Post them
Propaganda Posters
itt: prop tropes?
>the encourager - looking back at his comrades and pointing the way forward with upheld hand
>the damsel in distress
>the bestial enemy - bonus if it's a rat or ape of some kind
>the ridiculous enemy
>the warrior protector - usually standing steadfast and protecting a little child
>the family of nations - the brits use this a lot, as do the waffen ss
>the wank material - using sex to get your point across
these are the most common ones i can think of...
My favorite
>they still haven't posted god-tier ccp propaganda
Goddamn, that Israeli girl is such a cutie.
"They Shall Not Pass!"
"Twice I have stood fast and conquered on the Marne, my brother civilian. A deceptive ‘peace offensive’ will attack you in your turn; like me, you must stand firm and conquer. Be strong and shrewd. Beware of Boche hypocrisy.”
"The French League"
(On tomb: "Here rests a French soldier dead for the homeland")
Is there any good KMT propaganda?
>the wank material
This actually makes Bolshevism look pretty badass.
I really like the american ones about the japs, with the huge, crooked teeth and squinty eyes. I was sure I had plenty saved but I can't find them.
I mean this
> this is propaganda
this is like the goodbye blue sky music video
The Freedom text ruins it.
>Spiders and octopi ensnaring the weak and unwary in their webs/tentacles
I love British propaganda
This is great
"Finland's cause is our cause, for a greater purpose, join the volunteers"
When Sovjet invaded Finland, without help from Sweden they would be talking Russian.
what a qt
>the pot calling the kettle black