If you haven't bought Ethereum by now you LITERALLY hate money. Just leave the board and don't come back.
If you haven't bought Ethereum by now you LITERALLY hate money. Just leave the board and don't come back
>76 literally WHO companies
>literal who
nice try
>tfw broke
Gettingc back into cryptos, what's the fastest site to get btc from, so that I can trade into other things? Time is of the essence.
>Credit Suisse
>JP Morgan
Whatever you say man, let me get back to counting my money
1 eth = 0.1btc when?
It's impossible to get the shit before Consensus. I'd literally buy 10+ right now if these fucking sites would let me. Fuck Kraken, Fuck Coinbase, Fuck Cex.io. I'm so fucking upset
So I've missed the moon yet again.
> literally WHO
>Credit Suisse
>Jp Morgan
>National Bank of Canada
>Thomson Reuters
These are the companies I recognize. They all have at least 1 billion in valuation -- some in the hundreds.
Are you making like retard on purpose?
Sh-should I buy the tip?
is it too late at this point?
have 1k to throw away atm
I did. But, I just started doing this. So don't take my advice -- which is advice in itself... So maybe do take my advice.
No it's not too late. Just make sure you can amass 100 ETH before it really explodes and hits bitcoin prices (1k or more).
I already have 70 ETH and I'm trying to get to 100 because I'm fairly sure I'll be pretty well off if I can keep putting money into it.
Stop trying to sound smart you retard. Nobody is impressed OK?!
I havent heard of a single one of those so I know you had to google them. You are just plane retarded.
ok I just gonna bite the bullet and drop 2.5k on ETH with Coinbase now and maybe more later then
as long as it dont fuck me up long term im happy desu
For all those asking if it's too late ask yourself this question.
If btc were the price of eth right now, would you buy it?
Now consider the fact that bitcoin has no official alliance with any companies and compare that to the fact that ETH has just onboarded like 30% of worldwide MAJOR institutions.
If you don't think ETH has already beaten btc then your brain isn't working properly and you should get medicated.
Buy the fucking ETH until it SURPASSES btc.
God idiots like you are a diamond dozen these days...
Oh, man your posts have me in tears. Thanks for the laughs from trolling m8. It's easy to get a rise from people around here.
If I don't have much money to play with, is it worth it to put 50 dollars into ETH?
desu do the shitcoin pumps first then ethereum.
Yeah, imagine buying $50 worth of bitcoin when it was under $200. Now multiply that by 100x in 5 years.
>bought in at $75 like a good boy because Veeky Forums told me to
>poorfag so only had enough for 6 ETH
>currently laughing at all the profits
When is the best time to sell boys?
For us small folk its best to sell when u feel like it, eth would have be worth 10k for u to ever regret selling now,
For me im w8 till it gets to 600-1000 so i can buy the latest gaybookpro n maybe still have 1 eth leftover just 2 hav
T.guy who has 9 eth and bought at 40
I'd reinvest 1 ETH into other alt-coins.
100x? Don't you mean 10x?
Shit is going to crash hard to sub-$20 once the BTC agreements are figured out, I'd get out now if I were you.
t. just moved 65 ETH into various coins this morning
Any recvomendations? I'm a pleb so I don't really know what coins are good.
>BTC agreements
What agreements are these user?
>BTC agreements
>leddit rumors
You have no idea what you're talking about. You think back room agreements between BTC self-appointing "power brokers" will result in overwhelmingly positive consensus through the BTC community for what's supposed to be a decentralized tech?
You need to start reading friend. BTC will be thrown into turmoil if it turns out to be true regardless of what the agreement is.
Is Coinbase my only option if I wanna buy from a debit card? It's not going through.
A diamond dozen???? Surely you don't mean "a dime a dozen".....
These eth shills really are delusional.
I'd tell you to kill yourselves but I think you will when this altcoin bubble pops and your scamcoin slowly goes down to where it belongs, zero.
Meanwhile Bitcoin will have segwit and this board will be like you never were even here when you scamper back into the woodwork like the cockroaches you are
Holy shit you're new
1eth=2btc by 2020
>sub-$20 eth
I think I just came a little. What I wouldn't do ...