Wtf is with black people? They look like children of the corn when you take away their blackness. People still want to argue race is only skin deep?
Race is real
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imagine being robbed by a jive talking albino
First, this isn't /pol/.
>race is only skin deep
Only indoctrinated liberal cucks say this, there's like several dozen mindless mantras they always parrot ("Love is love", "We all bleed red", "It's the current year, I can't believe people still think this", "America is a stolen country"), etc. There's no reason to even pay attention to that shit.
We should pay attention to it considering it's the dominate western paradigm.
Doesn't mean we should be arguing their point, it's like arguing with a radio, they will always parrot the same shit because they're fucking zombies.
Does anyone here seriously believe race doesn't exist? Because mainstream thought on both the right and left think so.
I think "race is only skin deep" means no matter what race someone is, it doesn't prohibit them from being intelligent, moral, etc.
The far left hijacked this narrative as they did so many others and rammed it into a wall, yet they keep trying to push through the wall like a persistent woodpecker trying to chop a tree down
I've seen it on Veeky Forums.
I've heard "race isn't a biological fact" here.
It's not in the same sense that "species" and "chair" aren't well-defined categories. But if you want "chair" and "planet" and "sandwich" to be real, then "race" is just as real.
Race is used to describe groups of ethnicities that are genetically very close to each other. It is real.
Race is real, but "ethnicity" is not. Ethnicity is just a bunch of cultural and linguistic garbage, it has no basis in biology.
Ethnicities as in Germanics, Nordics, Celts, Mediterraneans, Turkics, etc.
>Post people with genetic deformity
>Surprised when they aren't attractive
Once again - no biological basis for that.
Well I believe it, so it's real you fuck. Germanics and Turkics exist.
>It was real in my mind
Doesn't correlate with ethnicity at all. "Germanic" Austrians are closer to "Slavic" Czechs than to "Germanic" Norwegians.
These are average blacks who happen to suffer from albinism. The fact you think these people look deformed only shows your latent racism. Most blacks physically look like the subjects in the picture.
Then why do nonalbino blacks not look as off putting if it's not the albinoism itself
bleached eyebrows and bad acne certainly doesn;t help them out much.
Norwegians are Nordic mate. Also, where are you getting that from lol?
Their darkness conceals their facial features from the eye.
Nordic is a subgroup of Germanic, dumbass.
>where are you getting that from
Getting what exactly?
The whole Austrians being closer to Slavic nonsense.
Unless you're separating by nationalities?
Race isn't real you pleb
you do realize the skin deep term does not literally only apply to the colour, right? it's referring to the entire appearance
I'm talking about genetics. Germanic and Slavic are just languages, not genetics.
Well there's bones under your skin so that's wrong too.
So what in your mind refers to genetic groupings of people?
And yet earlier you said the definition of race was complicated?
ITT: spooks
Not well defined I suppose if what you said
That wasn't me and I disagree with that guy.
Alrighty then have a good day sir
Here is your safe space, comrad.
Physical appeared is biological different but it stops there, we swear goyim.
Except Albinism only affects skin, hair and eyes color, faggot
The ugly facial features of the people in OP pic are just typical negroid racial features
They're just put in light by the white skin so you realize how different and ugly black people are
Here's how a white albinos looks like
If humans were categoriesed in the same way we to animals, we would be divided into subspecies.
>itt: the halo effect
you fags are so shallow sometimes
>genetic deformity
Weird way to address blackness
That's why people who don't believe in races are either creationist or hypocritical
Nature wouldnt make something special for humans, so either God is behind this, either humans have races just like other animals and one of these is bound to be inferior
He looks like every animeboo girls dream.
Which community college did you drop out of that makes you qualified to arrive to such a conclusion?
>insults poster instead of rebutting claim with facts.
Why would God allow, let alone create, black people?
We are categorized though. All members of humanity are categorized into a subspecies called "Homo sapiens sapiens", a subspecies of the species "Homo sapiens". No other subspecies are alive today.
Also, reminder that race is an informal term even in biology, and does not directly correspond to any true classification smaller than subspecies.
God doesn't exist, so.
This isn't true.
In order to have subspecies you need to have geographically and genetically distinct populations.
These have literally never existed in homo sapiens for the simple reason that we can survive in virtually any terrain.
According to a Hindu holy book (forget which one) the dark skinned races are descended from the union of a witch and a demon.
That's wrong you fucking retard
Sapiens Sapiens is the specie (aka "humans"), blacks, whites, asians...etc are the subspecies
Do you know any animal subspecie with physical differences within it as huge as between blacks and whites?
There's none
At most they can have different hair colors (much like white humans can), but not fully different facial features
>species is called "wise wise"
>subspecies of "wise wise blacks"
Thought blacks were dumb?
hehe, checkmate atheists
I'm pretty sure a mastiff and a chihuahua are more different than a Nigerian and a German.
Partly because Germans are niggers, but still.
Race is a real thing with distinct characteristic that are give us advantages or disadvantages. For some race as something skin deep because of likely fear of being considered weaker in one skill compared to another race (an inferior by race). It is the same with the other side. To them it all comes down to race and makes people look away from the potential of the self.
>He thinks the different homos are subspecies of one specie rather than the different stages of one specie through its evolution
Your point being?
Dogs have subspecies that are extremely different from each others but they also have some that have smaller differences between them than a nignog and a swede
Rottweilers and Beaucerons looks quite similar but they're still different races
But humans only have one subspecies. All of humanity is more genetically similar to each other then different subspecies of dogs are to one another.
You're cherrypicking the absolute worst cases to make mountains out of molehills.
"SJW's" have existed since before you were born and they are no worse or widespread now than they were in the past. The internet makes it much easier to observe, but the overwhelming response to it is still negative.
They are a vocal minority, pun intended.
Do you live in a bubble?
My point being that there are no dog subspecies.
Your claim that if humans were categorized the same way as other animals, there would be subspecies is categorically false.
Maybe the Sentinalese could qualify if nobody bugs them for another ten thousand years or so.
Any assimilated race in a western society can be successful.
I never understand why Americans mostly choose to treat the blacks like trash, refuse to educate them for years, beat them, tell them they arent wanted anywhere, profile them, put drugs and their communities all in the name to STOP DA COMMIES and basically do all that because they have a dark skin tone.
And then we wonder today why the blacks distrust the goverments, dont listen to "whitey" and wonder why many of the youth choose to remain uneducated.
mmm well lets see if we would of just accepted them into our culture, gave them equal opportunity and equal education They would be a "problem"