So it's pretty clear that most of Veeky Forums will be millionaires after the normies flood into crypto trading. What are you going to do with your 1mil+USD when it all finally pays off?
So it's pretty clear that most of Veeky Forums will be millionaires after the normies flood into crypto trading...
Keep trading crypto.
But what about when the bubble pops in '29?
convert it all to usd and lead creative pursuits under no pressure
same thing i always do
drugs and shitpost on /x/ and Veeky Forums
Going to the moon with my flying lambo
I'll have my money in the Googles and Amazons. Its not like all the .coms went bust, just the ones that were shit.
They'll contribute to even more inflation of the fiat with all this new wealth that will flood in
>ctrl f
>no two girls at the same time
I'm gonna start a kickstarter for creating genetically modified catgirls for domestic ownership.
I I hit 100k in a few years,maybe I'll have enough in a few years to start to fund it myself, but it will be a superior project if I can get several other anons to donate. With other investors, it could happen.
As a business plan, we will first create two tailed cats, nekomatas, for sale. I think modified designer pets will be a new big thing in the future.
From there we will expand until we can put cat ears on a monkey, then an actual human.
A bunch of NEETs will suddenly have a bunch of disposable income to invest in bullshit they want. I think it can actually happen. This is our strange new world.
These are the kinds of posts I come here for.
Nigger I'll be a billionaire by then.
Well I'm 22 now hopefully by 25-30 I'll have my first million and buy a landscaping company for passive income
You're going to need more like several million, that's a pretty big project.
Like I said, we won't do full on catgirls at first. We go in steps. They can clone extra limbs and cross-species ligaments on animals RIGHT NOW. How much will it take to make two-tailed cats and sell at a premium to weebs?
100k starting investment could probably also get me a loan. With other investors, magic can happen.
Mah nig. I'd probably contribute to that even though I don't actually want one. I might take a 2 tailed cat tho.
What the fuck
yandere, tomboy package pls
Kill myself because I watch everything double, triple before my eyes yet end up where I started by the time all the transactions are through.
Hopefully buy one or 2 properties and keep investing my rent earnings
Oh I never even said what I wanted to do. I'll probably get a sex change and then spend the rest of my life studying, trying to get a phd in mathematics or electrical engineering. No need to stay out of school if money is not object.
>tfw not rich, morally astute, genius trap
The new american dream
60-90% will lose it cause they tried to day trade
Fucking lol. I mean I can see this but I really hope it's not the case.
welcome to Veeky Forums you fucking shill kek
The question I have for Veeky Forums is how long will we have until the normies arrive? Do we have a 2 year headstart? 5 years??
probably just one if even that much. It's already starting. t
The /pol/ newfags are spilling over into here and once they start making noise about our profits all over the internet the Veeky Forums will be the new /pol/. Fucking Forbes will be writing articles about threads posted here. We'll basically control the market through memes.
they would still be 3DPD catgirls though, that investment should go to making anime real first
Coming from /pol/....
Don't ever make a fucking reddit base. We ruined everything because of fucking reddit.
I'm also from /pol/ and I dont care about keeping Veeky Forums intact. I want money. Reddit helped get trump elected. It'll put money in my pocket.
>Don't make a reddit base
They already have cryptocurrency subreddits, it's a little late for that, r/bitcoin already has 200k subscribers
I'm just getting in now but I have about 20k to spend, will I be able to ride to the Moon with you guys?
I've had this dream for awhile now