>he missed out on XRP
>he missed out on RDD
>he missed out on DGB
Don't miss out on MNE!
Hitting more exchanges within the next couple of days and its still early. Don't miss this dip guys.
>he missed out on XRP
>he missed out on RDD
>he missed out on DGB
Don't miss out on MNE!
Hitting more exchanges within the next couple of days and its still early. Don't miss this dip guys.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Minereum: The First Ever Self Mining Smart Contract that Simplifies ERC20 Token Creation Easier
(article is scuffed and cuts out mid sentence though)
Fuck you stop making threads about MNE don't you understand the repercussions this is having?! I swear you newfags are dispicable. Delete this thread nigger.
Aside from the obvious fucking ludicrous sums of money to be made based exclusively on the market fundamentals of this coin, pic related is the reason this will have value.
MNE will be the entry point for creating other ETH tokens in a simple and streamlined way. That alone is huge, in my opinion.
What would these repercussions be, also im going to need a source saying that it will be added to more exchanges.
Sorry, uploaded the thumbnail
Why would I delete it?
I just want my fellow Veeky Forumsnessmen to fly off to the moon with me in our Lamborghini rocket ship.
MNE was being added to 2 exchanges, livecoin was 1 of them - 1 more atleast coming soon.
My money won't arrive for another 12 hours or so. Please don't depart without me.
The source is that the website says that more exchanges are coming soon, and that the dev has been in the Yobit and Poloniex trollboxes talking with the mods. Didn't get a screenshot, but Yobit and other shitcoin exchanged will be a piece of cake. Not to mention that MNE already hit 1 million volume on a tiny exchange. It might go parabolic before it is even added anywhere else.
What exchanges is MNE currently on?
I have 170 of these babies and I'd like a down payment on house. Moon rising negros.
how do you buy though??
Alright thanks, also holding and totally on board, but i hadn't seen much sources yet
Transfer Ether from anywhere to livecoin wallet and trade it for bitcoin there, quicker than waiting on a bitcoin transaction. Then buy Minereum for Btc
The crowd were having over now here in bizrael consists of new people with ultra weak hands. The rise to and fall from 9$ to 3$ was a good example of such a scenario.
livecoin, only one and it's a pain to use
I did a lot of number crunching today and found that at in 2 weeks time, at $12 it'd have a 5 million market cap. at $24 it'd have a 10 million market cap. that's small. if it takes 30 days to make it to 10 million, that'd still be around $19.
I'm not even considering selling before $60
need to get MNE on more exchanges
its coming soon
also coinomi wallet will be added confirmed by coinomi support
MNE just passed 170k sat again. It's happening again tonight, boys. I recommend buying in below 200k.
trips and fag in your id, witnessed
oh shit, it must be a sign
Good luck bros see you on the moon :^)
Mfw my nigga set me up and the first thing I did is buy Mineruim
You have good friends
I know right
im hodling till 10m market cap
if memecoins can do it then surely we can go above 1m
Dont worry, just hold.
Consensus is tomorrow and MNE is a ETH coin.
Between the consensus and MNE getting added to another exchange this baby is looking to at the very least hit $7 tomorrow afternoon
This fucking thing is exchanged on ONE platform, has like a $20 worth of volume and costs ONE whole dollar US?
What kind of fucking scam is this?
Is there going to be another late night rally tonight? Looks like the past 3 nights the action was crazy!
Kek we need more FUD. I don't have enough mne
put 1.5 btc into this, around 800 mne.
taking this one to the top.
see ya there boys.
alright so what it is is this coin, mines itself (more MNE), instead of you doing the mining
and also, they are going to launch a platform to launch Ethereum tokens (AKA make your own shitcoins)
and another thing, I mean i know the coin is dubious, but there's almost zero premine and in addition the "genesis wallets" (the wallets that provide inflation by releasing coins) are not able to be dumped for 47 years
In a nutshell, this means there are no whales that will drop the price
(They release slowly and that's the inflation rate, which enriches the owners but at the same time it's not like other coins where the first 10% of buyers can just drop that shit instantly)
See you there my nigga
We're still only at $3.74 and the Japs still havent gone to lunch yet. Theres still time to get in this ship before it blast off
It's too late, MNE has already crash landed on the moon.
fuck no it hasn't
MNE has been stabilizing and consolidating upwards all day, after 1000% gains in 48 hours. Can anyone tell me why this isn't a great buy right now? We don't even have any FUD in here.
>out for a week on a small exchange
>done mooning
We are just getting started.
You havent missed out on a coin until it reaches $1, and even then....
I own 2k MNE coins, shit is going nowhere. I literally couldn't even sell my coins because no was was buying. Don't get caught up in this shit.
The reason they made this thread is to entice people into buying the coin so THEY CAN GET OUT. I was thinking about doing the same thing earlier.
This coin fucked me, and it's fucking useless.
All it does is allow you to create ether tokens... which you can already fucking do with a phone app and basic programming skills. This is a worthless coin, trust me, don't get tricked.
"Do not buy McDonalds. Anyone can eat a fucking burger, all they need is a grill and basic kitchenware. McDonalds is WORTHLESS."
You're the guy who bought at 9 bucks, aren't you? If you bought at an ATH I am sorry for you, but your post has no arguments against any of the fundamentals we've been talking about. No shit you can't get out at any time, there's only ~200,000 daily volume. However, this coin currently has a higher market cap and daily volume than other EEA coins currently listed on Bittrex, while still on a "shitcoin" exchange.
Sell me your bags if you don't want them, I'll be buying.
I literally sold with 400% profit yesterday.
But I want some new ones.
>fuck you
Anyways, what do you think this coin can go to price wise? I bought a $2 and bought at $9 (a bit less) so I need to break $5 to be profitable.
Are you new to crypto? Didn't you also post in the bitcoin talk thread spazzing out?
Just fucking hold man. The coin clearly isn't a pump and dump. My price targets don't matter but they are over 10 bucks.
I've quintupled my money already, which is pretty good considering I put half my starting amount into ETH, LTC,XRP, GNT, etc (safer, less volatile coins). So really the 2 BTC I spent on MNE is nothing, but it's still $4k I threw at garbage. Is there hope for this coin?
My research says no. Really all this coin does is allow you to make your own shit coin... how is that valuable. DGB can be and is already used for transactions, it has real world value like ETH, BTC, etc. Even Golem is kind of fucking useless. No one seems to have an answer, how high can MNE go, why, and also what is it good for? (besides making ultra shit level coins)
Dude. If you've read any of the recent Veeky Forums threads, you'd see why we think this is valuable. Before we even get into the tech, look at the market comparisons image () for other similarly sized and distributed coins. That made it worth a buy in my eyes then and there.
Then, consider that the vast majority of other shitcoins that have pumped have literally no real use case. The potential to create ETH tokens through a streamlined process sounds INCREDIBLY valuable to me and I honestly can't believe you don't see the appeal in this emerging market. Regardless of whether or not you think the ability for friends, businesses, or retards to create and trade their own ETH tokens is desirable, it is never before seen technology with real, short term uses.
TL:DR sell me your fucking bags if you are that weak handed, and do your own research before freaking out and FUDding a coin that you yourself want to sell for a higher price some day. Fuck, man. Get it together.
Dodging my question.
You can already make ETH tokens without MNE... so WHY is MNE valuable?
I didn't dodge the question, I gave you several answers as to why I think the coin is valuable.
The tech hasn't been released yet so I can't claim to understand the scope of the project, but the roadmap outlines the exchange of minereum for your own, custom coins. This is a streamlined process. The average person that wants to create a token to trade among their friends probably won't take the time to figure out how to create their own ETH token. I am convinced that a simple and streamlined solution for that, especially the first one to market, has value. You are welcome to disagree.
On top of all the other obvious reasons why I think this coin is vastly undervalued.
Ok, so by making it easier to create worthless shit coins, this coin will be valuable?
That is the direct opposite of how the future will go. Right now cryptocoins are battling for superiority. only 4-6 coins will be around in the future, because they're purpose is to replace fiat currency, not do shit an iphone app can do.
I'm holding because fuck it, but I'm just assuming my BTC was wasted.
it's not on bittrex get, it's on livecoin
Yes, worthless shitcoins when talking about market value, sure. I personally believe that people will want decentralized stores of value for themselves as cryptocurrency becomes more prevalent in society. I see a world where friend groups, or organizations, or small businesses create their own coins or tokens for singular use cases that have no direct relevance to the market. You clearly don't see that world, so I understand why you don't think offering a simple solution to that problem would be helpful.
Consider not buying into coins that do things you fundamentally disagree with, lmao
You're one stupid nigger dude. Think more than 5 minutes ahead for a change.
People will create tokens for their dApps using this dApp. Not that hard a concept, and stop calling everything a "Shitcoin". This isn't 2013 anymore, there are many legit alt coins.
>just doesn't send email
Wow this is an annoying site
>I see a world where friend groups, or organizations, or small businesses create their own coins or tokens for singular use cases that have no direct relevance to the market
That's the most retarded fucking thing I've ever heard in my life. We already have this, it's called monopoly money, chuck-e-cheese tokens, mini golf coins, IOUs, etc.
No one wants currency that has no value outside a certain radius. Gold is valuable because it is universally valuable to mankind... are you fucking serious?
The end game of crypto is to create digital currency. Your notion that we're going to live in this world where unregulated cryptocurrencys free us from the chains of banking monarchs is absolute buffoonery. Crypto is a testing ground for digital currency, and it will be replaced by a currency chosen by the government when the time is ready. We have 3-4 years to make some gains then get out. India has already banned all paper currency over their "7 dollar" bill. It would be like if the US government banned bills over $10.
Oh ok, so some teenager is going to pay $800 for a MNE coin so he can make a shitcoin and send them to his friends? You're literally delusional you fucking dunce lmao.
Sell. Me. Your. Fucking. Bags.
I would be angry if I invested in something I totally disagreed with too, I guess. Work on your critical thinking skills, my man.
if you don't believe in it, don't buy it. simple as that. but MNE basically goes hand in hand with ethereum, and if you believe in vitalik's vision for the future at all, then you're a fool if you aren't investing this as well, especially while it's so cheap.
I would but I couldn't even sell this shit. Left the order up for half an hour and when I returned no sales had been made.
No, I don't believe in Vitalik's vision of the future because it's retarded. Crypto literally has no value, does anyone here understand that? It's ONLY value is derived from purchasing power.
You can buy things with BTC, ETH, DGB, LTC (barely), and XRP, this is why these are the top 5 most valuable coins.
Like I've said in many other posts, coins like GNT are all hype. Paramount pictures isn't going to start using a public network to process it's visual effects. Military defense developers aren't going to use Golem to process their calculations... The only people who will use Golem will be nerdy hobbyists who have no money.
I'm telling you, the only coins that matter are BTC, DGB, ETH, XRP, and maybe LTC. The rest of this is hype. Money is king, if your coin isn't money then it isn't worth shit.
we've gotta get this on more exchanges lads, here:
relevant info:
do your part and submit the form!
Is there a wallet for MNE? Or has to be stored on Livecoins?
you store it in your ethereum wallet
I would just like to point out - Who the FUCK cares about the practical application of this coin? Half of you mongoloids jumped on ReddCoin, and it still blows my mind that shit went anywhere. ReddCoin hadnt had a single update in months, and its most recent reddit articles were "Is this dead?" and is just a shit inbred version of the "TipBot" that Reddit already uses.
The debates about the validity of this coin are moot. The current value and supply are tiny, and the potential for gain is there. I am not saying to continue your /bizraeli/ P&D scams, but every post about this coin gets shot down by some overly-pissed-off clown who wants to say a coin that has been around for a week has absolutely no use.
Seriously. ReddCoin made me like 2 grand, and was fun while it lasted, but in the end, it is shitcoin and will die one way or another once this "AltCoin" nonsense calms down. This one is run on Ethereum, and come tomorrow, that will be enough to make it worth something. The debates back and forth are moot. If you think RDD made you money, this shit literally has the potential to earn you a lambo on its own. I, and everyone else could be wrong, but I bought this shit and held through the pump because I firmly believe that will be chump change come time.
TLDR: Shill not needed because this coin will sell itself eventually.
>hurrr durr this coin is good because it is good
>hurr durr this coin will earn you enough to buy a lambo because it is based on ether
>hurr durr DURRRHURRR
You have no grasp of the 21st century. School, work and play are all migrating to online platforms.You are probably the type to think e-sports aren't going anywhere
People are just upset because the majority of them can't afford coins more expensive than $0.50.
minerium is basicly a cheaper ETH, its price moving with ETH plus it will rocket once it will be addded to major exchages bc of the potential of it, literally cant lose money and have a great moon chance
>Completely awe-stricken by stupidity.
Do you even read, guy? I didn't say it was good, don't personally know if it's good, and don't really care if it's good. This shit has money written all over it simply because its the first to do a thing, and people get wet over that sort of shit.
You do you, user. But for all others, just read about what it does, and make your decision. Every post that brings up MNE on this thread gets lambasted by atleast one guy that writes a wall about how "Useless" it is, when they themselves likely didn't put more than a fifth of their 20 brain cells to use when thinking about what it does.
>This shit has money written all over it simply because its the first to do a thing, and people get wet over that sort of shit.
Gj retard lmao. very solid analysis.
> MFW this nigga.
That is literally all a market is, is a bunch of money-hungry goyims looking to earn sheckles. It has nothing to do with viability, and the price is so low at the moment for its market cap that this shit is more than capable of cresting if/when it ever gets put on another exchange.
The only thing holding it back right now is noone wants to use LiveCoin because it looks like a huge scam.
When this skyrockets and people are gloating about their gains from this. I want you to reflect on everything you've typed here and change for the better.
Anyone have a Livecoin referral code, I will use it to your benefit.
Also just for clarification.
Livecoin-eST5WzgF is the code without using that link.
Can you do a template I'm not very good at this. But I still want to help
Used it. The site is slow though.
ffs i bought @ $4.5 a few days ago. remember goys NEVER allow yourself to get fomo'd. hopefully ill still make a profit
Appreciate it. Bless your gains.
You'll be fine man, I assure you. Just hodl for a week or two, and the price will go above that naturally.
just bought 5 for kicks
It legit is boyo. btcmarkets is the best ive found. ALLWAYS have money deposited in your account.
where do you live in aus?
BTC markets in combo with Poli is actually pretty decent. I can make deposit via Poli and buy coins in about 5 minutes.
ADL. How long does btcmarkets take to initially set up? As in the verification process, etc.
can't remember but i think perhaps a day, begin the process now it's very easy.
It took me a week. they had to mail me a verification code. Stay patient my man, i had the exact same feeling you had. The gains will come