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Waiting for the fish to bite, eh? Good luck OP, they'll probably bite with the chum you've got. Have fun, and good fishing.
>/pol/ kiddies are the same people reposting memes from their facebook feed onto Veeky Forums
So what caused the genocide of North American protestants?
>75 million
>42 million
Check mate, shlomos
Nope, it looks like they disappeared.
>total: 116 million
>total: 90 million
Probably some denominations went to "others".
Nah, they probabl converted because protestantism is fucking shit.
I realized there are few interesting strategies used by the alt-right, holocaust deniers and antisemites to prove their point using historical "evidence".
>quoting old outdated books written by historians
You know, stuff from 1920s and 1930s. And if you really want to prove your point you can always go with Spengler or even Treitschke.
>quoting often old works about very general topics
For example: if you want to "prove" that Jews were responsible for the Atlantic slave trade then quote passages from some old books about Jewish history in North America. Never mention works focusing solely on the Atlantic slave trade because they are simply better researched and won't prove your point.
>quoting ancient and medieval "historians"
I think Stefan Molyneux quoted Tacitus to prove that women rights destroy civilization or something. It doesn't matter that Tacitus died 300 years before the fall of the Roman Empire. His audience doesn't know or care about that.
Trials and documents account for only 300k dead. The only evidence for 6 million Jews dead is a single census. I wonder who would benefit from lying on the census during a time of persecution?
>The only evidence for 6 million Jews dead is a single census.
Just stop. You clearly know very little about the holocaust.
Empty and embarrassing reply.
Holocaust deniers are fucking retarded
Produce for me the hard evidence of 6 million dead Jews. All accounts and trials point to it being extremely overblown.
>All accounts and trials point to it being extremely overblown.
Feel free to provide your "accounts and trials".
>inb4 /pol/ infopics
Didn't click. Thanks for embarrassing yourself again.
I have a question for you.
What is in this for you? I mean, either way there is no denying that Hitler ordered the extermination of Jews, but why does it matter if it was overblown? Where is the underlying mentality here? What is your point? Thousands of Jews died either way. It was an ordered genocide.
It's an index of links to evidence/documents/testimonies.
>Jews were responsible for the Atlantic slave trade then quote passages from some old books about Jewish history in North America.
Kinda irrelevant. But apart from one or two Jews buying some slaves in the U.S, what else is there?
According to the anti-semites Jews dominated the Atlantic slave trade. This claim came from this book.
> including Saul S. Friedman, who contends that Jews had a minimal role in New World slave trade.
>minimal role
Like being the biggest insurance underwriter of slave ships?