>without warning you are suddenly teleported to December 25th, 1942 outside the gates of Auschwitz
how fucked are you?
>without warning you are suddenly teleported to December 25th, 1942 outside the gates of Auschwitz
how fucked are you?
Remain calm as I remember that holocaust didn't happen.
Pretty sure they'd assume I was Juden on account of my mutilated Kellogg-dick.
Fine as I'm a tall, blond haired, blue eyed white man but then boned as past first glance I don't speak a lick of German and am an Anglo
>not a small nose
>Polish last name
I guess ill claim US citizenship over and over
>tfw blonde and blue-eyed
>tfw Anglo and circumcised
>tfw holocaust didn't happen
Terrible! For the world. Good for me.
>not jewish nor circumcised
>brazilian but speak broken but understandable german
>still unauthorized person right outside the gates, fuck
If they don't shoot me on the spot for trespassing, I guess I'd just tell them I am from the future, prove it by showing my smartphone and then be coerced into helping the Nazis win the war.
At least I'd survive.
>Nazis negotiating with monkeys
You're funny.
Im German and Im not bald so I probably could just walk away.
Close my eye and keep saying "its a dream" over and over again till I wake up.
Ask them where the guard applications are.
Unless you know German you will likely be mistaken for one of the inmates and murdered. Especially if you are transported without your clothes and whatever electronics you are carrying.
Well i'm English and circumcised (for medical reasons, i'm not Jewish) so i'd probably be pretty fucked. I don't know much German and i'm only wearing some thin clothes so i'd probably freeze to death in the Polish winter if I managed to escape.
Hi fellow guards. What's up?
>Aryan features
>but Anglo and no German language skills
>not circumsized
I would also use my future technology to help the Nazi's win in return for wealth and power.
I'm finnish so I don't think I should have to worry about it
I'm an Arab that looks incredibly Jewish.
I'm boned.
>Mediteranean features
>Dark hair
>Tanned skin
>Large nose
>Circumcised (medical reasons)
>barely speak a word of German
I'd be shot immediately. I could perhaps bewilder them by asking for "ein warm schokolade, bitte?" which is all I remember from a trip to Austria when I was 11.
Well, I speak no German, so they're going to logically assume I'm an American soldier of some sort and I'm probably going to end up interrogated and in a camp somewhere, though probably no Auschwitz.
Mainly Germanic ancestry and speak a fair amount of German. I'm fine
>shot immediately
You wish.
Decent looking latin american, hispanic and italian last names, brown-ish but not actually brown, no big nose, no aboriginal look, circumcised.
You tell me
Um guys, i think you have no idea how Poles look like.
Being blonde would help fucking nothing.
Anglo and circumcised. I'm probably fucked aren't I?
>be me
>studied history
I wouldn't be fucked right away but it is 42 and i have no technological knowledge. The shit i know might prolong the war a bit but its 42 what the hell could i change regarding the big picture (apart from morality). So idk trying to be of enough use to not get killed by the SD ( i assume they would quickly figure out that i come from the future) and then help the USA in the cold war.
Brown hair, greenish eyes, Anglo. Means I might get shot, but if I can drop my pants and show I'm uncircumcised, I'll get shot.
I am white.
I am visibly Slavic.
I am Croatian.
>phew, got a bit worried there
They don't understand a word Croatian and shoot me on the spot as a Soviet spy.
I am portuguese
Brown hair and eyes
Uncircuncised ( but probably should have been)
Verdict: deported back to Portugal
You're future technology would be worthless you fick
>visibly slavic
you have tracksuit-line birthmarks? what does 'visibly slavic' look like?
I would probably confuse the shit out of the Germans on the account of being brown and speaking their language
>tall, slim, green eyes
>brown hair but slightly dyed front blonde
>relatively small nose though
>Anglo and the only German i know is nein, ja, ich nicht sprechen Deutch and sieg heil
I'd probably get shot for being a hippy or something
I'm a 6'1" blonde blue eyed American. I would probably be shot immediately as a spy, or sent to a POW camp for interrogation, or worse yet, sent into Auschwitz itself as a slave laborer.
Best case scenario I'm conscripted into a foreign unit and forced to fight the allies. Of course, if I was sent to the Italian theater, African theater, or French occupation, I would surrender myself to the allied British, commonwealth, or American forces asap.
If God forbid I was sent into the meat grinder of the eastern front, I would try to stay alive long enough to surrender myself to an NKVD officer, tell him I'm an American spy, and hopefully be sent stateside by way of trans-Siberian railroad to Vladivostok and shipped home.
I'm Iranian so I guess I'd have to put that whole "Iranians are true aryans xd" thing to the test
I would definitely pretend to be related to this man: former SS and founder of SUMKA, aka Nazi Party of Iran, and emulator of Hitler's style, Davud Monshizadeh
>German ancestry
>blonde, blue eyes, white
>toned, not big muscles but decent body
>can speak German of course, danish, english and a bit of italian
They should just give me a seat next to Hitler lol
I'm French with curly hair and a bit tan since I'm Romanian, I'd fit right in the concentration camp. They'd either gas me or I'd be shot.
>you have tracksuit-line birthmarks?
No, that's Russians.
>what does 'visibly slavic' look like?
In front of Auschwitz? Dead. Jokes aside, I misused "visibly".
They'll probably assume I'm a lost Jap.
>"But I'm Korean!"
>Guards throw back heads laughing
>"C'mon, honorary Aryan, the war effort needs you"
>get conscripted into Eastern front
>die a miserable death in the blistering cold
Pics requested.
I am a lanklet 6'5 mulatto with light gray eyes, probably get sent to a research lab or some shit
>Mizrahi Jew
Into the gas chamber I go
I would go inside and play some pool with the inmates in the common room and then maybe catch the latest flick or kino in the camp cinema for free.
Oh, I guess I'd also do a bit of handiwork too.
>poltard appears in Auschwitz
>immediately identified as untermensch
>as he's being gassed, he covers his eyes screaming "B-B-BUT THE HOLOHOAX NOT REAL"
>how fucked are you?
I'm a tall brown transsexual so extremely
non cut gook, id get sent to japan where i either join a criminal gang, forced to work as a slave till I die, or strapped into a flying suicide bomb and forced to kill yanks by flying my shitty airplane into their war ships
rudimentary basic german would atleast get my point across
halt! nein! nicht juden, ich ein gouryo nippon!
Being a Bio Medical Engineer, I would show Hitler how to make robotic arms and legs for his very own super soldiers. Or that's what I would at least tell him, and then use the money to find a way to head west.
Well I'd be far away from home with no identity, money, or knowledge of the local languages, so yeah I'd be pretty fucked.
>tall brown transsexual
Aren't you kind of fucked no matter what?
In what sense?
>red dyed hair
>natural blonde shining through
>100% glorious race for the last few centuries
would join if they'd let womenfolk help
You're just a fetish and society doesn't really accept you?
Pretty accurate but I'm not getting thrown into a death camp at least
Not fucked at all. I'm a handsome, tall, dirty blonde, blue-eyed man of good proportion and stature, so i wouldnt get gassed.
I'd keep a low profile, walk away from the gate, hitch a ride to the nearest town, and use the utter astonishment of the townsfolk at my smartphone, laptop, and other future gadgets to grant myself an audience with the highest german authority in said town, and speaking through an interpreter, I'd say I'm an American defector with top secret advanced technology and information about future events vital to the war effort. I would most likely be taken post haste to Berlin to have my gadgets analyzed and reverse engineered, and barter my vital information for a nice sum of money, and assuming my information leads to the axis victory in war, I would also request a high paid government advisory position with a hefty allowance of real estate holdings in places of my choosing.
I would continue providing valuable knowledge about future events in return for a small fortune, which I would turn into a massive fortune by investing in post-war reconstruction efforts and the creation of several large corporations. I would die in the eighties or nineties as a billionaire and create a legacy for my bloodline.
Easy as pie
*loads rifle*
"(exasperated sigh)... Well this camp ain't gonna liberate itself."
*fixes bayonet*
"Man, I hope those Joy Division bitches give head at least half as good as they do in those 70s Nazi exploitation porno flicks."
*shouts the Rebel Yell and charges*
I might be kinda fucked because I look Jewish and I speak almost no German.
I would probably say something along the lines of
"nein sprechen deutsch, sprechen english, ich bin Amerikaner. Nein juden, ich bin protestant"
(like I said I know very little German)
then I would show them my phone to try to convince them i'm someone important. They'd probably think I'm a spy, right?
>I'm a handsome, tall, dirty blonde, blue-eyed man of good proportion and stature, so i wouldnt get gassed.
You'd just be the camp's bitch.
Ay Hans you Kraut faggot, some cunt named Shcindla is letting yer oven dodgers lose and making shitty guns
These also some cunt in a house in Amsterdam named Annie, I dunno the address but I went there with some mad fuckers on a contiki tour once
Yeah, nah you cunts are alright
>show them my uncircumcised foreskin to prove I'm not Jewish, tell them I have absolute loyalty to Hitler even though I'm not German and would be willing to fight in the S.S. for him in the eastern front, but first I need to speak to him directly to inform him of what will happen in the timeline I'm from and what he can do to win the war.
The Tom Cottons of this age don't fall for that spiel anymore.
>implying there is any way for Germany to win the war at this point
wew lad
>The Tom Cottons of this age don't fall for that spiel anymore.
What do you think I am? A fucking neocuck?
>basically withdraw from most occupied territories, go on full defence for a few years rather than offence, try to achieve a treaty or ceasefire with Russia (probably not gonna happen), invest all resources and tech into splitting the atom and long range bombers. Once you have nuclear weapons, you can win any land war, just obliterate every army on the field. V2s can deliver nukes to London and force their surrender,
>invest all resources and tech into splitting the atom and long range bombers
The Manhattan Project was nearly two years ahead and still failed to produce a working bomb before the war in Europe ended. The chances that Nazi Germany, which had vastly fewer resources and personnel to spare than the United States and United Kingdom would be able to get a working bomb before 1945 are zero.
>Manhattan Program
>not about time travel
Nice try, Illuminaughty
Am German and thus speak it
Brown hair, brown eyes, tall
>>I'm fucked
Oh and I'm legally catholic.
Uncut dick, ofc.
I'm American so I'd probably be taken to a POW camp.
looks like I'm joining them
Start speaking Spanish to them and tell them that Franco has sent me
i am not fucked because the holocaust is a lie
Sing "stille Nacht" in French and hope that they recognize the tune enough to convince them that I'm only another golly old Catholic like them.
>pajeet 6 footer
how long before they shove me in with the gyppos and gas me?
say I'm Japanese and pray they can't tell asian apart
>Be Austrian
>be jew
>wear Austrian emblem
Only problem is one side's in Hoch Deustche and the others in English, might think im a spy
>can speak german
>blonde and blue eyed
>petite and cute
I'd be just fine desu, unless those big burly soldiers would want to have some fun in the cellar.
>Blonde Hair
>Blue Eyes
Hey Hanz I think I got on the wrong train, can I get a ride back to my embassy?
Alternatively go in, find Witold Pilecki, and warn him about the eventual betrayal the Polish Underground will face at the hands of the red army.
>>can speak german
as well as a spic speaks english probably
>All these "white" people itt
I have no idea. I don't think nazis had an official policy for hispanics.
Speak spanish and english
I'd probable get killed I guess.
enough to reason with them, unlike you, John.
I would ring the bell at the main gate and tell my colleagues I forgot my keys again. No problemo.
They'd probably think I was an American or English spy so I'd be a PoW and probably be freed after the end of the war, possibly murdered by Russkies
See what happens.
My name is Italian but I don't speak it at all, they'd probably keep me around because I'd be the fattest person they've ever seen.
>>visibly slavic
>what does 'visibly slavic' look like?
Not him, but I'm also slav (100%), and literally every slav I know (including myself), have this weird ability to differentiate judging by the face between slavs, and non-slav whites, including people who have immediate slavic blood. I am correct 98% of the time in my assumptions.
This is going to be weird:
>but speak dutch and german
Can I survive this?
I'm an obvious American with Jewish features.
Oops, clothing and technology won't go past the time rift. You get bumped to the head of the line for a nice calming Zyklon shower as you are obviously distraught about being taken into custody for babbling on about the future, computers, space travel, TV, etc.
I'm Indian so they' d welcome me with open arms because I'm their true Aryan God
>My name is Italian
Hello Italian
German, English, Cherokee, an Irish ancestery
Only know English
6'1 or 1.85
Black hair
Blue eyes
Not fucked at all, they just tell me to get lost in German
Do you expect them to just assume that everyone that walks nearby is a fucking prisoner? These are Germans we're talking about here
How the fuck do you know my name?
>You're just a fetish and society doesn't really accept you?
>Implying this isn't true for all of us
Also Slav, can confirm Slavic-identification ability.
more like
>how fucked are they?