I've been here since Veeky Forums was founded, but I never started a folder. IT post Veeky Forums memes
No one believed in the same religion of their ancestors by then
Wow this is amazing, actually
There were still temples to Jupiter m8. The statue of Nike was still in the senate house. Youre a faggot
My Arabic is pretty remedial but I'm pretty sure that's Hussein.
"One who buggers with fire burns his penis" pure gold.
>I've been here since Veeky Forums was founded
Me too, that happened like a year ago
I unironically like the Gator show, it has no business being on the History channel but I still like it.
>hurr durr implying there ever was a Roman state religion
History Channel tier education.
So it was Amelia who was antisemitic...?
Makes you think
Shit, the Onion was around then?
I see you browse reddit as well my friend :^)