> one of the richest states of 1900
> just a third world country in 2015
What happened?
one of the richest states of 1900
Other urls found in this thread:
Its in the Argentine nature to fuck up
bolivians happened
Same with Czech republic after communism but we will get back our position mark my words (hope)
The Green Revolution made the pampas obsolete as the world's breadbasket.
Retarded dictatorships, peronism, and neoliberalism combined.
Jews,niggers and neo liberal scum
Plus CIA/KGB shadow ops
like a lot of coups that paved the way for the last 30+ years of (((democracy))) which essentially dismantled the country in its entirety plus used us as guinea pig for immigration and the EU crisis
>stormfag argies
What is peronism about?
At the very least you have to admit its true regardless of who you think is responsible
Too white.
Pleasing the low and mid class with other parties' ideas, assuring a permanent mass following
Sure, i'll agree that the dictatorships + the last 30 years destroyed the country.
Find pictures that predate the 90s and see how many nonwhites you can spot
Missing the point, those are specifically "neonazis". See kalki in the middle.
I'm a blond argie btw, i just think local stormfags are giant retards.
> Destroying a country which main reason it became so "rich" was selling raw materials
yeah, it sure was a shame to destroy a sandcastle in the shore
White 'people' ruin everything
Peron was Argentinian mussolini/hitler but unlike them he got couped 2 times. Argentina found itself in the middle of the US/USSR shitfest so we got an US Coup which was a faction of the army plus the aristocracy which was opposed to the commie guerrilla plus group of powers (all whom peron had publicly rejected the last time he came back) financed by foreigners usurped its name and have been desecrating it since then. Once the coup was done for the commie puppets took over and since then they have sold themselves to the highest bidder.
TLDR fraud and identity theft
so white
Sure, argentinian production was very undiversified, but scandinavia and australia don't have a particularly industral economic structure and managed to develop anyway.
We were the most industrialized at least SA country back in the day
>produced all kinds of consumer goods
>We almost get a nuke and ICBMs
>biggest pharmacy industry
Now we are the second because whatever is left is more than the rest of the countries except for Brazil who has more than all the rest of the countries combined
>the commie puppets took over
When they are "italo/spaniard" white then yes
Don't blame us this time, that country is overwhelmingly white.
???? what
read the communist manifesto and then think about what has happened in the last 30 years here. Even if they decided to work for other powers they are still doing the same
Many of those people are white in Southern Europe.
He looks pretty cool actually. Is he albino or just very light skinned, because I can see some brown in him.
> being the most "industrialized" country in SA
That's just dick meausirng. Doesn't mean anything in the modern economic world
Africa begins at the Pyrenees, Southern Italy is Arab, Greeks are Crypto-Turks.
Many cockroaches look white in shit.
>Produced everything it needed back in the day
>Actually exported more than just grains
>Most advanced country in the continent by a wide margin
>its meaningless
Kill yourself
>read the communist manifesto and then think about what has happened in the last 30 years here
One of the most retarded posts i've ever read. First, the manifesto is just a propaganda book, there's nothing of value in it. And second, there's nothing on the last 30 years remotely related to it.
>Even if they decided to work for other powers
Why do they need to work for any power? Are you so stupid you are forced to make up some conspiracy to simplify reality?
O so you are one of those. The fact you got triggered is more than enough proof
Hello, my dark-skinned brother.
nationalism, latin american style. Similar to mexican PRI regime.
It includes left and right in the same party and both take turns. In the 90s it was the right wing witn neoliberal policies and in the 00s the leftist wing
>questioning my retarded opinions prove my retarded opinions
Its too late you already fucked up beyond redemption and im too tired to speak with you
>It includes left and right in the same party and both take turns. In the 90s it was the right wing witn neoliberal policies and in the 00s the leftist wing
The same shit happens in mexico? Fucking ell m8, it never ends.
I'm aware that you can't defend your retarded positions, user.
To incorporate criticism into your conspiracy/ideology is a pretty common defense mechanism, used by the stupid among stormfags, marxists, psychoanalysts, and others to avoid getting out of the echo chamber.
the difference with Mexico is that in Argentina, middle class parties can win elections like it happened recently
um no thats not hte point. Regardless of anything i write you are just going to disagree by using shill tactics and not saying anything up until i corner you and you just stop posting. You don't seem smart enough to be entertaining and im tired so id rather not start something i know how it ends
actually in Argentina the communist party always have been completely irrelevant
You know who weren't irrelevant?
The communist guerrila that fought the last dictatorship a lot whom ended up having positions in the governments
I don't know if macri represents the middle class (we are kind of getting fucked in his first year) but i get your point.
You made a series of completely retarded claims and have been unable to back them up, and now you are using bullshit excuses and lies for avoiding to do so. Just admit you are spouting memes without any substance. I don't even think argie stormfags would be dumb enough to agree with what you posted.
They even had good relations with the last dictatorship, just because the government had good relations with the soviet union.
Why do you keep trying you already gave yourself away everyone in this thread will know you belong to a group paid to shill
you yourself haven't proven me wrong in any way all you do is to attack me personally
You could give your version but you won't because it would be extremely easy to pick it apart.
>you already gave yourself away everyone in this thread will know you belong to a group paid to shill
This is Veeky Forums, not /pol/. Calling retarded opinions and/or conspiracy theories retarded does not make you a shill.
>you yourself haven't proven me wrong in any way all you do is to attack me personally
You have the burden of proof. That being said, i did answer your "arguments". I'm particularly interested in your explanation of how argentina managed to both follow the communist manifesto and be imf's best student during the 90s. I'm also interested in why you are using as a reference a political pamphlet, and why do you imply in your arguments that it is necessary that the government works for other powers to explain argentinian history.
You are the one bringing all the pol shit cause that what you were trained to do
>You have the burden of proof.
Every time you type something you are making a statement. you have not proved anything you said either and in fact have attacked me cause you suck at your job
>That being said, i did answer your "arguments". I'm particularly interested in your explanation of
>B-but you cut the rest of the post
ill answer when you give any proof you are not a shill
>You are the one bringing all the pol shit cause that what you were trained to do
>ill answer when you give any proof you are not a shill
Lel. Who trained me? What proof? Hilarious.
Nice job avoiding any substantial part of my post. I'll be waiting here actual arguments, take your time. I'm honestly excited as to what mental juggles you'll perform to associate menemism with communism, can't wait.
weon culiao
im not going to play your stupid game because its actually stupid
up until you have proof you are not a shill i wont type
>more excuses to avoid saying you don't have any arguments
You didn't even answer what proof you wanted, retard. I guess your belief in my shillness is unfalsifiable, just like the rest of your inane beliefs.
>You didn't even answer what proof you wanted, retard. I guess your belief in my shillness is unfalsifiable, just like the rest of your inane beliefs.
Anything in general that proves you are not a shill . Something that indicates you weren't triggered by some word and are not reproducing what got drilled in your head by whoever pays you 0.10 cent a post
Are you avoiding asking for something specific to not have to admit that you are a retard without arguments? Sure seems so. Just ask something specific already or admit you ain't got shit.
Half the time you are wasting with this shit would be enough to write some coherent argument to defend your position, if you had any arguments.
Montoneros weren´t marxist
>middle class parties can win elections like it happened recently
Cambiemos/Pro/Macri isn't a "middle-class party". It's a neocon party that won the election by being the opposing force. He's our version of Trump. Very few people actually voted for him, people mostly voted against Kirchner.
so he won the non-peronist middle class vote didn´t he?
No te parece que estas hilando un poco fino con alguien que dice que los ultimos 30 años del pais se basaron en el manifiesto comunista?
Empecemos por lo basico.
Yes. That still doesn't make Cambiemos a "middle-class party" in any sense. Its members are mostly elite upper-class and they don't defend the interests of the middle-class.
Besides all the meming in this theread, it was all thanks to a shit economy and no enterprenour culture
Yeah, it was a rich nation at the dawn of the XX century, but it was all in the hands of a few landowner families with no interest on investing in their own country, they squandered on it
And, at the top of that, all the political shitflinging going on since the first coup
People were scared because they didnt want to end up like Venezuela as both countries had similar populist policies to please the large lower class, get their vote and artificially inflate economic indexes through social plans instead of actual jobs. Both countries had totally different economies though, Argentina's economy doesnt depend on a singler resource like Venezuela's.
>Economy was crashed on purpose so that everyone would go bankrupt and foreingers could buy everything for penies
>Like 5 times
>No enterpreu
I wish everyone who speak about our history like you gets raped by niggers and stabbed to death
>Guerrilla niggers funded by the USSR
>a lot who run to communist countries during the dictatorship
>weren't communists
>If they weren't communist Peron wouldn't have told them to fuck off
>If they also weren't communist they wouldn't have duked out for the control of the country shortly after they were told to fuck off by Peron himself
>The go to tactic of communist was to fund guerrillas
>they idolize che guevara actual communist
>The kirchners allied themselves with venezuela and by extension cuba
>cuba the last communist country on earth
>and made us join all the garbage global scams like mercosur and unasur
For some reason people forget the USSR died officially in 1991 and the last coup was in 55 and 78. Do you think all the people who worked for them just vanished and had no interests in SA?
We've literally been governed by people who respond to international interests for the last what? 60 years? All the legitimate presidents had absolutely 0 power since then
Daily reminder you're not white
>durr hurr blame foreign ops for everything
>Argentina's economy doesnt depend on a singler resource like Venezuela's.
>what is soybean
Jesus christ you are so fucking stupid.
>70's guerillas worked for the soviet union
The only party that answered to the soviet union was the PC, which supported the coup:
>También expuso su propósito de poner fin a la subversión. Es conocido el punto de vista del P.C. sobre las actividades de la supuesta ultraizquierda, que siempre repudió. La guerrilla se combate, sobre todo, suprimiendo las causas sociales que la generan, como se reconoce en documentos militares.
>the kirchners were allied with chavez, which was allied with cuba, therefore the kirchners responded to communist international interests and presidents haven't had any power ever
Do you actually think this is an argument?
>lets read shit written by the side who won
i bet you think americans are the paragons of freedom and democracy
>read shit written by the side who won
? The text is from the PC from the day after the coup.
same shit you retard
Why did you cut several parts from my previous post?
>same shit you retard
I honestly don't understand your point. How is reading a text from the PC from the day after the military coup reading shit from the side who won?
>Why did you cut several parts from my previous post?
The entire post is extremely retarded and follows the same logic addressed in the second part i quoted. You are severely lacking in some logic/argumentation classes. If you want me to respond to something specific, tell me what.
You just cut that peron told them to fuck off. Thats like a dude asking permission to be a priest and the pope telling him to fuck off cause he is a criminal or some shit.
And how come you are always on
>How is reading a text from the PC from the day after the military coup reading shit from the side who won?
All the text can be adultered
They changed 30k to around 7500 victims for example
>peron told them to fuck off.
>And how come you are always on
I was a good wageslave during the year so i was given home office for this week for the holidays. You'll have to wait until next week for your retarded posts to go unnoticed.
>All the text can be adultered
The text is well known and became instantly infamous at the time. Your level of ignorance and mind juggling is truly astounding. If you are going to dismiss anything that contradicts your retarded ideas based on nothing there's no point in discussing.
>They changed 30k to around 7500 victims for example
>Anything but a copper meme and sneaky AFP finances.
>The defender of the poor
>The nationalist
>The dude everyone liked
>Told them to fuck off when they asked for their favor
>They chimped out and shot each other to see who gets to rule the country
>This is somehow normal behavior by patriotic nationalists
>A good lot of the members of those shitty guerrillas ended up being part of all the governments that ruled after the dictatorship
>All of them which lead the country to be how its now
>This is somehow normal non communist
>Non globalist
>non sell out
>The text is well known and became instantly infamous at the time. Your level of ignorance and mind juggling is truly astounding. If you are going to dismiss anything that contradicts your retarded ideas based on nothing there's no point in discussing.
Why are you so retarded? anyone can falsify anything you retard. Most people believed the kirchners weren't criminals for at least 10 years in the age of the internet
If you grab any history book you won't find 2 that say an event happen in the same fashion
Can you argue like a normal person instead of sperging with massive greentexts? What you wrote is completely irrelevant to the discussion anyway, I don't give a fuck about defending montoneros.
>Why are you so retarded? anyone can falsify anything you retard. Most people believed the kirchners weren't criminals for at least 10 years in the age of the internet
Ah, yes, i'm sure the memories of the people from that time and the scandal the text provoked are falsified. In case you are unaware of how historiography works, you have to burden of proof to back up such a massive claim.
In any case, this is an admission that your opinions are irrational, since they can't be refuted. Contradictory evidence is dismissed for no reason.
For us plebs that believe in evidence based history, you are wrong in every one of your claims.
I'm going to sleep, i'll answer tomorrow. Try writing an argument instead of posting a wall of non sequiturs or saying >b-b-but i'll arbitrarily assume that whatever contradicts me is fake
>Gets btfo
>Please don't btfo me
>in fact you didn't btfo me cause ad populum fallacy
kill yourself already
Do you actually think covering your ears and screaming "EVERYTHING THAT REFUTES ME MIGHT BE FAKE" is btfo anyone? Pretty sad.
Come back when you have any argument.
Tremendo control de daños hermano...
Sigo esperando un argumento.
Pero no soy el bobo ese
Zurdo gato
Genial, respondeme cuando tengas algo para refutar.
You are doing that you retard
Where? I didn't call anything fake. In fact I wasn't presented with any actual argument so I didn't even had a chance to do something retarded like that.
It's time to go back
Memes and sweet, sweet choris
do you want a serious answer?
pic related
imagine how this map would look like if the Panama canal didn't exist.
>This is fake because it is
>This is fake because people say so for no reason
>I declare without any proof your arguments are no valid
Literally you
Kill yourself
Are you okay, buddy? You seem to be hallucinating. Please quote where i called anything fake.
O look he doesn't have a retort so he has to argue semantics
kill yourself
you two must be peronists
You said i said something that i didn't. You are objectively lying, there's no semantics involved.
I'm going to sleep now.
I'm not. I suspect he is though, since argie stormfags tend to be, and he seemed to care about whether peron liked or not montoneros even though it was irrelevant to the discussion.
bald mustached guy in the front-center looks greek or turkish