I just found this for MUSICOIN. MUSIC TO MY EARS

I just found this for MUSICOIN. MUSIC TO MY EARS.
This was 4 days ago, GET ON THIS MOON IMMEDIATELY. How the fuck isn't the price higher for this coin


Other urls found in this thread:


Not sure if real but I read a rumour that Google music was gonna use this tech to handle their royalties to artists?

fuck, lol. i was gonna post this, the transfer of eth just took forever to get to bittrex. but yes, that's real.

Moon mission boys.

Veeky Forums has made me money before and looks like we're going to do it again

is this 4 real? should i be going all in?

OMG I am gonna be a rich fuck! Put in 1btc. Cya later!

Welcome aboard, next destination, THE MOON

where to buy lads?

Bittrex brother, bittrex

i fucking did it. this better be good

You guys are just fucking shilling again, there is no proper announcement. There are no buy ins except for a few whales, waiting for it to pump so they can dump again.

>bagholding for a napster knockoff

best start selling off this shit at the peak.


well, the screenshot in is real, "@im" is the developer, Isaac Mao: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Mao

That much you can verify yourself by just visiting the slack. Maybe THEY'RE shilling it, but the stuff posted on Veeky Forums has been real so far maybe with the exception of But otherwise this is looking like a safe buy.

you missed out on Burst, XBY, dgb and rdd and vrx too, didn't you?

new coin with committed devs, did some research on their slack and bitcointalk

They actually seem to have some IRL shit going down, in contrast to all the shitocins.

>Real working platform

This coin is going to make me fucking rich

this thing is a fucking pipe dream if i've ever seen one

get out early

Why do you think that?

fucking shills. This coin has a fully functional platform and experienced devs. It's fundamentally more sound than 95% of the market AT LEAST.

i have no weight to put behind these arguments, but for this platform to grow anywhere worthwhile it'd have to grow to mass adoption, right? because on their website they state the idea is 1 $music = 1 stream, so that's either gonna have to be ridiculously expensive if noone is using it, which would happen if noone was using it, or cheap if everyone suddenly hopped on the bandwagon

so basically musicoin has to compete with giants like spotify or youtube to reach any kind of real value

and then there's the issue of labels, which from what i gather is what this thing is trying to fight? yeah so labels are the bits of the process that actually drive audiences to the music, artists have no fucking clue whatsoever how to market themselves and do a really fucking shitty job of it

maybe if they could get some billboard top performers in on it but i really don't see that happening

i'm just spitballing here though, having read like 1/3 they have on their site and scrolled their twitter a bit

if you've got anything to fuck my shit up then go right ahead i might buy in myself

Volume just went into the coin.

I'd get on this now, really.

as an afterthought though, none of that is strictly applicable at all if you just ride the pump lol, none of this shit is rational anymore with shit like rdd and bcn and doge mooning suddenly

Too late? Seems like the rocket's already launched.

it's best not to use logic this deep user. Just let people invest and learn their lessons.

Just starting out.

>10 posts and nobody asked for a source

Newcomers, these are the schemes you need to learn to avoid. Over.

What dip should I be looking for to throw 100 shekels into this bitch?

Im balls deep for this. MOON MISSION LETS GO

Just check out their twitter. It's real

i suppose. guess i'll just buy the dip and get into the spirit of them all


5k sats in 8 hours




what exchange yall using to buy Musiccoin? I don't see it on Coinbase


Golem is gearing up for an explosion. Just look at the charts.


verge and rdd are mooning again just like yesterday at 21:00. hop in on that one too and later this evening buy the eth dip