>to intelligent for history
>just intelligent enough for humanities
To intelligent for history
>tfw learning history through humanities
Lel. Plens focusing on history
there's one autist working over time to churn three of these a week out isn't there?
Did someone actually code that entire pic?
It's "too" not "to". Back to community college, for you.
I can't tell
The same one that made all those peepeepoopoo images.
>tfw too intelligence for posting on Veeky Forums because i would end all arguments and render every thread pointless.
Only STEM people are intelligent
Memorizing trivia is nothing compared to the skill of problem solving and making accurate predictions based off statistical data.
>inb4 you can make accurate predictions by knowing history! XDD
>there's one autist working over time to churn three of these a week out isn't there?
One day you will be grateful.
Yea can't tell if you're baiting or not
Philosophy > STEM
STEM is just monkeygames, might aswell do rubic cubes
People who do theology actually have the highest IQs on average
I can't tell who's more pathetic.
t. STEM-fag
Math is God's language my child. I am skeptical of that picture, any source? For all I know it could be atheists whitewashing Christians once again.
Also obviously the high verbal high intelligence is really just higher need for logic.
Source? Seems like bullshit in its majority to me.
Yep. Nietzsche was a philologist and specialized in ancient greco-roman languages.
You read his writings and notices the difference of abstraction and analisys capacity he had compared to the always inferior Kant.
Post your power level.
>civil engineer tier
>Zoology tier
Physical chemistry flavored with SS physics
Philosophy/Classics double major
Forgot my pic
>just intelligent enough for humanities
So literally retarded?
>inb4 muh stem
Stem kiddies are retards too.
>linguistics more intelligent than neuroscience
>operations research more intelligent than like 50 majors
I stopped reading
Are you trolling or do you legitimately not understand the chart?
That's a retarded way to think about things.
>stemcuck has a problem
>just remembers the trivia that he needs to solve the problem, whether it's remembering some physics formula or some chemistry thing
>solves problem
Same thing
M.A. in political science