Were they the good guys?
Were they the good guys?
good guys for white people
No. No no no, stop posting Nazi shit edgy retards.
But they weren't the bad guys either.
The nazi's were acting on their moral convictions. They saw that the jews were doing two things, which they found deplorable.
1) They forgave each others debts while holding onto ours, and honored no currency save their own word. This meant that they could in effect, issue their own currency and borrow tons of money at outrageously low interest which they never really had to pay back, since they could just keep borrowing more.
2) This is something that Germans don't really like to talk about, but they do not view circumcisions the way you or I do. They see it as mutilating a perfectly healthy infants genitals, a custom which they find barbaric. They see it as child abuse, and like any responsible adult, there was a desire to act on the impulse to prevent it. Of course, the social moores of the time prevented them from discussing such matters in public, and to this day this is a very touchy and sensitive topic for the German people.
The problem is that their solution was too narrowly focused, and they simply got carried away with their own notions of moral superiority and what began as an effect to reform turned in to an attempt at genocide.
>implying there are good guys in history
Fuck outta here
what brand of concentrated autism is this
I have no clue, way too many mentions of circumcision, Jews, and collective German mentality for me to actually pay attention.
Also he said attempt and genocide in the same sentence.
You see, the problem wasn't necessily with the jews. It was with the wealthy families that construed the establishment of the financial orders which dominated nation-states.
Today, there is a global order of powerful and elite men (and to a very minor extent women) who control the financial system. They create ultra complex networks of finance to manipulate global currency, but its pretty much the same as it ever was, print money more money than you could ever need, borrow more than you could ever spend, spend more than you could ever borrow, rinse, wash, repeat.
People have been falling for it since the dawn of history.
Their lust for conquest led to the deaths of millions of people, and they gained nothing to show for it, so no
This system is the problem.
You could blame the men in power, but if you killed each one of them, their children, and their childrens' children, and almost all of them would be replaced within a week.
You can try to wipe out their servants, people like the jews, who cozy themselves up to power and become willing servants of our brutal masters, but they are only doing what they think is smart. You would face the same challenges you would face wiping out all the elites, only multiplied by a million-fold.
No, to change the world, you have to destroy the system. You have to tear it down.
Initially, the germans only wanted the Rhineland, so they would have access to their seaports. Hitlers initial plan called for him to dominate the world by trade. (Read Mein Kampf, its an interesting read)
The land had initially been ceded in WW1 to poland, who really had no claim to it, and was formally part of their territory. Its people were sympathetic to the nazi cause and Hitler issued dozens of warnings before invading.
Remember, it was England and the Allies who declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland.
>Remember, it was England and the Allies who declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland.
Do you know how retarded you sound?
See, what happened in Germany during WW2 is what I like to call a "series of unfortunate events". Both sides made mistakes, and both refused to back down. Hitler became increasingly irrational and paranoid as time past, and the allies became more stubborn and hidebound with each passing tragedy.
WW2 could have easily been avoided at several points during the war. In the beginning, Hitler had a solid moral claim, and at first, he very much had the high ground, but he was throwing his progressive policies in the face of nearly 2000 years of tradition.
It is all well and good to be edgy.
It is all well and good to even say horrific things.
It is even all well and good to suggest genocide of a people as an exercise of speech.
But to actually engage in it, to actually engage in such an act is a horror that is inconceivable. It is unforgivable, monstrous, brutal and without any humanity. It is to go beyond all things.
No, the Nazis were not good and those who suggest they were deserve their social alienation.
They declared war in response to germany's invasion of an allied country
I know I'm being memed, forgive me Veeky Forums
I never said they were good.
I never suggested that genocide was the answer.
I certainly never suggested that they were in the right.
Hitler might have started off with the moral highground, but in war, there are no winners, just survivors.
Nod an argument
So Jews themselves had nothing to do with their position of financial power?
A land which they felt entitled to and had ceded under duress.
It's not even that. It's that they broke a specific treaty signed, which caused us to go to war with them. Nevermind the fact that Britain and France's war production was already starting to rear its head due to the insidious breaking of the Treaty of Versailles.
Many of them are jews, but many of them are whites.
There is no "one" organization who controls them all, it is a series of organizations ruled by powerful oligarchs.
I guess it's ok for any country to invade any other country as long as they feel entitled to it
/pol/ please fucking leave
sorry, I meant to say a land which "Germany" felt entitled to and had ceded under duress. They lost the rhineland during WW1 and wanted it back.
Like I said, Hitlers initial plan called for dominating the world through trade, and he simply could not do that without a seaport. Germany was a landlocked nation at the time, they had no access to maritime trade.
Its not that simple.
Many of the people there had been part of the former empire which ruled during world war 1. It was very much like the situation in Ukraine, with many nationalist urging for a return of the satellite state back to the "fatherland".
Does anyone else just feel embarrassed for this guy
Basically, as the war carried on, Hitlers paranoia got worse. Little did he know that there were several powerful interests undermining his efforts during the entire war effort. By the end of the war he was so "gaslighted" that he had been driven completely mad.
We talk about the "militarization" of Germany and its takeover of the nations means of production, but Hitler had little choice if he wanted to remain in power. He replaced all the civilian industrial leadership with people he knew (or thought he knew) he could trust.
The people had very high expectations of him and he had made outrageous promises to earn their trust. He had to deliver.
>Germany was a landlocked nation at the time, they had no access to maritime trade
Do you have any idea what you are talking about?
>he was just trying to deliver what he promised to his people, he was really a good guy at heart
That means it's ok to kill millions of people of other nations and send millions of his own people to their deaths for nothing
No, they are the very symbol of reactionary and revolutionary barbarism. The NSDAP was a bastard of German conservatism and revolutionary social movements of 19th century.
I didn't say that.
I said that what happened to him was sad.
And that the allies were no saints.
And that there are people, even now, who conspire to keep others miserable and poor and force them to live out lives of desperate servitude for little to no gain.
you can't be both reactionary and revolutionary. The terms are mutual exclusive and mean the exact opposite of each other.
So if you agree that the nazi's were not the 'good guys', what is the point of your post?
>And that the allies were no saints.
>And that there are people, even now, who conspire to keep others miserable and poor and force them to live out lives of desperate servitude for little to no gain.
What does this have to do with the topic of the thread?
You can. If you preach about returning to some imaginary perfect past but you want to do it in a revolutionary way.
yes yes 1488 the j00s control everything we all knew you were a stormfag anyway so playing the concealment game to be le stealthy entryist proselytizer is retarded. Do that shit on reddit, not on a *chan, you cunt.
The only sad bit is that he killed himself before being tortured.
>literally shaking right now
>Many of them were Jews. Many of them were whites.
That's an understatement. 1% of the population dominating banking, law, media, and academia is significant. Seems to imply that some groups are more prone to harmful behavior.
> 1% of the population dominating banking, law, media, and academia is significant
You want 100% of population doing banking, law, media, and academia? Who would make bread and shit than?
They destroyed Germany and killed billions of the german peopel by declaring war against the world.
>The land had initially been ceded in WW1 to poland, who really had no claim to it
You do realize everything that Poland had at the end of world War 1 was polish before Russia and Prussia split Poland right?
They lost their land and with land they lost their claims, retard.
So then Germany lost their land at the end of world War one and thus lost their claims? I'm failing to see how Germany has more claims to polish lands then Poland.
You mean like germany?
Assuming that the group works in the majority's best interest. Jew have a unique identity that is ethnically exclusive. It may not be intentional, but the more influence they have, the more they undermine their host nation.
>Jew have a unique identity that is ethnically exclusive.
That is not true, you can convert to the Judaism, you can also be Hebrew and not practice Judaism.
Yeah that's modern bullshit. Ivanka Trump can convert to Judaism, but she'll never be a Jew.
Even if you buy that it still begs the question of whether or not a strong ethnic minority can undermine a nation.
search your heart, you know it to be true
>Yeah that's modern bullshit.
I was not aware the seventh century was modern.
Idk what you're referring to, but people being able to convert to Judaism is recent and limited to less traditional sects.
You may try minimize it, but you can't outright deny that there is a racial element to Judaism.
>for humanity
Humanity is cucked because they discredited all legit ideas of racial superiority.
racial "superiority" was never an ideology of the party, only cultivating German identity and combating Jewish infiltration and subversion.
So... Why did they started the war, instead of, like doing all the good things? I bet allies would just let them do whatever they wanted inside Germany,
This was the party.
It was a party state representing every province and state in equal power under one central authority that leads the party.
Germans didn't care for multiple parties when the only interests that should exist were laid out in the party, German identity is nonnegotiable, Socialism for the well being of the people is nonnegotiable, and representation of the German people into the party from all provinces with equal opportunity to rise the ranks based on merit.
>Germans didn't care for multiple parties when the only interests that should exist were laid out in the party
HORSESHIT. They didn't have a fucking choice anymore after the Nazis outlawed all other parties and arrested them.
>So... Why did they started the war, instead of, like doing all the good things?
> doing all the good things?
After the Nazi-organized 1933 May Day labor celebrations, the Third Reich not only nationalized all trade unions, but decreed union membership as a mandatory duty, forcing every worker to join the state-operated union.
Its leader was Robert Ley, who stated its aim was 'to create a true social and productive community' (Smelster, 1988). Theoretically, DAF existed to act as a medium through which workers and owners could mutually represent their interests. Wages were set by the 12 DAF trustees. The employees were given relatively high set wages and security of employment, and dismissal was increasingly made difficult. Social security and leisure programmes were started, canteens, breaks, and regular working times were established, and German workers were generally satisfied by what the DAF gave them in repayment for their absolute loyalty.
The German people saw parties as an enemy of German identity and progress.
Turns out they were right.
Nazi party ruined everything fo them.
Hitler, like Tojo, the japanese emperor, FDR and Churchill, was a Moloch worshipper. He was sent by the German intelligence agency (since the advent of photography all intelligence agencies became blackmail mafias for elite, ushering in WW1) and he was sent to infiltrate the NSDAP.
His job was to build up enough support so they could credibly rig the election for him and enact the human sacrifice event we know as WW2.
>what happened to him was sad
Are you one of those faggots who feels bad for the terrorists for being pushed to such extreme measures?
The Khazars converted to Judaism sometime around the 7th century.
Yeah, like they had a say in the matter after Hitler got emergency powers and dismissed the Reichstag.
>Yeah, like they had a say in the matter
Hitler was the feds, each province had their own leaders with authority over the administration, Hitler just made central goals and plans, he didn't run provinces.
What the fuck are you talking about? Hitler named all of the province governors. They were all Nazis. Hell, he literally redrew their fucking borders.
>So Jews themselves had nothing to do with their position of financial power?
Not really. For a long time most Christians looked down on banking because they viewed any loan interest as usury, which was sinful. For any economy to be successful you need banks, and since the only quantifiable non-christian population in most states were Jews, and since Jews were barred from many other positions in society, banking was one of the few avenues to success left to them (the exact same shit happened in Muslim Iberia too).
If you retarded Germans want to put any blame on Jews for dominating the financial industry you should blame yourselves first for literally putting them there in the first place.
Not an argument.
Not a rebuttal.
The central government had general plans and such that the provinces had to follow as any state, but the provinces were run by local people, with federals to give the general plans of the central authority, the localities were run by local district leaders.