What - in your opinion - works better for the Church: modernism or traditionalism?
What - in your opinion - works better for the Church: modernism or traditionalism?
If the church took a hard-line traditional stance it would probably slowly lose popularity and, while never completely dying out, become totally irrelevant. Sort of like how there's still Zoroastrians, but society completely passed them by.
I imagine the future of the catholic church will play out much like the church of England. More of a cultural institution with the god question being the least important.
That decrepit relic would be better off shutting its doors and saving face while they still can.
>it would probably slowly lose popularity
It already is losing popularity. And does so since the sixties.
The RCC was merely a tool in the hands of the Antichrist for persecuting Christians. He has other tools besides this one. No reason to expend excessive effort to preserve a tool beyond its lifespan. Right now the tag team between Liberalism and radical Islam is far more effective. The RCC, like an old, used up whore, tried to show the Antichrist and his proxies that she still has it in her with Pope Francis, but they're not impressed.
Catholics, repent and convert to the Christian faith before its too late.
IIRC the statistics show that "Liberal" Churches decline while Orthodox ones grow if at least stagante
Turns out telling people to not take their religion seriously ends up in people treating it as a hobby and then leaving when their bored
>1840s to 1960s
>Church does not let go of its positions, quite the opposite, it becomes even more traditionalist, with ultramontanism, in opposition to modernity
>it grows in power and becomes a hugely influential institution, Christian democratic parties become dominant in Europe
>post 1960s
>the Church tries to adapt to modernity and become more inclusive
>it collapses in power and influence, pretty much a glamourized NGO now repeating Harvard University and London School of Economics globalist doctrine
This exactly. Cowardice and capitulation don't pay off.
Cry me a river, heretic.
Do you think this guy should be our new Pope?
Catholics aren't Christian
The lake of fire
Is something worth preserving if the only way to preserve it is making it completely different?
Protestants are so funny. If catholics are not christians, no one is.
I think it needs to increase focus on traditional values, but modernize its appearance and methods of communication of those values.
All of the young people entering the church are trads. The Latin masses are full and the vernacular masses are empty.
The church's fifty year experiment in modernism has been an unmitigated failure.
Interesting thing, isn't it? We're talking about a generation of people who weren't born into nor rised in/with the traditional liturgy and yet, they want - and even demand - an opportunity to experience it.
Except that is not a product of the Church being traditionalist. You people are retarded if that is what truly making the church decline. It clinging to liberalism and progressiveness is but one last attempt of a corpse slowly rotting out to assert its relevance in the XXI century
Repent, papist. Lest the Lord should come like a thief in the night and catch you in your idolatry.
The Catholic Church is a business, Protestant Mega Churches are businesses, they're trying to attract customers and that's why they'll never shift towards tradition unless society itself does before them.
This, the church didn't gain power between 1840-1960. It lost power in huge amounts. it went from being the state mandated religion to a cultural institution, practiced but not really believed in.
>a cultural institution
>practiced but not really believed in
The church was raising in popularity for the first time in forever after wwII. Vatican II screwed it up.
It was successful, but that was because they bet on an illiberal order that, for a time, looked like it would succeed, as it had in Spain, German, Italy, Hungary etc. etc. World War Two destroyed that order and so the Church lost its influence. It didn't help that the liberal order fostered a postwar boom that made people concerned with economically bettering themselves rather than finding solace in religion.
Theology comes before modernism or Traditionalism if the Church is to survive it must stay true to the message of Christ. The church should ignore what is trendy and be a solid un compromising pillar of morale authority. Without fear of being un-popular.
I agree. But how to change fait accompli Vaticanum II was?
How euphoric.
>it must stay true to the message of Christ. The church should ignore what is trendy and be a solid un compromising pillar of morale authority. Without fear of being un-popular.
And you just defined traditionalism, you mindless. drooling retard.
2 Thessalonians 2:15
So then, brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.
>tfw during the christmas mass the new priest used twatter and kikebook as an allegory to describe gods prophets
I died a little inside.
The number of catholics is growing steadily.
>I died a little inside.
Was it Tridentine or NOM?
That's due to comparatively high birthrates in developing countries and immigration to the global north.