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I want to believe
And there comes this crypto event tomorrow. Shit's gonna explode hard.
Time to put additional cash into XRP.
Big new tomorrow boys!
>shilling this hard
at least try to be subtle
Look at dat triangle brah
Nothing to be subtle about. Informing people that the price will jump. It's pretty obvious as all crypto prices are essentially dependent on rumor/news cycles.
The fact Ripple is a big player at the Consensus Conference tomorrow pretty much solidifies the preevious 3/4 days of accumulation phase are over and we are heading into a jump in value.
How big is up for speculation naturally, but it's pretty certain the price will rise.
Just busting you're balls. Haven't done crypto in 3 years, signed up yesterday on Kraken and Spectrocoin but still haven't been verified. How long does it take?
I use bittrex but I recently signed up for kraken a week ago to check it out and im still waiting for my verification. They take forever.
Never used spectro. Kraken (and all other exchanges) are under increased load recently lots of new and old fags like yourself are entering the game.
Try ticketing them if you aren't verified within 48 hours.
The meme triangle is perfectly poised for mid day tomorrow.
I honestly thing investing into XRP now is going to yield at minimum a 20-30% return by Tuesday evening.
Or it may even moon depending on what is announced.
I think that ETH, XEM, and XRP are all good buys right now, the real question is which will have the largest gains.
Im not native eng speaker what breakout means ? Is dump or bump ?
XRP is about to moon. DBG did this same shit yesterday and then mooned last night. Don't miss out.
Unlike Nem and Eth, Ripple has actually been in a slow accumulation / decline all week. This makes me feel like it has the most potential to shoot up.
ETH has probably seen a boost in price because of Consensus already, how much will that factor in to it's growth?
I'm not too informed on NEM to be honest.
break above recent trading range
transfer nav to ripple?
transfer sia to ripple too?
limited in investment plans, gotta make the money move around for potential best gains
I'd put any of your active trading funds into XRP. It will only go up over the next days.
Don't baghold though, sell when you can see momentum shift.
XRP is on the move. It is a total shitcoin and anyone thinking it is a long term play is retarded due to the proposed plan of implementation, BUT it will go up like crazy in the next two days. BUY NOW BUY NOW BUY NOW.
currently bought some golem some eth and holding some sia and nav
gonna transfer sia and nav to ripple
I feel the complete opposite.
It's a conduit to allow banks into the crypto market and quite frankly that = money.
This isn't your meme coin to buy drugs with or hide your funds, it's a legit coin for legit people. That said, at this early stage even the cunts can cash in. So yes, BUY NOW BUY NOW BUY NOW BUY NOW BUY NOW BUY NOW BUY NOW BUY NOW
damnit i'd like to wait a little bit to see if nav and sia will go up some more to sell as high as i can right now
It's gonna pump hard. Expect 50 to 75%
All my BTC is tied up in loans which will expire in 20-24 hours. DON'T START THE MOON MISSION WITHOUT ME
Here are the coins you should have right now in your wallet :
>ETH, but don't buy now if you don't have any - no massive pump
>GNT - because Brass
>SYS - because very low marketcap and great advertising for them
>XRP obviously
Meme triangle indicates a breakout (or dip) within 9 hours.
don't be greedy that's how you lose
you just keep waiting for that next bounce while it slowly depreciates
should i move my eth to sys for greater gains?
The last big breakout of 9K to 23K followed a near identical pattern.
Check the meme triangles in the pic.
Now consider this time we have the Consensus Convention Ripple talk lining up PERFECTLY WITH THE final point of the triangle.
Well shit I think this thing could explode higher than anyone is expecting.
But conservatively at the worst it returns to the 22K range.
Honestly keep your funds in here and check back in 12-18 hours.
Decide if you want to cash out then.
Better version.
This shit is beautiful.
I have moved 1/3 of my ETH to SYS and GNT but only because I don't like to play risky.
I would recommend to keep some ETH. Just for safety. It won't dip.
Sell that shit, devs have been selling off which indicates that probably can't deliver. Sold mine yesterday. I agree on the others though.
what do think about LTC? its pretty cheap
Huh? Where did you get that from?
I think they just said Brass is pushed to june, if I'm not mistaken.
Don't touch it. There will be little to no mention about LTC during Consensus (Coinbase is invited so they might talk about a bit, + segwit) but it won't be the star of the event. In fact a lot of people believe LTC is overvalued right now.
Going to crash hard, don't hold. These niggers just want you to hold so they can dump before the price completely crashes.
FUD trying to steal your XRP before it moons tomorrow.
youve planted seeds of doubt for golem now
>Huh? Where did you get that from?
They keep delaying and amount in circulation keeps going up faster than regular mining rate. I don't trust it. There's safer plays out there that will give huge gains. I put what I had in GNT into ETH(which is already paying off nicely today) and then I plan on using it on the BAT ICO.
Last warning: don't hold.
>t. ETH shill
assuming it moons tomorrow, will you guys sell or hold?
what will be the duration of the rise until the fall?
Don't listen to that cuck he is just FUD posting trying to scare people into selling. Sell whenever you want. Ripple has been around since 2012 and will continue to grow whether these butthurt faggots like it or not.
>You're just an ETH shill
You realize that I called XRP a good buy, right? Its GNT that I think people should stay away from.
alright this shit is in 10 hours im off to sleep
>Sell that shit, devs have been selling off which indicates that probably can't deliver
source or GTFO
absolutely incorrect. Transfer it ALL to ETH. I am so dead serious. 86 of the 250 companies and banks they are accouncing partnership with tomorrow have been leaked. This is major.
leaked? They announced it themselves you fucking retard.
Announced early then. Either way, you are welcome for the information you ungrateful fucking cunt.
Don't listen to this absolute fucking moron. GNT went up over 5 cents since he sold last night. Major player at Consensus tomorrow and brass is well on it's way.
Buying GNT now might be the easiest money you'll ever make not even joking or shilling.
>Buying GNT now might be the easiest money you'll ever make
Actually that would be RDD. Can't believe how well that played out.
they both are. RDD has been my biggest money gain so far so I will hold out of fucking respect.
Golem is something I'm really excited for (not just brass, but their next releases as well) plus all this EEA news will only pump GNT harder
It's already priced for speculation retarded nothing is gonna happen unless something unexpected happens.
Regret not scooping up some GNT, hope it treats you well.
Well they said something about a "game changer" or something the that affect, but that's probably just hype. We'll see how it plays out, will be holding in the meantime.
have a SHAMEFUL confession. I bought RDD at 6 sats. Set a stop limit at 11 because I thought it might be a one time PnD. Got caught by the first dip.
I could have had it all anons...
Nobody talking about SEC? Huge potential like Verge and RDD.
When is the XRP breakout gonna happen? I have a long position at 16.5k...getting nervous
Why in the fuck is ripple not going up with all this fucking news? Anyone have any info on this shit?
Checked and kek'd, I have them all! Holding Kripple since 6k sat.
The news are not really out yet and its biggest competitor, Ethereum, just got propelled to the moon by Ethereal Summit among other things
Ripple should rise within 24h.
It happens user. I actually sold most of stack when it 24, but held onto 100k because what I sold more than covered the initial investment. Wishing I held but I made money and still have a bag so I'm not sweating it.
There will be more opportunities, just keep at it.
I got in at 16850, we'll be fine.
When is the news coming out? There's a thread on plebbit showing a screencap of the dev Joel saying that we won't be disappointed by the Consensus announcement. What time exactly is it happening?
it's happening
That's now how it works
nothing happened, nice thread
fuck your triangle voodoo magic
This is like the equivalent of some redneck on TV using the Bible to predict the future
We're going to 30-32k tomorrow. Triangles is rael.
this has every reason to take off and I'm not selling til it sets a new ath
30k tomorrow
I want to believe in these meme triangles so badly. I've been losing out on potential moons because I want to keep as much in ripple as possible
just went all in lol.
Party on, you faggots.
He's not doing them right, you can tell he's connecting whatever he wants.
just bought 8k ripple @ 15.2k
Im going balls deep
the real gainer was reddcoin
who would have thought
could have cashed out 2.7 btc now
oh well
cant win em all, gotta take what can
It's been dipping for so long for crypto standards I just can't see it not mooning by the end of consensus
The rocket is launching lads
10AM EST tomorrow I believe
Launch lunch
I'm speculating they'll be demonstrating a cross platform payment with Etherium. They've whole purpose is to do just that - be a currency ledger and exchange platform, and ETH is super hot right now so why not?
>inb4 the news is a credit card for fiat crypto built on eth with smart contract
Even with the rumors and Ripple presenting this coin keeps finding new lows... Why is there so much incentive to sell when there's potentially big upside?
More fucking triangles to make this shit happen
FUD and whales
At least this means more gains in the long run if we buy in now.
This drop is artifically created, the wall for getting back up to 16-17k is getting thinner by minute, 10min ago was around 120btc now its
Its happening buy nao
still dropping. did i get shilled
Why do you think its dropping for no reason, whales are accumulating, its gonna moon soon.
No it's fucking dead. ETH killed it and that stupid coin cost me 30k.
How much longer?