How can someone so intelligent, so experienced, so educated, and so knowledgeable be wrong about everything?
How can someone so intelligent, so experienced, so educated, and so knowledgeable be wrong about everything?
Ego and nolstagia/over-romanticism
Also see how he would just dismiss entire disciplines (like economics) because the conclusions of economists (of many schools with different political leanings) contradicted his opinions.
Also when confronted with the fact that material conditions were only getting better under non-feudal economies and societies he basically shut down and moved the goal posts to spirituality and mysticism. Out of a wish to not be contradicted more, he became deliberately esoteric and died in irrelevancy.
That's what most pseudo-intellectuals on the Traditionalist/Right-wing do.
They delve into Occultism and Esoteric knowledge in order to obfuscate debates and justify their opinions as appealing to some other-worldly idea.
Particularly exemplified by /pol/'s hardon for Evola and all the Kek memes.
Reality truly is stranger than fiction.
Now kiss, oh wait you can't kiss yourself.
Look at the poster counter, retard.
Typical newfag, go back to ribbit.
Legit mad
>implying I wasn't making the point you're both unoriginal clones of each other, and that in kissing each other it might as well have been you kissing yourselves.
And the funniest part is this criticism
I never take self-styled intellectuals without self-awareness seriously, and neither should anyone else.
Who are you quoting?
>>implying I wasn't making the point you're both unoriginal clones of each other, and that in kissing each other it might as well have been you kissing yourselves.
>hur dur you can't agree on things with others, everyone must be completely different
Really makes ya think
>literally parroting each other
Or maybe the second poster was a moron who merely regurgitated the first poster since it sounded intelligent.
>The higher and more true legitimization of a true political order, and thus the state itself, lies in it's anagogual function, namely in arousing and nourishing the individuals disposition to act and to think, and to live, and to struggle, and to eventually sacrifice himself for something that goes beyond his mere individuality
Father and motherhood are excellent examples of this, as is soldierly. Evola is great, it's a shame leftism has so dominated philosophy and intellectualism that his wisdom has been pushed to the backburner, simply because it is incompatible with movements such as feminism.
You seem to be repeating yourself quite a bit, really unoriginal, sad!
Really makes ya think
That's a very nice way of saying we should train people as if they were sheep, Rather than trying to create a world where they might be more than that.
What? Leftism is marginal in philosophy. There is no conspiracy, people just ignore the dumb ideas of ebola and such.
Except every collectivist movement throughout history has brought untold suffering and the dream Traditionalists have of returning to traditional values and way of life is a complete farce because they tend to be entirely wrapped in modernity.
One usually must repeat himself when talking to the dense.
Your posts throughout the entire thread have been shit without substance.
Fuck off back to ribbit and shitpost there.
Not really, he's saying we should encourage excellence in knowledge and action in order to self-sacrifice for others, but he never stated that the action itself was forced without knowledge or self-awareness.
I posted this moron , literally the only one to quote the person we're discussing. How about you supply more opinions.
>Is Traditionalist
>Didn't have any children
>Relied on Mysticism and Occult Idiocy
>Didn't understand Economics
>Didn't understand Genetics, actually thought Eastern people were "White"
I note the omission of "learned" as in being more than what he, whoever "he" is, was taught he ought to believe (core beliefs).
Wrong about everything would be quite the feat, on par with picking the wrong b/w color repeatedly and seemingly without end. But then it's reasonable to look further and see that only by reaching infinity can we conclude that one was always wrong. I'll modify it to include "to the last time you checked and found him lacking."
Wrong also implies that there be a "right." At least one that has relevance over "good." So whose model of Reality shall we accept as "right"?
Arthur Conan Doyle wrote~: when all the reasonable has been discounted, whatever remains, no matter how "unlikely," must be so.
Whatever Arthur said, my point is that it's reasonably likely that he is not "intelligent, experienced...". In fact, he likely has never said anything original, or anything of consequence at all. Double-speak. Politicians do it "all the time." Sometimes they seem so sincere: but then they're performers, pretenders, posers. They can seem so serious, as if they care. It's called the allure of over-confidence: in reported studies, in the end over-confident people fail to affect any positive outcome or contribute anything of consequence.
Of course, having the masses who are too ignorant to see this as earth-mates is a total drag. But not everyone is negative and emotionally stunted.
Your rethoric is horrible desu. Stick to a point and stop meandering directionlessly.
>We're richer so it doesn't matter that traditional families and marriage are basically dead, our people aren't repopulating, and the lion's share of people are fat and feel dead inside.
>we let people starve and die meaninglessly, but it's okay cause the family is traditional and not marrying is taboo, our people are shitting more kids half of whom will be dead before puberty, and many people are high on adrenaline trying not to die
If we at least bring new life into the world try not to make it miserable.
Starvation and death wasn't borne out of traditionalism.
In many cases it was. Conservatives are pretty often opposed to medical advances even now. In good old times we also loved to dish death and suffering for those not abiding by traditionalism.
>Also when confronted with the fact that material conditions were only getting better under non-feudal economies and societies he basically shut down and moved the goal posts to spirituality and mysticism.
Bullshit, he was interested in esotericism from the beginning.
>medical advancement is good because more children are born and people live longer
>the planet is getting overpopulated, stop making so many children
Anyone who understands anything about genetics knows that "races" are not an actual biological concept.
see the problem is that most people on Veeky Forums that read evola dont understand him.
>planet is getting overpopulated
the projected population high for the world is way lower than the world can support
thats pretty common knowledge, or at least should be on this board
Not with the modern way of life ad consumerism
>>medical advancement is good because more children
Huh I thought I said medical advancement is good cause it reduces suffering and death. Not because it brings more children. I consider the act of birthing a child neutral.
>>the planet is getting overpopulated, stop making so many children
It's not about being overcrowded. It's about making sure you aren't making another life just to make it miserable. People should be able to live with children or without them, free both in the ability to choose and in capability to do. But if you decide to have children you should make sure to take care of it, at least when they posses almost no capability to choose and provide for themselves.
oh you're talking about fossil fuels
I guess people assume there will be alternatives eventually :/
Haha nice meme!
Economic systems change to material conditions.