Have any of you guys actually cashed out on more than 5000 or 10000 dollars? Where are all the rich NEETs at?
Have any of you guys actually cashed out on more than 5000 or 10000 dollars? Where are all the rich NEETs at?
Leave now underage
I'm not trying to imply that's a lot of money.
I'm implying that I haven't seen any evidence that any of the "rich NEETs" here have taken out anything.
Why would you "cash out"
Fiat currencies are fucking always going down in relative price due to inflation.
If you "cash out" your losing on potential gains
This tbqh.
I've cashed out 170,000 into coinbase
To afraid that chase will report me to the FBI.. No idea how to get that much into my checking.
What do you plan to do with the money in the future?
Just pay your 15% and stop worrying
You'd have to be larping to risk 175k over 25k in taxes.
Put $10,000 into ETH ICO
Put $20,000 into WAVES ICO
Putting $30,000 into BAT ICO
Trading is for sheep, by it's definition. I'm rich now because I'm not an impatient trader. I check prices weekly and live my life.
Pretty much. If I just keep my position in bitcoin and some promising shitcoins I will make more money just sitting on them than fiat sitting in a savings account or investing in some stock.
I really don't plan on cashing out until I have enough to live off of for decades desu. Probably wouldn't cash out then either. More likely I would wait for the normies to get in on this train and then cash out.
Wait, is that capital or income? For America 15% sounds waaaaay too low to be true.
Keep reinvesting and pull out a little if needed ever. My portfolio is essentially my savings account. Last time I pulled out some was to buy some weed and a bird (since I was out of spending cash)
I asked HR block and the told be I would pay somewhere above 30%
I feel like just buying more BTC and ETH on dips.
I can't believe the gov will take almost 50k...they didn't even earn it.
you sound like an autismo, I don't believe in your advice
I thought the max capital gain tax was 20%? you still got 120k either way.
It's income tax on crypto not capital gains.
I thought that was only if you had it less than a year
High functioning autism would place me above you on the intelligence scale, my man
Taxation is theft, welcome to the club. You think that money is going to the education system, roads, or policeman/firemen? Fuck no it's not.
I thought if you cashed out within a year it's capital gains? I don't trust anyone at HR block desu
I made 45k this month just on DGB and RDD
I'm not holding that shit for a year...
But you can't buy a lambo with $45k....
You should just keep it all in crypto silly. Only cash out some when you need to spend money on drugs and music festivals. Sort yourself, user.
Yeah you fucking can you asshat
Who the fuck buys a lambo outright?
A fucking idiot
16k down and 2k per month gets you a fucking sweet ass lambo
Buying a depreciating commodity =(
I'm trying to get a nice house for $120k in a small town.
I don't care about lambos, I just want to retire at 40.
If you cash out within a year your cap gains hits like a fucking truck aka at normal income tax levels. 15% is only if you hold over a year. Did I mention IRS agents are allowed to carry M16s to raid your ass?
>investing in an extremely expensive black hole
Hope you're at least having fun with it.
Can't imagine full coverage insurance from a premium insurance company on that bad boy.
lambos are to cryptonerds as $3000 rims and grills are to basketball americans
a tool to part fools and their money
Can someone in this thread explain to a coin-curious newb how one cashes out? I'm a dirty commie who believes in taxes, I just need to know how to report it.
Yeah no shit, thats why you lease it
>I thought the same shit until I saw this dude on youtube break it down
I cashed out $12,500 at the DOGE ICO. That was it for me. I didn't start mining again until a week ago.