What is the right term for the situation when there exist sort of a conspiracy, without people actively conspring with each other?! It is hard to believe in typical /pol/ delusions like cultural marxism (as if leftists can unite with each other instead of argue ad nauseam over minor differences) or (((jewish))) world wide agenda, but I can't deny that when the situation is a right one people support each other not because of their prior connections, but from a harmony of their interests. Good example of such behavior is fall of weak state. When a stong state weakened by one group, other groups also attack that state in moment of weakness and so on. The spiral of death seems like a conspiracy but it isn't one as scavenger groups are pretty opportunistic.
What is the right term for the situation when there exist sort of a conspiracy...
>What is the right term for the situation when there exist sort of a conspiracy, without people actively conspring with each other?!
The term you're looking for is: your paranoid delusions.
The term you might be looking for is Manifest Destiny
The term you are looking for is bourgeiose reaction.
the term is exploitation
We should create a term for this, since I don't believe one exists. The key to bringing the left's insidious nature to light is to materialize and qualify it with language.
Ghost in the Shell calls it a stand alone complex. ie a copy cat crime but on a scale that creates political change.
Interesting, that does seem to fit what the OP is talking about.
I think (and don't care enough to check if I'm right) that the Neoreactionaries use "Cathedral" to refer to that. Not an actual group of people conspiring together, but a general attitude of "I have no problem with working with my fellow members of [group x] to mutually profit at the expense of members of [group y]".
I honestly don't get why autists like get their panties in a knot about this, just leave your mom's basement and look outside, but hey I digress.
An alternative term would be "culture" or "group".
>What is the right term for the situation when there exist sort of a conspiracy, without people actively conspring with each other?
society? I mean if a group of people share the same values and goals, they don't need a "conspiracy" (I believe you are using the wrong term here) its just society.
Pretty close to original idea, actually.
He's referencing the "Jewish Conspiracy" meme which in itself is an attempt at a strawman fallacy.
That is, any accusation of two or more Jews colluding together to profit at the expense of a single or multiple gentiles can be dismissed as falsehood by instead accusing the accuser of believing that ALL Jews, not just the ones involved in the original action, are purposefully engaging in the bad behavior.
You realize in capitalism systems any number of people are conspiring at making a profit out of other people? and that's just not the realm of the "jews"
Capitalism is an emergent property, not a system. If you see nothing wrong with people who are Jewish conspiring together to profit at the expense of gentiles, why are you so horrified at the notion of people noticing this?
What about catholics conspiring at the expense of heretics?
Or protestants conspiring at the expense of rational people?
>Pretending that no Jews act with any kind of in-group nepotism
>Intentionally misinterpreting the OP as saying that ALL Jews are involved in such a stand alone complex
Weak shilling
Fraudulent business practice/collusion
You faggots act like most type of fraud that include more than one person aren't conspiracy, as if it was even possible to profit off corruption without cooperating secretly. Hell, most criminal act that require the least bit of planning could be considered conspiracy, maybe not when it comes to gang bangers but it is the norm for the mafia and the likes.
Yeah but that's not what OP is referring to, he is talking about cases where people strive for a same goal without explicitly cooperating with other people, I object to the use of the word conspiracy because it lacks the act of ACTUALLY conspiring.
That happens and is not good but I'm specifically asking why he is perfectly fine with people pointing out that Catholics, Buddhists, Jains, Zoroastrians, Republicans, Democrats, Tigers fans, and Danes will all conspire with other members of their own groups to obtain profit at the expense of outsiders, but anyone who points out that Jews do this is a dirty sinner and the idea that such a thing happens must be denied at all costs.
Yes, that is another way of putting it. I'm pointing out that accusing someone of believing all Jews are a telepathic hivemind as a means to deflect criticism about specific Jews is stupid.
Any actual examples of two actual, known Jews conspiring with each other?
>Catholics, Buddhists, Jains, Zoroastrians, Republicans, Democrats, Tigers fans, and Danes
>but anyone who points out that Jews do this is a dirty sinner and the idea that such a thing happens must be denied at all costs.
If everyone does it then why is it worth pointing out that the conspirators are jewish?
The fact that is curious is that despite everyone doing it it is only when the conspirators are Jewish that people such as scramble to deny any wrongdoing and slander anyone who points out that the conspirators were Jewish; something that would not happen so commonly if the conspirators were, say, Finns or Cathars.
It's called a coincidence.
>something that would not happen so commonly if the conspirators were, say, Finns or Cathars.
[Citation needed] I've never been aware of people saying that x people who are y,z,g religion are in a conspiracy.
Bernie Madoff and Fred Wilpon, Jeffrey Picower, and J. Ezra Merkin (I'm not counting his family members) for starters. The sheer fact that you're getting defensive about the notion of two or more Jews working together to commit some no-good is not only hilarious but a perfect example the phenomenon stated in .
This is because the "Jewish conspiracy" has been and still is used to justify committing or wanting to commit atrocities against Jewish people and people associated with Jews. I'm not sure why this is hard for you to understand.
Jews have literally never done anything bad you fucking anti-Semite!
Ya the detached part is key here.
This goes hand in hand with young people 18-30 have more political power in the west than ever before. All of this is thanks to technology, ie smart phones and internet.
In the absence of a great struggle / war + internet + ease of use, people begin to look for a great struggle instead of responding to one. I would argue white privilege, /pol/, hactivism, trans pro-nouns, are ideas that can ONLY exist when the 3 conditions mentioned previously are satisfied.
It's like we're collectively looking for a conflict to solve when there is none. It's like we know the long peace humanity is living in is just too good to be true.
Also, does Veeky Forums think young people 18-30 wanting to change the world has become more common in the past 1000 years or have the few always wanting to do so just become louder thanks to the internet?
What's truly strange is how unified some movements are in the end goals, but not in the implementation. Stand Alone Complex's are a response to a perceived problem in the world. The overarching theme of the first season hinted that when enough detached autists (literally) take a stab at changing the world, one of them will. The reason why so many try to is because thanks to technology they actually can.
On a side note, Ghost in the Shell 2nd gig covers one of the most basic but important political question of all, "What gives a state sovereignty?" well worth the watch.
Fair enough, continue on
The Jewish conspiracy is so widespread precisely because there is a sense of 'Jewish exceptionalism' where it is somehow morally unacceptable to point out the rampant Jewish nepotism that occurs in Western society. So eventually you reach the logical conclusion that if some Jews refuse to play by the same rules that every other group does, and it's nearly impossible to differentiate between the 'exceptionalist' Jews and the normal ones, then the only solution left is to remove all Jews from society as a group. If Jews want to be treated the same as everyone else, they should act like everyone else.
Conservatives institutions call themselves a "movement" when they collaberate. If you have something like commuism, or socialism, advancement of captialism, or even SJW stuff, its not exactly a conspiracy than it is a confluence of actors trying to achieve a certain result. They don't work together, just towards the same goal.
There you go, doing it again. You attempt to deflect any and all criticism of individual Jews who are up to no-good by accusing me of being a crazed anti-Semite.
It's clearly not about whether or not the individual Jews had actually done anything wrong, otherwise you wouldn't be arguing that I'm one to dream of mass murder but instead a fool for painting the whole of the Jewish people with the same brush.
So, I ask again: Why are you so adamant that no one recognize the perpetrators of certain bad actions are Jewish, and may collude to commit said bad actions due to their shared Jewish background?
You asked for reasons why people are wary around people who watch for Jewish conspiracies, and I gave you the most obvious answer. Because most Jew-conspiracy theorists tend to become white nationalist radicals, normal people assume you sympathize with them when you complain about Jewish collaboration. Because the average person's exposure to white nationalist radicals fall exclusively to the KKK and Nazis, they tend to assume people who sympathize with them are okay with committing atrocities against Jews and Jewish associates.
In addition, I'm not the one you've been arguing with. I was just stating the obvious, which you seemed not to have gotten.
Bravo Bravo!
Good Post I say
Thank you.