Are there any fringe or /x/-tier theories you actually believe, or at least consider possible Veeky Forums? Or even if you think they're retarded but find them entertaining like the Phantom Time Hypothesis? And please don't turn this into yet another holocaust denial thread /pol/, we seen all the dubious infographs before.
Are there any fringe or /x/-tier theories you actually believe, or at least consider possible Veeky Forums...
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Chariots of the gods was a pretty entertaining book. I want to believe. My father told me some elements of the communist party of Yugoslavia used it in the 80s to "educate" people who were on the fence about the whole atheism thing. kek.
I believe that in times past people probably had some sort of greater powers. Be them witchcraft (gained through wisdom) or genetic.
I believe that if there was a historical Jesus, he was a bit earlier, a decade or two, than the usual given preaching dates of circa AD 30.
You have all these different "Heretical" sects of Christianity popping up at around the same time as you get what would eventually become the mainstream trinitarian group. People who believe that Jesus was the messiah but a man, wasn't the messiah but was a man and a holy prophet, an angel, a god but not in the trinitarian sense, etc, they all seem to pop up out of the ground at around the same time.
And I admit, I'm a total amateur in the are and I don't know much, but it would seem tome that if you had one central figure leading his little cult, and then he dies, and the different groups go off in their different ways, it would take a little longer than that for things to get so crazily fragmented. If you still have a core congregation that can remember the actual teachings of the guy himself, you'd think that would provide a little bit of continuity, at least until the new wave of leaders started to really take charge and be able to either make rulings in their own names or play off the fact that it's been years since anyone heard Jesus preach and memories got fuzzy.
It was proposed once that Jesus was apparently mushroom
Pedowood and monarch programming
New Chronology by Fomenko is entertaining but probably bullshit.
I just like the idea that most history is made up.
Saladin was Alexander Nevsky
History: Fiction or Science?
Why? When we look at the ancient world, everything takes forever to happen.
when paleonthologists do static calculations on dinosaur bones they find weird discrepancies in bone strenght related to possible muscle mass related to possible overall weight and mass of the organism, the puzzling thing being that they seem to be to big to actualy move adequately
one theory is that the earth itself had less mass and therefore weaker gravity
this would reflect in things like techtonics and geological record, but one theory says it might be that the earth is slowly expanding due to excess neutrinos emited from the sun somehow adding extra energy to the planet core
now we know all sorts of things appen beneath the earth crust, the molten interior is like a massive ocean with its own weather and similar proceses so who knows
it might all be complete bullshit, i sure donk have enough knowledge to say, but for some reason it sounds plausible to me, even if i wouldnt realy care if its completely debunked
another thing is i believe there is a historical basis for the story of atlantis, but in my version its toned down to 'realistic' levels, just a random talasocracy that somehow collapsed with time, maybe their island realy was volcanic, or maybe they dissapeared as the ice melted at the end of the last glacial, nothing special, just some dudes with a fleet that had the bad luck to make a city on the wrong place
in fact it wouldnt suprise me if archeology kept pushing back the date of ''''birth of civilisation''' or whatever we call it, since it dosent make sense to me that people did fuck-all for a good 200 000+ years then just somehow started living in towns and cities in the last 12000, imo the fact we have so little evidence about this is, again, the glacials, just look at how much more land there was, half the adriatic was a river basin, the black sea was a lake with huge estuaries, polinesia was a whole subcontinent etc
also, ''the flood'' happened, we just dont know what it was, all we have are myths about it
>also, ''the flood'' happened
this flood myth meme is interesting since the narrative seems to span across the world with similarities, though I don't wish to dip my toe into parallelomania territory, it has been hypothesized that the flood narrative could have taken place in a certain area which then eventually spread once natives started moving around the world. Or the evidence for a local flood in the biblical narrative of the Flood has been soundly defended by multiple scholars with different worldviews.
I believe in Boltzman brains.
Why would a universe evolve into the complexity we see today, when it's much simpler for a universe to evolve a single brain in isolation which thinks it's a being in a complex universe.
crazy stuff no? I remember reading about it, that an actual scholar thought this was the case, it was apparently so bad that it lead to his dismissal at the university and everyone in contact with him deny he was ever credible.
>paleonthologists do static calculations on dinosaur bones they find weird discrepancies in bone strenght related to possible muscle mass related to possible overall weight and mass of the organism
Source, please. I find sites saying this same thing but I can't find a paper about it.
I kinda distrust Jews.
>the complexity we see today,
Literally 10^15 kilograms of life amid 10^53 kilograms of observable matter. The universe is, as far as we know, .000000000000000000000000000000000000008% complex.
Derp, that eight should be a one.
thumbs up for yuuki
Where the fuck do retards like this come from?
I believe the Trojan war happened.
I believe it was war raging around the entire Mediterranean and Black Sea.
Homer's catalog of ships confirms soldiers came from all over the world to fight, not just from Greece.
Some parties headed to Troy attack other cities along the way.
The Sea People who go on to attack Hittites, Egyptians, etc are soldiers who continued raiding after the war.
I believe the Myrmidons may have been an ancient group of mercenaries.
I think the war contributed to the Bronze Age Collapse.
I also think the world economy of bronze crashed when iron working decentralized power.
I believe a lot of Trojans fled and brought remnants of their culture to other parts of the world.
If dinosaurs evolved into birds maybe they always had "hollow" bones? Maybe having hollow bones allowed them to fly more so than feathers?
I think the Jews are out to fuck with the goyim, but there's no conspiracy or a group effort.
I have read something about this awhile back and thought i was an interesting theory, It would fit sort of with the theory of the Ark of the Covenant some how producing mushrooms, What the Israelites in the wilderness called at the time Manna(Unknown).
I think there was probably some sort of great flood. It'd make sense since the myth originates with Enki and Enlil in ancient Sumer.
Obviously not flooding the whole world but I can see it wrecking Mesopotamia.
see my post
So, there is no evidence to suggest any sort of major flooding on the Euphrates and Tigris around 3000BC at all?
Sort of fringe: Rene Schwaller proposed that the Egyptians had an occult /religious group at the center of their civilization, and that their biggest achievements, their monuments, was the manifestation of this knowledge. "This knowledge" being a knowledge of the intimacy between matter, music, being, geometry, and the human body.
I'm sure there were floods in the area at 3000BC no doubt, the flood myth narrative though is so widespread that these ideas could have popped up independently of each other. Though the comparison between the biblical text and Mesopotamian text does show some similarities that are interesting.
I harbor an affection for the theory of Edward De Vere being the real shakespear, but I know it's probably untrue.
Shit, the Noah story is basically lifted from Gilgamesh.
I think that it's very possible for dinosaurs to be reclassified as birds within this century, depending on future finds. They had hollowed bones that could have had air sacs, scaly skin is still present in many birds on their feet, and the idea of feathered dinosaurs is already spreading. They even found a feather in amber recently, just adding further proof.
not precisely, there's definately a lot of Babylonian flavouring there, but if you're into textual criticism, you'll start to realize that the flood tradition was pre-exilic in nature and rather upgraded a little bit more during the exile.