000 years ago
That is basically the underpinning of video's argument. The new system offers nothing except appeasing the current intellectual fad of global inclusiveness and secularism. And it does so shittily. I mean that point is so arbitrary. Why not a point when man first became identifiably as man? Or perhaps the language and artistic revolution? Or when man first appeared to master fire?
>not using Long Count
It's the 14th baktun, people!
What the fuck happened to the Bronze Age?
It's just an entertaining concept to get you thinking, autist.
This guy gets it.
No it isn't.
Every time a strawpoll is made, atheists outnumber the Christfags.