Why do most people, AKA the masses, possess little appreciation for intellectualism? To rephrase, why would so many people rather watch Keeping up with the Kardashians rather than read a book?
Why do most people, AKA the masses, possess little appreciation for intellectualism? To rephrase...
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Why do most simpletons, AKA animals, posses little appreciation for intellectualism? To rephrase, why would so many simpletons rather follow their basic programming (eat and fuck) rather than read a book?
I have no idea why do you find it surprising that plebs are interested in pleb shit. It's only the enlightement retards who thought interests of people will magically change if they receive literacy and education.
Human intelligence follows a normal distribution.
Most people don't have time or don't see a return of investment in intellectualism. People want instant gratification or an escape from reality. Think of keeping up with the kardashians like playing sims but with a mundane structured story. Its not stressful to watch and a good topic for light convo.
>return of investment
Why does everyone seem to do it like this?
You should do things whether they return in investment or not, for example I can go learn to play pool, but I have no return investment except for fun I receive.
Shouldn't it be the same for reading and intellectualism? You know, do it for yourself?
It seems like their capacity is the same of the one of an animal. Existence, and passing of the time until they die while feeling pleasure from time to time.
No meaning no nothing.
Seems like a sad life.
One reason maybe is when they think too much they also realize their mistakes and failures. Most people are impulsive or just living in the moment and they seldome think of the consequence of their actions
Why do the 'intellectuals' hold so much disdain for most people?
>Why do the most people hold so much disdain for 'intellectuals'?
Because some among them generalize too goddanm much. I fucking hate Keeping up with the Kardashians.
Reading a book requires thinking which is hard for a hedonistic naked ape.
This is a false statement, merely 850,000 to 1.17million people watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians. Again, you say masses, now we have to get an idea of what people would rather watch TV instead of furthering their education or intellectual. It is mostly people with no ambitions in life or as other user said an escape from reality. Most people rather improve themselves with other uses. Stop believe in these false fallacies user.
Most smart successful people I've known have some "low brow" interests- full tenured professors that watch shit tv, sports, played pool, basketball, and pinball and listen to punk rock.
Even ancient scholars attended gladiator games, chariot races etc.
It's doubtful there's a connection between "low brow" entertainment and intellect.
what's worse a pleb who watches keeping up with the Kardashians or a pleb who thinks he's smart and considers it below him to watch it?
You can be dumb as shit and be successful.
Those same professors are probably not anywhere near the top.
Anyone that is successful in his field is manically obsessed with his field.
>You can be dump as shit and be successful
>Anyone that is successful in his field is manically obsessed with his field
secularism, materialism, consumerism.
subjective. i could say kardashians is fun. also who is to say kardashians isnt an intellectually kino.
It isn't fun. If it is, you are degenerate.
It isn't fun because I say so and I am a holy beast.
The next step of evolution.
Trust me on this one bro.
heh portuguese magazines
on topic:
if you return home after a long day's work and you have dinner to make/kids to treat, the last thing on your mind is personal growth.
you end up wasting the hours where you're not eating, sleeping or working in front of a fucking tv drooling in front of stupid people doing stupid shit.
and this is necessary to keep those silly automatons sanity in check or else they would murder their entire family, their boss and whoever they could before getting put down.
>it's a lie than most people watching tv want to be fed the lowest quality entertainment possible
just check the history channel, m8
no, wait... let me do that for you:
and there's a reason why the history channel doesn't air anything history related anymore - and the reason is the same why mtv doesn't air anything music related nowadays: the dumb masses want to be entertained with low-brow shows and if the audiences for trash devoid of content is way higher than shows where you actually need to have to neurons to rub together, why the fuck would they want to keep betting on a losing wage?
except in national broadcasts, where there's an actual obligation of airing quality content and not just profitable pus
Balance is the word here
Just like eating fast food every now and then. It won't turn you in a fat fuck unless you overdo it.
Isn't there a pic with like 5 book stacks
yes, where after you see the juden pulling the strings and above them aliens n shit
a classic shoop
Life is too easy.
It doesn't apply to everyone.
The total amount of work I do for university,my job and physical activity roughly equates to 8 hours.
After I get home, the first thing that I do is either wrenching on my project car, doing my own non uni related Veeky Forums that I hold interest in or eventually educating someone in matters I am knowledgeable.
The downtime on any of those pursuits is spent on finding next point of interest within the borders of those same pursuits.
I can't be the only one that likes to challenge himself constantly? Being troubled by something and fighting against it and eventually succeeding is the greatest reward I can possibly imagine, and as a plus i get the knowledge of that matter.
So at the end of the day, I guess its up to individuals capacity. Maybe its physical, maybe its mental or maybe its intellectual. But I suppose there is a cap on persons threshold in one of those things where he says enough.
That or the ones that constantly challenge themselves grow out of their initial capacity.
this is really upsets me. i used to watch the history channel all the time, along with history international. when history started going to shit, i switched to history international and then that became h2 and stopped watching altogether.
now i just watch documentaries on youtube or netflix, come here and continue to read about history.
i always ask myself the same question, op. i don't understand why people don't want to learn and expand not only our own knowledge but the collective knowledge of humanity.
i enjoy escapism and enjoy scifi/fantasy books, movies and games. but i can't find the appeal in enjoying something like celebrity culture. id much prefer some fiction with elements of history thrown in.
>Why do most people, AKA the masses, possess little appreciation for intellectualism? To rephrase, why would so many people rather watch Keeping up with the Kardashians rather than read a book?
well, i speak for myself but when i come home i do nothing but play videogames until i'm exhausted enough to go to bed and since that never happens, i end up reading interesting discussions here or shitposting on /v/.
probably because, unlike you, i have little to no objectives in life but to let the time go by... and it has been a long time since i cared about challenges in life: at this point i just want the rewards and could care less about getting better at most things.
and like me, most people lack the guts or the ambition to do something interesting and the next best activity anyone lacking the focus or temperament can do is to watch shitty tv or if he's over that and wants something less passive: play vidya. both sides from the same sad coin.
Kim Kardashian is highly intelligent
>tfw too intelligent for intellectualism
Sounds like you have given up user.
If you still want to have a fulfilled life, you can have it.
You may need to go through a hardship to get it, but fighting is the essence of what your life should be.Feeling alive.
I have been through poverty most my life. I fought for it and now im earning quite a good buck.
I worked hard on studying, not for school, but for myself and it payed off. I am knowledgeable about everything, those hours I read were valuable, they made me disciplined and humble.
I was weak, so I physicaly challenged myself and acheived great strength and satisfaction.
I have bought my Supra, tuned it to 500+ HP, been in multiple crashes with a car that spends 6 MPG, ended up with a distorted face and I still want to do more things with it.
Each and every thing these did for me was to make me feel alive.
I may not get through to you with this post. But if you are nihilistic, and just think it doesn't matter, I must say I agree. It doesn't matter, in the end we all die.Because it doesn't matter you would try to acheive 160 mph, then proceed to roll over 8 times in it and nearly die, or get so fucking strong you can squat quarter a ton or blast the night with your charisma and be the life of the party or make something with your own two hands?
It doesn't matter in the end so why not give your very best?
Because they're bitter sad permavirgins.
Sports are yet another opiate of the masses
You can't just be using your brain non-stop all day. It needs to rest and you do that by indulging in dumb shit.
It doesn't matter in the end so why not do what you enjoy like play video games. That's what he's doing.