Tell me about Poland, /his./
Interesting tidbits, best kings, why they became a republic, anything that someone interested in Poland ought to know or look into.
Tell me about Poland, /his./
Other urls found in this thread:
Norman Davies: God's playground
Norman Davies: Red Star White Eagle
Norman Davies: Heart of Europe. A Short History of Poland
Poland: An Historical Sketch
by Graf von Helmuth Moltke, Helmuth Moltke
Happy reading.
Also, this one is also nice. It's a short summary.
Joke of Europe which did nothing noteworthy in it's entire history.
self-hating polack
Said some fucking diaspora lmao Poland literally achieved nothing. Punching bag of the world no one treats seriously.
back to /int/ Marcelek
Pointless trashy spot on european map that should be partitioned again.
There's a cool looking movie that unfortunately may seem a bit mysterious for those ungamiliar with the basic knowledge of Polish history. It's too late for more maybe I'll post something tomorrow.
Useless shit people and history.
One of two countries to ever capture Moscow, France being the other. Also the most recent to defeat Russia in a war. Beautiful and smart people cursed by geography.
shit bucket of Europe
Sweden also captured Moscow
Has always had beautiful women which was great for other european nations because the soldiers could have fun with them during the seasonal invasion and partition.
When? Google says something about 1610, but... They were allies at that time, so "conquering" it is a vast overinterpretation
wtf I hate Poland now
this isn't /pol/, at least make some pretense of discourse and education
They had the best Pope ever
>When? Google says something about 1610
yes, in early 1610 a Swedish army unit suppressed the rebellion in Moscow organised against Tsar and took control over Moscow.
>They were allies at that time
Calling it an alliance might be an overstatement, since the tsar basically traded away land for Swedish military support
>so "conquering" it is a vast overinterpretation
i never said that they conquered moscow
Poles captured Stockholm with only 10 men kek
bullshit. it takes 100 pollacks to screw in a light bulb
get fucked
and Swedes sacked Warsaw twice, whats your point?
>diplomat sent by the Swedish king gets access to the city
whoa no way, so impressive
they are very religious and like to burn atheists
garbage bin of Europe
>implying Nazi Germany would've upheld an alliance with the most Jewish nation in Europe
They are overly emotional people who can't calculate reasonably.
who here would like to see Poland partitioned again?
that's the opposite of the truth
Poland produces more logicians that any other nation
Favorite vacation spot of european armies.
Aye! Europe should be pure Celto-Germanic.
That's some shallow understanding of history. Probably from some American children tv show.
They literally placed their fucking flag in the most important building in Stockholm.
They are meme tier christians who are only in it to be cool
>Tell me about Poland, /his./
its shit
>Interesting tidbits
they're good at plumbing
>best kings
Poland best kings weren't polish
>why they became a republic
because they're retarded
Jews hate Poland because they defeated Islam in the 17th century and in 20th they defeated communist twice. Now they are trying to defeat progressive liberalism of the George Soros kind too, which make them even more hateful of the Polish nation.
If you write any historical book saying something book about Poland, you are called an "anti-semite" and blacklisted. It's ridiculous. They can't keep getting away with that.
This thread is an example. Every single comment derisive of Poland was done by either a commie or a Jew.
They recently declared Jesus Christ to be King of Poland.
but Poland was literally filled with JEWS for centuries on centuries
Which just shows how ungrateful they are.
Literally every person of note who came out of Poland was Jewish. Jewish life is what made Poland great because it has otherwise no culture. When Poles collaborated with Nazi Germany to murder the Jewish population they essentially ended all that was even remotely good about Poland.
only if warsaw goes to germany/austria
You must really hate that city.
id rather live in germany or austria than russia tbqh
Jews in Poland and Ukraine were tribal beings and completely wild. There were no scientists or musicians.
Is this what they teach in Israel?
As I said, ungrateful people. Poland protected the Jews for centuries, and even under foreign domination they still tried to protect them, to the risk of death. And that's how they are "repaid". With lies and slander.
I wish Poles actually collaborated with the Nazis to murder all the Jewish population of Poland. That's why they deserved anyway for collaborating with the Red Army in 1920, 1939 and 1944.
>Poland protected the Jews for centuries
They expelled them from Warsaw when Catherine the Great were in power. At first they were greeted with interest in Russia which didn't know Jews before, but then, well... There were sort of expelled too.
If not for Poland all of Europe would have been conquered by Muslims a few hundred years ago.
Vienna = all of Europe
Reminder that /int/ needs to stay in /int/
Look at a map. If Vienna fell, how long would it have taken to finish off the rest of the continent? With no major armies in opposition.
Literally all me
Vienna was the gateway to Western Europe, everything would have been completely fucked if it had fallen.
Come on at least know a little about history before posting on a history board, Vienna 1683 is widely acknowledged to be the turning point in the fight between Islamic and Christian civilization.
holy shit
did the jews do the partition too?
>Anonymous 12/26/16(Mon)19:08:38 No.2
"Cz" makes a "ch" sound
So does "trz"
> Vienna 1683 is widely acknowledged to be the turning point in the fight between Islamic and Christian civilization.
No, that was Tours.
Already provided one.
Kings didn't matter in Poland.
>They expelled them from Warsaw when Catherine the Great were in power. At first they were greeted with interest in Russia which didn't know Jews before, but then, well... There were sort of expelled too.
Yeah, blame Pooland for Russia's actions.
Poland didn't have to let the Jews in, they were hated in the entire Europe. I think it was one of the biggest mistakes in Polish history, if they didn't let them in - Jews would all die and the world would be a better place.
I think Partitions and later 1939 were God's punishment to Poles for letting Jews live in their borders.
Recovers from Mongols faster than neighbors, aids Crusaders in war against the Pagans/Orthodoxy
Gets bitchy when the Order refuses to yield the land the Pope granted them
Institutes basis for the Republican Monarchy so that the king could get some bitch nobles to contribute in wartime
Unites with Christianized Lithuania (which included Belarus, Western Russia and the Ukraine)
Beats the Crusaders, but lets the nobility's excesses spiral out of control
Fights with Russia and Sweden over Livonia and Baltic trade
Starts 17th century as 2nd largest state in Europe but mistakenly elects a Swede king
Successfully invades Russia, loses the Swedish crown but keeps them from saving Russia's ass
Does not capitalize on gains made due to nobility and their bitchiness
War with Sweden again, Father of Modern Warfare begins to reform Swedish army and is relatively successful compared to his father
Unrest is starting in the Ukraine where Polish Jews have more rights than Ruthenian Christians
Nobility reaches height of excess but magically works in Poland's favor by keeping it out of the German war
Cossacks revolt, Russia intervenes and overruns half of Lithuania
Sweden invades, takes most of the country in 6 months despite being outnumbered 10 to 1, but then loses most of her manpower to plague while sieging the Prussian cities
Eventually the Swedes abandon the Polish endeavour and peace is made with Russia, but Poland loses 1/3 of the population to the war
Finally on top again as is able to keep the Turks back for a couple decades, then bails out Austrians at Vienna
Nobility still holds most of power, government is anarchy and roads and schools are nonexistent
Great Northern War starts, Sweden kicks ass for close to a decade at Poland's expense thanks to August the Strong
Russia beats Sweden, Russian influence strong in Poland
August dies, war of Polish Succession cements Russian Power
7 Years War happens, Poland becomes Russian highway
Considering gains were made by Muslims in Europe for centuries after that, no, it really wasn't.
But they were made in the shit parts of europe: the Iberian peninsula and the balkans.
Your source says nothing about flags
>but they were in parts of Europe I haven't been to so they don't count
Best Polish King is of course Casimir III the great who had laid groundwork for a Poland to in the future compete against other European Countries.
Poland had become a Republic because it had a Republican tradition throughout most of its history, semi democratic governments and massive liberty many years before they even appeared in the rest of Europe, e.g. In the 17th century, about 10% of all Poles had the right to vote for a king, this is in comparison to just 2.5% of the population in France after the French revolution in the late 18th century. In fact Poland was the first country in Europe to have a constitution based on the American one, essentially making it the first modern day Republic in Europe.
Definitely look at the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and it's unique Political and Social structure as well as 19th century and 20th century to look at how resilient and proud our people are
Resilient until you have a Swedish or Russian or German or Austrian boot pressing down on your neck
>Resilient until you have a Swedish or Russian or German or Austrian boot pressing down on your neck
They're powerless when alone.
Germans and Russians often attacked like niggers, in groups. Swedes aren't any different.
Resilient as in:
>largest resistance movement of ww2
>Only occupied country not to collaborate with Nazis
>won our freedom from communism ourselves, (protesters were being shot in the street)
>Look at the January, November and Kosciuszko uprisings, Polish peasants threw themselves with nothing more than scythes onto russian guns and cannons to fight for their freedom
>Battle of Wizna
>Polish-soviet war
>Preserved our own culture for 123 years from Russianization and Germinazation even though it was illegal to speak Polish and for Poles to study.
>Greater Poland uprising
And more than can be listed
>Recovers from Mongols
>Gets bitchy when the Order refuses to yield the land the Pope granted them
Veeky Forums revisionism at its finest
Dick penis cock
Good people. Would be better if they were protestant
>being a filthy heretic
go away vile anglo
Americans have the best opinion of you. You shouldn't insult Anglos
>of you
I'm not polish.
>being american unironically
lmao enjoy getting shot
And what hellhole are you from
If you have met a pollack you will find out they are among the most timid, soft spoken and gentle people of Europe. This sensitivity naturally makes them wary of strangers, but also devoted workers who focus inwardly on their task at hand.
This shows in their history so much, as they were used and abused by all great powers in Europe. Yet they kept their gentle characteristics. Both the men and women still have that old slavic beauty of the germanic peoples once had when they lived in the forest, that also Russians had but lost due to the harsh weather of Russia.
Nice try Andrzej lmao who are you trying to bullshit
>polish people
>soft spoken
Not a Pollack
All the Poles I met are completely the opposite from both Germans, French and Meds. They do not talk in grand gestures nor are ever self aggrandising.
It is this Slavic Catholicism which has made them timid and humble. Their neighbouring baltic neighbours as well as Russians completely lack this introspective quality and are most often dullards.
>slavic catholicism
no such thing downie
What sound does it make?
This is bait if I've ever seen it and your experience of a few pollacks isn't really relevant to the thread.
Sure, we all know that proto-slavs were orthodox, russian-speaking and wrote in cyrillics :^)
Literally every country that borders Poland views them as either crooks, thieves or leeches, except for I guess Ukraine who views them as oppressors.
>What sound does it make?
Only some bydło peasants pronounce "trz" as "ch"
Who cares?
It was always Germans opressing Poles not the other way around.
Poland is a country of extreme hypocrisy.
>Germany oppressing Poles is bad, but Poles oppressing Hohols isn't
>Germany and Russia partitioning Poland is evil, but Poland partitioning Czechoslovakia was okay
That's because they all are inferior to us and they know it.
>W naszym położeniu geograficznym najgorsze zło tkwi w tym, że jesteśmy otoczeni takimi, od których niczego nauczyć się nie można było, a zarazić niejedną wadą. Od niemieckiej strony sąsiadujemy z najgorszym prusactwem, od wschodu z tępotą prawosławia w kulturze moskiewsko-turańskiej, a od zachodu i południa oglądaliśmy popisy germanizacyjne "w krajach cesarskich". Przez półtrzecią wieku nie istniał naród czeski, słoweński miał się narodzić dopiero w drugiej połowie XIX w., a madiarski wypłynął i utworzył państwo narodowe tylko dzięki sojuszowi z Niemcami. Wszystko dokoła nas było cywilizacyjnie zacofane lub wręcz szkodliwe, ujemne. Sterczymy pośród pustki; tym się tłumaczy niejeden błąd naszej przeszłości. Niebezpiecznie jest być najlepszym ze swego otoczenia. Im niższy poziom dokoła, tym więcej prawdopodobieństwa, że okalająca niższość zwróci się przeciwko niezrozumiałej dla niej wyższości. Od nas przejmowali ościenni ideę narodową, krzepili się na naszej wielkiej poezji, ułożyli swe hymny narodowe według naszej "Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła" i... zwrócili się przeciwko nam.
>Poles oppressing Hohols
>Poland partitioning Czechoslovakia
They only took Zaolzie. Part of Poland that was taken by Czechs during Polish-Bolshevik war.
If they didn't, that part would belong to Third Reich and it was Polish majority part.