Post your country, and how this affects you

Post your country, and how this affects you.

>Not affected at all

Feels bad, man

Czech republic so around 80-90 % Germanized rest on Siberia.

>Finland with Karelia and murmansk with friendly relations to Adolf.

Eh pretty good.

>US Iowan
Totally unaffected.

>drained Mediterranean farmland

>Pasu, Osutoraria

I for one welcome our new anime overlords.

Good answers

What a shitty fantasy land, my ass could push out turds on a map that make more sense as this

Into the trash.

A southern puppet state

Why do distopians even include south american at all in their worlds?

I mean, they don't fucking care about it, I get it. They don't know shit about us at all. But I'd rather they just simply didn't mention the continent at all rather than draw fucking awful borders with stupid-ass alliances that don't make sense.

>tfw still stuck in US


>draining the med

This would fuck up the climate and land of Europe..

dude doesn't matter, we're nazis XDD

it piss, we freaks XDD

Would have been born in Nazi American South. Awkward, as I'm Jewish.

Yeah, frankly I don't understand why they'd do that. Being a maritime nation is one of Italy's big "things", and the Suez Canal is rather vital for European trade.

>Drained Mediterranean Farmland

Who writes this shit? You will be more or less extending northern Africa right up to Italy's doorstep.



We're so fucking irrelevant, even the nazis and gooks don't care about us.

How is salty sand going to turn into arable soil?

I have grown a deep hatred for Socialism.

The same goes for India in Alt-his maps. The people that make them always have no idea about the history or demographics of the place so they usually just lump it into some big asian blob.
Maps are, in some ways, the most interesting part of an alternate history scenario, and when its half-assed its really noticeable

In the book Africa has been almost entirely exterminated and Italy is so pathetic its JUST-tier

So We under Italian fascism now?

Britain, probably an improvement. I don't see how we could've done much worse than we did post-1945.

That's just a fan-made map. This is the world map used by the second season of the TV show

>Nazi American South Puppet State
So /pol/?

Wasn't Italy JUST-tier IRL as well?


Meh it was pretty much one before the Allies invaded so not that much a difference

I don't imagine racial laws will be that strictly enforced--there are a ton of races in Iran (Turks, Afghans, Bakhtiars, Kurds, etc) and they all identify as Iranian (which they are) before Azeri, Luri, Jewish, whatever.

Don't know how Islam will interact with the govt--I imagine it'd look like modern Ba'athist states, i.e. our strain of Islam is the best, our nation is the best, only Muslims can hold office, whilst maintaining an autistic superiority complex against Arabs

So not much will change tbqh

Aren't Iranians, by definition, aryan?

Wouldnt it all be salt flats??

This world is, in the book, a bullshit dream of a hack writer which people in-universe realize is fucking stupid when they think about it long enough.
The real world is, in the book, a world where USSR got BTFO'd by Germany before it collapsed and the UK stayed neutral, the Cold War being between the US and UK, which the UK won by being more racially pure.