What's the dumbest political ideology of all time?
What's the dumbest political ideology of all time?
Anarcho-capitalism, Traditionalism.
Communism, Marxism, Socialism
Marxism isn't the dumbest, just the most evil.
Anatcho-communism by far.
Anarcho-Monarchism is way dumber than anything listed so far.
Alt-rightist teachings
Everything that isn't Marxist influenced
Everything i disagree with
This isn't a thing, I refuse to believe there's a single person who have written anything and tried to publish it as a legitimate political position.
reaction - literally no thinking required, simple visceral >muh feels
Probably National Socialism, or fascism in general.
It's the irony behind being ridiculous and nihilistic, yet monolithic and authoritarian at the same time. Sort of like a half-earnest politic that expresses that half-earnesty as harshly and severely as it can
Anarcho-communism. the two contradict each other to begin with.
Is this real?
>the two contradict each other to begin with.
Yes it is.
Every single advance in women's rights has been enforced by the state. Without the state to enforce feminist laws, women would go back at being cattle.
Whatever ideology Venezuela follows.
mencius moldbug
Exactly the opposite. Anarcho communism is a tautology.
Can nazism be qualified as ideology or is it incoherent rambling?
Wasn't anarcho-primitivism is most stupid one?
Hans Herman Hoppe of Democracy the God That Failed fame
No it's the dumbest. Evil implies that the results were deliberate and not the cause of delusion and naivety to human nature.
Jedi Ideology
Some results were deliberate to hold the power like in Stalin case, other jsut Mao being retard.
Venezuela is collapsing but the Bolivarian elite is firmly entrenched in power and there is nothing the opposition can do to remove them. So it's clearly not stupid for the ones implementing it.
>commmies are bad because they murdered people
>Pinochet is cool because he murdered people
That one still gets me.
Social democracy.
The God Worshipping Society
But 6 million
Socialism - communism
not an argument
Police, political. Get it?
That more speaks to the regime in power rather than the ideology itself
French Egalitarians.
>dont use utensils to eat theyre classist!!!
>dont choose brown or white bread mix the flour instead to create equality bread!!!
Anarcho-primitivism is literally the vast majority of human history. If anything it's the least stupid ideology there is.
Commies aren't human though.
Marxists aren't naive, they are deliberately that evil. Marx talks about cleansing entire classes and Engels even about whole ethnicities perishing in the "revolutionary holocaust" because their volksgeist was too reactionary. The biggest problem we do with Marxists is we assume they're just naive retards, but they really are grade A evil cunts.
Monarchism. How can you wilfully cuck yourself so hard? At least pick a modern authoritarian idea.
>implying the Soviets murdered and imprisoned all the Kulaks by mistake
Pol Potism
fuck off it worked for the time
>implying the bourgeoisie are people
Social conservatism
Anarcho- anything.
No it didn't.
Marxists are the bourgeoise. Stalin was actually pretty humane compared to what academic Marxists really wanted.
t. degenerate
Fuck off CF
Mike "turning transvestites into transistors" Pence would like to have a word with you
This. It's basically a "more radical than thou" anarchism.
No, anarcho-primitivism is specifically based in rejection of technological advancement. Not possessing technology is not the same as actively rejecting it.
Blast off you sandnig faggot
Socialism, Marxism, Communism
>everyone who doesn't like gays automatically wants to throw them off buildings
No user I only want to electrocute them
In a thread a couple of weeks ago someone posted saying they though Anarcho-Social Democracy was the best political ideology. Gave me a mighty kek.
Alt-right. Zero analysis, zero praxis, zero foundation in reality. Just memes and edgy manchildren.
Self-declared modern day "NatSoc" (note: Not actual national socialism)
It's called neo-nazism
What about thousands of innocents who wanted neither communism nor fascism, just their democracy back? He still abducted and tortured them. You're pathetic, You know that, right?
Pretty sure you're full of shit. The word Holocaust (completely burnt) wasn't even coined in a sense of genocide back then. Post some quotes or gtfo.
>Until its complete extermination or loss of national status, this racial trash always becomes the most fanatical bearer there is of counter-revolution, and it remains that. That is because its entire existence is nothing more than a protest against a great historical revolution. … The next world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but also entire reactionary peoples, to disappear from the earth. And that too is progress.
- Engels
gommunism :-DD
Not defending fascism or Nazis, but how were they nihilistic?
Member when Veeky Forums prided itself on being perverted and disgusting? Member when this place wasn't taken over by uptight conservatives?
alt-right is chanology 2.0, except worse.
The world has become so backwards and morally deficient that fucking Veeky Forums of all places is advocating for traditionalism, family values and societal norms
What the fuck
Both are morons who don't understand free speech.
Veeky Forums is just full of contrarian faggots who base their beliefs on the opposite of whatever popular at the time.
Now can you source it
Except Veeky Forums was never left-leaning, libertarian AKA classic liberals at best but never modern liberals, progressives or socialists
Fucking kek, i love these arguments, imagine this shit in a court
"Well yes i murdered him and his children and then shat on their corpses and shoved their hogtied mother into the shit, but you've gotta understand, they're inhuman."
Well, depends on the court
Were it Chilean court, and it was on the grounds that communists were inhuman, I suppose it could pass in such an instance.
I think both of you are fucking retarded, Veeky Forums is a collective of anonymus individuals, there's people ranging from commies to nazis in /pol, because practically any political position taken on Veeky Forums is to argue yell and get some form of communication.
"Makes sense to me. Case dismissed."
I remember Veeky Forums being heavily libertarian, small government, lots of freedom, etc.
Veeky Forums was basically apolitical, at most the majority of the people leaned towards being socially liberal and that's it really. nobody said shit like "degeneracy" because they were self-aware enough to realize they were on a website with shitting dick nipples and an entire board dedicated to dickgirls.
Murdering commies who want to murder people is okay, its not that complicated
Communism. (They believe in a metaphysical concept called Dialectical Materialism which is spook energy that makes us want to own property.)
>it worked for the time
you mean it resulted in catastrophe and decades of sovereignty loss for the country that tried after only about 12 years
Nice trips. But it's not murder if it's lawful, it's just killing.
I just want to say, the OP's image is CUTE!
>not addressing any arguments alt right makes and just straw manning
6/10 bait made me respond
Social liberalism
To be honest, guy who said that communism and anarchism contradict each other made zero arguments.
By far Anarcho-Communism. At least normal Communism / Socialism can function, but Anarcho-Communism (and also any other form of anarchism for that matter) are destined to fall at the first hurdle.
> Communism
> can function
You got me here for a second.
I mean, I don't like Communism but things don't just fucking fall apart as soon as it's implemented. any form of Anarchism would just fail as soon as a group of people decided to start their own government.
French Republican iconoclasm was most aesthetically beautiful reflection of social upheaval in human history.
Bring back the 10 hour day.
Anarcho-anything. It's utopian nonsense of the worst kind.
Clearly not considering how successful it has been